Even if the Dark Empire has 700,000 true gods, they are not the opponents of the Holy Empire and the castle power.

You can even say~

Just relying on the True God Legion of the Holy Empire is enough to kill the entire army of the True God of the Dark Empire, and there is no threat at all.

With the collapse of time and space~

Countless figures appeared out of thin air.

At the moment of arrival, the gods from the Holy Empire and the castle forces said nothing and killed the true gods of the Dark Empire.

But at this time.

A terrifying mysterious force swept across.

Forcibly shrouded the Holy Empire, the castle forces, and the Dark Empire, the true gods of the three camps.

This mysterious power forms a different space battlefield, isolating the gods of the three camps from the endless continent.

This is the power from the law of the endless continent world!

Just because a battle of gods with a scale of a certain level cannot appear in the Endless Continent. After all, the threat to mortal-level creatures is too great.

When the war of gods broke out, countless mortals would die at every turn.

The world laws of the Endless Continent will naturally not allow such a thing to happen.

Change it to the past~

The law of the world will forcibly move the battlefield of the battle of gods to an extraterritorial world, and let the gods of all camps fight to the death in the extraterritorial starry sky.

But the situation is not right now.

The Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss have descended on the Blood Moon.

At the same time, there are also a large number of demons and demon gods, which are constantly being transmitted.

Once the gods of each camp descend on the outer starry sky, they are likely to encounter attacks from the abyss demons.

Therefore, the world law of Endless Continent is very humanized, and a different space battlefield is directly created, allowing the gods of each faction to fight in the different space battlefield.

"It's the true angel of the Holy Empire, they killed them!"

"And the gods of the castle power!"

"There are nearly a million in number!"

"My God! Did they kill them so soon?"

"Didn't we already send someone over to explain to the Holy Empire? How could they still gather and attack us without saying a word!"


"All the gods sent to negotiate in the past have all fallen!"

"Including Lawrence and Elro, who have the status of the upper gods! The angels of the Holy Empire didn't listen to their explanation at all, so they attacked and killed them!"

"It's over!"

"The Holy Empire obviously regards us as a hostile force!"

"One mistake, we will lose everything!"

In the different space battlefield, the gods belonging to the Dark Empire are all terrified, and their expressions are ugly.

They don't think that with their strength, coupled with the god-level puppets and god-level undead servants under their command, they can compete with the army of millions of gods from the Holy Empire and the castle power.

In themselves, in terms of individual strength and equal status, they are not the opponents of the angels of the god-level race.

Now, the number of gods in their faction is not as large as that of the Holy Empire and the castle.

Insufficient strength and few numbers!

How can such a war be won?

Immediately, a dark **** with the pinnacle of the upper **** stood up and looked at the four figures above the battlefield in the different space.

Those four figures all exuded the power of the terrifying Lord God.

They obviously won't participate in this battle of gods.

However, they are guarding this different space battlefield.

With them there, the army of the True God of the Holy Empire and the castle forces would have no chance of defeat.

"Your Majesty, this is a misunderstanding!"

The dark **** at the peak of the upper **** said with an ugly expression: "We were attacked by the Radiant Empire. Their gods pretended to be angels and attacked and killed important figures and elite talents in our army camp, causing us a heavy loss!"

"We originally thought that this attack was done by the Holy Empire!"

"That's why when I was so angry that I lost my mind, I ordered the army to attack the army of your empire and castle forces!"

"Now, we have recognized the mistake!"

"I know that I have been fooled by the Radiance Empire, and I regret it!"

"As ordered by His Majesty our Empire, we are urgently withdrawing the legions on the battlefield! We, the Dark Empire, will bear all the losses caused to your empire and castle forces due to this war!"

"I only hope that this war will not continue!"

"After all, we have a common enemy, and that is the Radiance Empire!"

He opened his mouth to explain.

It is hoped that the Eighteen-Winged Seraph Archangel Kadis can order a retreat to avoid a tragic battle of gods.

However, this was not what Seraph Kadis wanted to see.

Earlier, when the angel of fate Claire predicted the future, Candice and the others, as well as the castle masters and rangers of the castle forces, were waiting for this moment to come.

The purpose is to destroy the army of the Dark Empire.

They not only want to destroy the mortal army of the dark empire, but also destroy the true **** army of the dark empire.

In this way, the strength of the Holy Empire and the castle forces can be raised to a higher level, and they will be able to deal with the war of gods with more powerful forces in the near future.

They have been 'premeditating' for a long time.

How could it be possible to retreat lightly (cddh)?

What's more, the actions of the Dark Empire made them angry.

The army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces fought desperately with the two trillion army of the Radiance Empire in the Nasitino River, but the army of the Dark Empire snatched and occupied countless prosperous cities and nobles in the core area of ​​the Radiance Empire. territory.

After the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces entered the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire...

The territory occupied by the Dark Empire has reached two-thirds of the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire!

The size of the army has expanded to six trillion.

The harvest of the Dark Empire is simply many times more than the combined forces of the Holy Empire and the castle.

Do nothing, but enjoy the most fruits of victory!

Which would you like?

The Holy Empire does not want to.

The billions of castle lords and rangers in the castle force also disliked the Dark Empire.

Because these evil camp professionals are too greedy!

Gotta give them a little color to see!

"There's nothing to explain!"

"I don't care if the people from the Radiant Empire pretend to be angels to attack you. I only know that you broke the cooperation agreement and sent a large army to attack the legions of my Holy Empire and the castle forces without authorization!"

"It caused huge damage to our phalanx!"

"This is a shameful betrayal!"

"It's even more blasphemy of the trust my lord has in your Dark Empire!"

"The war has begun, and only with your blood can we wash away the mistakes you have committed!"

"If you want to hate, hate the people of the glorious empire!"

"It was them who burned the flames of war on you!"


Eighteen-winged Seraph Archangel Kaedis pointed forward with the scepter in his hand.

In an instant, the millions of gods of the Holy Empire and the castle forces killed the army of the true gods of the Dark Empire.

The leader, in addition to nearly two hundred fourteen-winged angels and sixteen-winged archangels who possessed powerful divine power, was the fallen angel army under Dai Er's command.

They turned into sharp knives.

Straight into the core of the true God Legion of the Dark Empire.

In an instant, a large number of true gods, god-level alchemy puppets, and god-level undead servants in the Dark Empire were torn to pieces by the vast divine power.

In this attack on the Radiance Empire, the Dark Empire dispatched a total of fifteen high-ranking true gods with powerful divine power to lead the army of the true gods and the army of mortals.

a moment ago.

Two high-ranking dark gods were killed by the angels of the Holy Empire.

That is to say~

There were a total of thirteen high-ranking dark gods present.

There are only thirteen high-level gods, where is the opponent of nearly two hundred high-level god-level angels in the Holy Empire?

Almost a face to face, the divine power of the thirteen high-ranking dark gods collapsed.

As soon as they collapsed, so did the other dark gods.

Soon, even the True God Legion that brought the entire Dark Empire collapsed.

Almost all the dark gods are retreating, and at the same time order the god-level alchemy puppets and god-level undead servants under their command to resist the onslaught of the gods from the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

And they retreated to the rear.

I want to leave this different space battlefield.

The different space battlefield is shaped by the world law of the endless continent. It will only isolate the power of the gods and prevent the power of the gods from hurting the endless continent, but it will not prohibit the gods on the battlefield from leaving.

for this.

The true gods of the Dark Empire are also very clear.

"I can't explain it, the angels of the Holy Empire made it clear that they want to destroy us, and they won't listen to our explanation at all!"

"Get out of here!"

"They've gone crazy!"

"Although the attack was not done by the Holy Empire, I suspect that the Holy Empire just wants to take this opportunity to destroy us and weaken our empire's strength!"

"Anyway, let's leave the different space battlefield first!"


Just for a moment.

The 200,000 dark gods on the battlefield began to flee for their lives in unison.

Of course, they also left behind their precious alchemy puppets and undead slaves, in order to hold back the true **** army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

They believe that as long as they leave the other-space battlefield, they can escape.

However, they think too much!

Because, Katis and others who are guarding the battlefield will not give them a chance to escape at all.

They came here and did not participate in the battle in person, the purpose was to prevent the true **** of the dark empire from escaping.

boom boom boom...

Accompanied by bursts of divine roar.

The different space battlefield suddenly vibrated.

At the same time, the vast power of the main **** swept over, and directly sealed the entire different space battlefield.

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