The entire imperial capital of the Dark Empire was in chaos.

A large number of figures rose into the sky.

Every figure exudes an aura of divine might.

Among them, there are high-level officials of the Dark Empire, as well as important figures who hold real power.

Without exception, their direct bloodline was attacked!

The attack happened too suddenly, and there was no sign of it beforehand. Even the Lord of the Night, Webster, didn't react, let alone them?

Just under a minute.

The heirs they valued so much were killed.

And not only was the body blown up, but even the soul was annihilated.

Die utterly!

Even if you want to revive it, you need to pay a huge price.

Just like the assassinated son of the night, Leopold, who has the status of the early gods, it is difficult to resurrect him with the strength of the night lord Webster.

Naturally, their hearts are very painful.

Also extremely angry.

Especially the Night Lord Webster!

Furious to the point of wanting to destroy the entire Holy Empire and return for revenge.

He did his best to nurture his only son for tens of thousands of years, and he died just like that! !

Not worth it!

Not only was the divine body blown up and the divine soul was annihilated, but even his son's divine personality was taken away by the attackers, which was completely cutting his body.

Let him, as the lord of the empire, be heartbroken.


Night Lord Webster was furious.

He clearly will be able to suppress and imprison those attackers in the next second.

However, the attackers were very decisive and blew themselves up directly. Not only did they die completely, but they also destroyed a large area of ​​the imperial capital, causing huge casualties to his imperial capital.

This made him furious.

"Your Majesty~!"

A figure flew over and said sadly: "My son died and was killed by the angels of the Holy Empire! You must decide for me!"

talking room.

Again, one after another came together.

Surrounded by Night Lord Webster.

They are all high-ranking members of the Dark Empire, and some are powerful and important figures.

What they have in common is that their expressions are very painful.

It is extremely difficult for a **** to give birth to an offspring. The bloodline that has been cultivated now has been assassinated by the angels of the Holy Empire.

They are naturally very sad! twenty three

After all, this is to make them unstoppable! !

"To shut up!!"

The Night Lord Webster roared.

Whose son is not dead?

His only son is also dead!

He is still upset!

Soon, the fall of Leopold, the son of the night, was also informed by these high-level and important people, and all of them stared wide-eyed, unbelievable.

It seems to be compared to the death of Nightborne Leopold.

The fall of their children is justifiable.

thought here.

The high-ranking and big figures of the empire who were present immediately felt more balanced in their hearts.

Of course, this kind of mentality cannot be shown in front of Webster, Lord of the Night, otherwise they are likely to be slapped to death by His Majesty Webster, who has nowhere to release his anger.

"Your Majesty~"

A core executive who holds the powerful divine power of the peak said: "This is a conspiracy against my dark empire, and it is a conspiracy that has been planned for a long time!"

"I even suspect..."

"Even before the Holy Empire declared war on the Radiant Empire, those angels were already preparing this attack plan! In order to drag our Dark Empire into the vortex of war!"


A core executive said: "There is no alliance between our empire and the Holy Empire! If the Holy Empire wants to attack us, it can directly declare war on our army within the territory of the glorious empire! There is no need to cross hundreds of millions of miles, Come and make us doom!"

"what do you mean……"

"Is there a ghost in this matter?"

"Do not!"

The core executive said: "I think that the Holy Empire must be dissatisfied with the fact that our army has captured a large area of ​​​​the core area of ​​the Radiance Empire!"

"So that majesty sent an angel over to teach us a lesson!"

"This is to make us obediently retreat!"

"Makes sense!"

The core executives and bigwigs present all agreed.

Even the Lord of the Night, Webster, felt that this analysis should not be wrong.

After all, he would also express dissatisfaction if he changed his mind.

The army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces fought hard against the two trillion army of the Radiant Empire on the battlefield of the Nasitino River, and suffered heavy losses.

And the army of their dark empire is aggressively occupying the core territory of the glorious empire.

The strength has not suffered very much, but has become stronger and stronger.

More importantly~

More than half of the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire has been occupied by the army of their Dark Empire.

They did not contribute much, but enjoyed more fruits of victory.

The Holy Empire and the castle forces will naturally be dissatisfied!

Therefore, the ruler of the Holy Empire, His Majesty Lin Yi, sent an angel over to teach them a lesson from the Dark Empire and warn them not to be too greedy.

It must be so!

However, even after he figured it out, Dark Lord Webster's expression was still ugly.

understand to understand~

But his precious son is always dead!

The angel of the Holy Empire was too ruthless, killing his son directly, not even giving him the chance to back down. This was a strong performance, but it was also difficult for him to accept.

If his son hadn't died, there might still be room for this matter to turn around.

But now, his son is gone.

The major core executives of the empire and the direct bloodline of the bigwigs also suffered assassination and suffered heavy losses.

As a father and the ruler of an empire, it is absolutely impossible for him to swallow his voice any longer, otherwise he is likely to suffer the collective resentment of the upper echelons of the empire.

And this will also directly affect his ruling authority over the Dark Empire.

"Your Majesty~"

A core executive said viciously: "This matter must not be left alone!"

"I know!"

Night Lord Webster nodded.

Of course not, those angels of the Holy Empire must pay the price for what they did.

Otherwise, how could he quell the anger in his heart?

However, for some unknown reason, he always had an uneasy feeling in his heart.

It always felt like there was something hidden in the whole thing that he didn't know.

He turned to look at the place where the previous attackers blew themselves up.

At this moment, the gods of the imperial capital are already cleaning up the ruins of the buildings destroyed by the self-destruction and rescuing the injured citizens of the imperial capital.

"Those attackers are all twelve-winged angels!"

"Having the position of a median god!"

"On them, there is holy light and fluctuations in the power of light, and the swords of angels in their hands are also burning with golden flames..."

"It is exactly the same as the angels of the Holy Empire!"

But at this time.

Lord of the Night Webster suddenly froze for a moment.

Because he thought of a key point!

That is, during the self-destruction of those twelve-winged angels, he did not see the so-called [Angel Heart].

well known~

[Angel Heart] is the core of the Angels of the Holy Empire.

Carrying the soul and strength of an angel.

And, in every angel's body there is an angel's heart.

But the problem is that these twelve-winged angels who blew themselves up did not leave behind the hearts of angels after they died.

Could it be that……

Their angel hearts also exploded together?

But why, when these angels blew themselves up, he didn't find any trace of [Angel's Heart]?

It stands to reason that with his strength at the level of the main god, no matter whether the twelve-winged angels self-destructed the angel's heart, he was able to perceive the existence of the [angel's heart] in the process of their self-destruction.

That is the source of the angel's power!

As long as he blew himself up, he would definitely be able to find out.

However, from the beginning to the end, he did not perceive the [Angel Heart].

This made him inevitably begin to suspect that there was a deeper conspiracy behind this matter.

at this time.

A piece of news came, and the whole person of Webster, Lord of Darkness, was shocked.

I saw a core executive said angrily: "Your Majesty, there is news from the distant battlefield, and there are many attacks in our army camp!"

"There are tens of thousands of people who have fallen!"

"Those who died, each of them were high-ranking members of the legion, and among them were the direct blood of the gods, and they were all elite talents that were mainly cultivated!"

"However, in the face of the attack from the Angels of the Holy Empire, they all died!"

"There are even gods who have fallen!"

"The entire army is in chaos!"

"The gods who lead the imperial army are also very angry!"

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