"For me, the Endless Continent is purely a cage!"

"I can't wait to leave the Endless Continent and enjoy the scenery of the world of thousands of planes!"

"Me too!"

10,000 meters in the sky.

The army of trillions of flying troops of the castle faction is marching forward in a mighty way.

And the higher clouds are the three sky cities of the Holy Empire.

Behind the three [Sky Cities], there are millions of castle camp gods. Among them, there are top castle lords, top rangers, and god-level castle troops.

All are gods.

The scale exceeds three million!

Obviously, they are determined to follow the Holy Empire to the end.

Even though the army of the castle forces has now entered the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire, they have not fought each other, but followed the footsteps of the Holy Empire army.

Of course, this is also normal.

If there is no Holy Empire, the situation of the castle forces will definitely become very dangerous.

Because, the castle faction has no upper god, let alone the main god.

The most powerful ones are just some median gods.

It seems that the castle faction has millions of gods, and the scale is larger than any local empire or any **** system.

But in fact, the castle faction camp is not strong.

As long as some upper gods with powerful divine power descend on them, they can completely cause huge casualties to the army of gods in the entire castle power.

If the Lord God descends~

Then it is not very difficult to completely destroy the army of gods of the castle forces.

Therefore, the castle lords and the rangers are closely surrounded by the Holy Empire, and everything they do is dominated by the Holy Empire.

Now, it is no longer the stage where the previous castle masters fought each other.

To survive in this era, the castle forces must unite.

And you have to have a backer!

And the backer of the castle power is the Holy Empire headed by Lin Yi.

With Lin Yi and the Holy Empire present, the billions of castle lords and rangers in the castle force feel that they are invincible, not to mention the local empire, even if it is the abyss demon army that is about to descend on the endless continent, they are still fearless. .

because they believe

Lin Yi and the Holy Empire were able to shelter them.

Also able to deal with their formidable foes for them.

It is on this basis that

All castle lords and rangers in the castle power recognized that Lin Yi was the future ruler of the Endless Continent. No castle lord or ranger dared to compete with Lin Yi.

Be realistic.

If there are still castle lords or rangers standing on the opposite side of Lin Yi and fighting against the Holy Empire, then there is no need for Lin Yi to do it himself, and these enemies will be solved by other castle lords and rangers. .

just because~

Lin Yi and the Holy Empire have become the beliefs of the entire castle faction.

Any person or force who dares to be the enemy of Lin Yi and the Holy Empire will become the enemy of the entire castle faction.

Because only in this way, the creatures of the castle forces believe that they will one day stand at the top of the world of thousands of planes.

And this state of mind~

It is also available to the vast majority of castle lords and rangers.

It seems that there is a mysterious power that is subtly changing them.

Let them be headed by Lin Yi and the Holy Empire!


Until noon.

All the armies of the Holy Empire and the Castle faction have entered the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire.

The army with a scale of 12 trillion, except for a few castle arms that were left to guard the city, the noble territory, and mine the minerals that originally belonged to the Radiance Empire~

The other castle arms were divided into thousands of large-scale legions, which continued to penetrate into the core area of ​​the glorious empire from all directions.

Just like the army of the Dark Empire...

They occupied all the cities and towns they passed, and the lands of the nobles.

The difference is~

The castle faction will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, nor will they target the civilians of the glorious empire with their weapons. As for the few remaining weak professionals, they also forcibly surrendered and did not slaughter.

In comparison~

The Dark Empire is much better at doing things.

The cities and noble territories captured by them were simply barren.

In the face of Huiyao people, what the army of the Dark Empire did is to kill them all without leaving any survivors.

This gradually led to the fact that many Huiyao people ran to the area attacked by the castle forces.

The glorious empire has been destroyed!

Having lost hope, it is better for them to choose to join forces with the castle than to be killed by professionals from the Dark Empire.

After all, in the hands of those evil professionals, even if they die, they will be made into alchemy puppets and undead creatures to fight for the Dark Empire.

No one wants to have peace after death.

The same goes for the Huiyao people.

Some Huiyao people who could not escape to the imperial capital did not hesitate to join the castle forces and the Holy Empire.

At least in this way, they can still live!


Over time.

In the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire, more and more cities and noble territories were occupied by the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

And they are gradually approaching the area occupied by the Dark Empire army.

The armies of the two camps are frantically occupying the territory of the glorious empire.

It is inevitable that they will meet in the end.

Time comes to afternoon.

The blood moon is still two hours away.

An army of castle forces with a scale of more than one billion encountered an army of the Dark Empire when preparing to attack a large city.

However, the two armies did not go to war directly.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

the reason is simple.

The scale of this castle power army is smaller, and the number of demigods is not as large as that of the Dark Empire, so they did not choose to take the initiative.

As for the army of the Dark Empire, although it was larger and stronger, it was afraid of the castle power and knew that their high-level empire had an agreement with the Holy Empire, so they did not do it.

Not only did not do it~

This army of the Dark Empire also took the initiative to retreat.

This is because they have received an order from the upper echelons. When they encounter the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, they will go back the same way and must not compete with the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

After all, the area they occupy is big enough.

In the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire, more than half of the territory was occupied by them.

They are also worried about their 'insatiable greed', which will lead to dissatisfaction with the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

The Dark Empire originally did not want to go to war with the army of the Holy Empire and the Citadel.

Because they have no certainty of victory!

In case of defeat, all their previous gains will be in vain.

Not worth the loss!

Therefore, they would rather take the initiative to retreat than to conflict with the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.


And with the continuous deepening of the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

The army of the castle camp and the army of the Dark Empire met more and more times.

Even the cities and noble territories captured by the two factions alternated vertically and horizontally.

After all, the territory of the Radiant Empire is simply too huge!

There are also countless cities and noble territories.

Whether it is the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, or the army of the Dark Empire, it is impossible to push it horizontally, and there are always many omissions.


And these missing cities and noble territories, after being discovered by the army of the opposing camp, were naturally occupied directly.

And, compared to the army of the Dark Empire.

The castle forces are even more 'arrogant'.

Because they know that the Holy Empire and the Dark Empire will soon go to war.

Therefore, after the castle lords and the rangers led the army to invade the core area, they did not care whether those cities and noble lords had been occupied by the army of the Dark Empire, and they all captured them.


Even the Dark Empire professionals in the cities and noble territories were all killed by the castle troops.

The more times this happened, the gods and legion commanders who led the army of the Dark Empire began to get angry.


Because of the powerful strength of the Holy Empire.

They could only hold their anger in their hearts and did not burst out on the spot.

But in any case, with the constant competition between the two camps for the core area of ​​the Radiance Empire, contradictions began to appear gradually.

It's evening~

Some small-scale battles and conflicts occur frequently.

Of course, the main forces of the two camps are still very restrained, and there is no outbreak of war.

Castle forces are not in a hurry.

As for the Dark Empire, they dare not.

The Dark Empire, like the Radiant Empire, has only one main god, that is, Webster, the Lord of the Night who rules the Dark Empire.

How dare he offend the castle forces that are backed by the Holy Empire?

In the face of the unparalleled power of the Holy Empire and the castle, the main strategy of the Dark Empire army is to retreat if they can, and say no if they can't retreat.

After all, it's better not to go to war!

Otherwise, the army of the Dark Empire would definitely not be able to eat it.

And there is bound to be a huge loss!

In contrast, the castle forces are not afraid of casualties at all.

After all, every new day, the castle forces can recruit trillions of castle troops, and the consumption can consume the Dark Empire.

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