Facing the glorious people with weapons, the troops of the castle forces showed no mercy.

Only those defenders and professionals who put down their weapons, kneel on the ground, and choose to surrender can get a chance to survive.

Don't look at this war, it is an imperial defense war for Huiyao people.

For the invaders castle forces, all the glorious people are filled with righteous indignation.

They can't wait to fight with the troops of the castle forces on the battlefield and die together.

But actually~

When these glorious people really witness death and face death.

There are still many who choose to surrender!

The eight-hour **** battle has already left many Hui Yao people at a critical point of mental collapse.

Now, the army of the castle forces is coming.

Everywhere you go, there are corpses everywhere!

Who is not afraid?

After all, they are not castle troops whose loyalty has been embodied as data.

They are native creatures!

Not affected by the 'loyalty value' at all.

Some of them are easily shaken in the face of death.

What's more, among the two trillion Glory Empire defenders and professionals who participated in this war, the number of regular legionnaires only accounted for one-third of them.

The other two-thirds are ordinary professionals without formal training.

Naturally, when they faced death, their will was completely inferior to those of the soldiers who belonged to the regular legion of the Radiant Empire.

Many professionals are afraid and shrinking!

Just because the army of the castle forces is really crazy!

And the strength is terrifying!

It has captured one giant military city after another.

The fall of every important military city will be like a heavy hammer, slammed into their hearts and hurt their hearts and courage.

Ordinary professionals who have not undergone military training can't stand such cruel torture.

Therefore, basically, every time the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces captured a military heavy city, they could capture a large number of glorious people who surrendered.

And these surrenderers were imprisoned by the demigod powerhouses of the castle forces with magical restraint.

Wait until this war is over, and then reorganize!


as time goes by.

More and more giant military cities have been captured.

The size of the army of the Radiant Empire is also declining sharply.

The defenders and professionals of the Radiant Empire on the battlefield were exhausted after a day of intense warfare.

However, the troops of the castle force seemed to be tireless.

It is still frantically attacking the defense line of the Radiant Empire.

Even if the blood moon rises and the world is shrouded in endless blood light, the troops of the castle forces are still insanely insane, and the regular legion soldiers who killed the glorious empire are almost horrified.

"It's too scary!"

"The troops of the castle force are like demons, and they don't know what death, pain and exhaustion are!"

"The size of our army is decreasing sharply, and the defense force is getting weaker and weaker! On the contrary, the army of the castle force is getting stronger and stronger, and there is no way to fight such a war!"

"The troops of the castle power can improve their rank by killing the enemy!"

"Every time the rank is raised, their power can be restored or even skyrocketed. Naturally, they are full of energy and have no intention of retreating!"

"If this continues, our imperial army will be completely destroyed!"

"I can't stop it!"

"More than 400 military heavy cities have been captured by nearly 200. Hundreds of billions of imperial professionals have fallen on the battlefield, and many professionals have been forced to give up resistance and choose to surrender!"

"I have foreseen the end of the war!"

"Even if we gather the strength of a country, we can't resist the attack of the Holy Empire and the castle forces!"

"They are too strong!"

"Especially the angel army of the Holy Empire, swept invincible! Wherever they go, no military heavy city can resist them!"

"The most terrifying thing is..."

"Professionals who surrendered to the Holy Empire have become extremely fanatical and loyal to the Holy Empire! They have become as crazy as castle troops and counterattack our defense lines!"

"The angels of the Holy Empire must have mastered some kind of extremely god-defying belief technique!"

"They forced the captives to swear allegiance to the Holy Empire!"

Inside the line of defense of the Brilliant Empire~

Countless glorious people are shivering.

The light of the blood moon reflected on their pale faces.

They are so scared!

Even among the top demigods, their eyes are full of fear, as well as panic and anxiety about the future.

The peak demigod powerhouse can be said to stand at the top of the mortal level.

Their strength is extremely powerful!

Only the power of the gods can suppress them.

However, in such a series of wars, the powerhouses at the peak of the demigods could not make any big waves. Once you fall into the battlefield, you will fall in the blink of an eye.

Even the demigods are afraid~

What's more, those professionals with lower ranks?

At this moment, many professionals in the Glory Empire have the intention to retire.

They don't want to keep fighting!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces will definitely become the victor of this war. The castle army like Wang Yang will sweep through the core area and finally besiege their imperial capital.

The hard work they are making now, the life they are giving~

It can only delay the destruction of the glorious empire.

"There is no force to help us!"

"Even the gods of the empire can only watch us die on the battlefield, and they can't help us at all!"

"The gods of the empire are guarding the imperial capital!"

"They dare not come to the battlefield, because once they come, the Angel God of the Holy Empire will kill them directly!"

"We are now fighting alone!"

"The empire is over, and it's coming to an end!"

"Our sacrifices are meaningless!"

"I don't want to die here, I'm the pinnacle of the holy rank, and I can be promoted to a demigod soon! I have an infinite future, I can't die!"

"The empire is doomed!"

"In the daytime war, I killed dozens of castle troops, fulfilled my due obligations, I have guarded the empire! Now, I have to think about myself!"

"I'm going to leave here, take my family, and go to another empire to start over..."

Within the defense line of the Radiant Empire, countless people were whispering.

Most of them are ordinary professionals.

Frightened by the brutal war in the daytime.

Seeing that the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces continued to attack their lines of defense in the night shrouded in the blood moon, they were finally afraid and dared not stay behind.

Because, once the city is broken and the position is captured~

They only had two choices, either they were killed by the army of the castle forces, turned into corpses, or undead creatures, or they could only put down their weapons and surrender.

Neither of them wanted to choose.

So just get out!

They have to evacuate the battlefield, return to the core area, and then take their families away from the Radiant Empire to completely stay away from this war.


Under the shroud of darkness~

In the major military heavy cities and defensive positions, the light of the space teleportation magic circle is constantly flickering.

That was some Hui Yao people with teleportation authority evacuating.

However, many defenders and professionals of the Radiance Empire who did not have teleportation authority sneaked away and fled to the core area of ​​the empire on foot.

The commanders and high-level leaders of the major legions discovered this situation at the first time.

However, they did not stop.

The reason is very simple, blocking is useless!

The Hui Yao people who fled have lost the courage to continue fighting. Even if they are forced to stay, they will still choose to surrender after the army of the castle forces kills them.

Of course, the most important reason is...

The commanders and senior leaders of the major legions are also arranging for their family children to evacuate from the battlefield.

Even some of the top legionaries fled.

In this case, who would care about the defection of those ordinary professionals?

Just run away!

Anyway, the end of this war is doomed.

The futile struggle will only cause more glorious people to die on the battlefield.

The commanders of the major legions sighed.

As the legion commanders of the Radiant Empire, they must not be able to escape. After all, sitting in this position, while enjoying rights, also comes with responsibilities and obligations.

What's more, their families are under 'key protection'.

Once they escape, their family is over.


The war did not end with the blood moon.

Instead, get more intense!

Especially the army of the castle forces, the offensive is even more ferocious.

Just because they killed too many enemies in the daytime, many castle arms have increased in strength, which has also made the overall combat effectiveness of the castle forces stronger.

The strength of the war is stronger, and the natural offensive is more insane.

in comparison.

The army of the Radiant Empire is getting weaker and weaker.

Not only did hundreds of billions of Glory Empire defenders and professionals die in battle, but even their defensive fronts were forced to tighten, only because a large number of military heavy cities and countless defensive positions were destroyed.

If it is said that at the beginning of the war, the army of the Radiant Empire and the army of the castle forces still have the strength of the first battle (Li De's)~

So now, the army of the Radiant Empire is powerless to resist.

The army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, wherever they go, can almost be said to have swept away all the resistance forces.

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