The goddess of light, Pandora shook her head.

She said: "No one knows why the King of Gods fell, and no one knows whether the King of Gods has really fallen!"

"We only use the disappearance of the ancient Titan **** system and the appearance of the throne of the **** king to speculate that the king of the gods is very likely to have fallen!"

"And speculate that the divine body of the king of the gods is buried in the pantheon!"

That is to say.

This is all just speculation!

However, Lin Yi also felt that the king of the gods might really be dead.

After all, if the King of the Gods did not fall, why would the [Throne of Gods] that belonged to him leave the Pantheon of their own accord and let the gods under the stars fight for it?

The throne of the king of gods is the thing of the king of gods.

It can even be said to be the supreme artifact of natal life!

If the King of the Gods hadn't fallen, this would certainly not have happened.

Even, [Pantheon] will not fall from the Supreme God Realm.

And with the help of these phenomena, it can also be deduced that the king of the gods is dead!

Moreover, not only the king of the gods fell, but the entire ancient Titan **** system died together, becoming a trace of history.

"Under this starry sky, maybe only three people know the mystery of the disappearance of the ancient Titan **** system!"

At this time, Pandora, the goddess of light, spoke again.

Lin Yi immediately asked: "Which three people?"

The goddess of light, Pandora said: "The first one is the Titan Lord Patrick, the Thunder Titans are the direct descendants of the ancient Titan God, inheriting the blood and will of the ancient Titan God!"

"In the Titan God Realm, it is very likely to preserve the information records of the disappearance of the ancient Titan God system!"

Hear this.

Lin Yi suddenly thought of the super-giant mothership that Anasta's **** incarnated in the forbidden land of the Titan God Realm and found a super-giant mothership with a power attack at the level of a step demigod.

That super-giant mothership probably came from the Pantheon.

Inside, there should be something recorded.

The goddess of light, Pandora continued with a smile and said, "The second person is my brother-in-law's future partner and our good sister, Anistora, the goddess of destiny!"

She told Lin Yi.

"Sister Anistora was born in ancient times!"

"After the ancient Titan gods, the first batch of people in the endless continent believed in the ancient gods, and they mastered the origin of the law of destiny and divine power, and they were directly related to the world laws of the endless continent."

"She might know a thing or two!"

"The goddess of fate?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but think of the veil that Anistora, the goddess of fate, had been wearing on her cheeks.

His future wife had told him that the veil on her face could not be lifted, because once it was lifted, bad things were very likely to happen.

Could it be that the veil on her face has something to do with the Pantheon?

Or is it related to the ancient Titans?

at this time.

The voice of the goddess of light, Pandora, appeared again, interrupting Lin Yi's thoughts.

She said: "This third person does not belong to the Endless Continent, but from the distant Alien Territory! It is the abyss demon emperor who rules the abyss world!"

"Abyss Demon Emperor?"

Lin Yi was surprised: "He knows the secrets of the ancient Titan gods?"

The goddess of light, Pandora, nodded and said, "If there is anyone in the entire universe who knows the Pantheon and the ancient Titan gods best, then there is no one other than the Abyss Demon Emperor!"

Lin Yi asked inexplicably, "Why is this?"

"the reason is simple……"

The goddess of light, Pandora said: "The Demon Emperor of the Abyss is one of the ancient Titan gods, and he is the ancient Titan God who entered the Pantheon! For some unknown reason, the Demon Emperor of the Abyss betrayed the Pantheon and went to a distant alien realm to create Abyss Demon Race, and established the abyss world!"

Hear this.

Lin Yi was stunned.

He never imagined that the relationship between the Abyss Demon Emperor and the [Pantheon] was so close.

Even more unexpected is...

The Demon Emperor of the Abyss is not a demon, but an ancient Titan God!

As for the demon family in the abyss world, it was created by him!

This secret news really surprised Lin Yi!

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Chapter 415 The True Identity of the Abyss Demon Emperor! The creator of the Demon Race! Refused to join! The coming of the beautiful goddess! (please customize

"The Demon Emperor of the Abyss, the ancient Titan God who entered the Pantheon!"

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

This 'enter' does not mean simply going in to hunt for treasure.

It is the ranks of the powerful ancient Titan gods who are listed in the [Pantheon].

in ancient times.

The ancient Titans ruled the entire endless continent, as well as countless plane worlds, and at the same time created Titans, as well as powerful intelligent races such as dragons.

The number of ancient Titans in that era was very large.

And the number of ancient Titan Gods is naturally terrifying, like the stars in the sky.

The ancient Titan gods who are qualified to enter the Pantheon are naturally very few among the very few.

The common point is that this type of ancient Titan God is very powerful-!

The lowest is the Lord God!

Among them, there are many half-step **** kings!

And the abyss demon emperor who established the abyss world and created the demon family is one of them.

Have to admit.

The hidden identity of the Abyss Demon King still surprised Lin Yi.

He always thought that the Abyss Demon Sovereign was also a demon.

The only difference from other demons is that he is the most powerful demon and holds the power of a half-step **** king, so he can rule the demon family and the abyss world.

I didn't think so~

The abyss demon emperor turned out to be the founder of the demon family and the abyss world.

His true identity is one of the powerful ancient Titan gods that originated from the ancient times [Pantheon].

This is really beyond his expectations!


"This time the battle of God..."

The goddess of light, Pandora, said with a solemn expression: "The Demon Emperor of the Abyss came to the Endless Continent in person. As a half-step God King, he has the highest probability of getting the throne of the God King!"

"Obviously, this time he is also very confident!"

"And be ready!"

"Otherwise, the Abyss Demon Sovereign will not order the Abyss Demon Clan to invade the Endless Continent, let alone take action in person!"

"Your analysis makes sense!"

Lin Yi nodded in agreement.

Obviously, the Abyss Demon Emperor came prepared.

In addition to the abyss demon clan invading the endless continent, intuition told Lin Yi that the abyss demon emperor must have prepared a lot of trump cards.

After all, this is an ancient demon god!

Live for millions of years!

When he learned that the hidden identity of the Abyss Demon Emperor was one of the ancient Titan gods in the Pantheon, Lin Yi even felt that he had underestimated the strength of the Abyss Demon Emperor before.

Lin Yi is now suspicious~

The Abyss Demon Sovereign is at the level of the Half-Step God King, and he is also a very powerful one!

It can even be said to be invincible!

Just relying on his current status as the pinnacle of the Lord God, even if he relies on the source of more than a thousand kinds of divine power laws that he has mastered, it is very likely that he is not an opponent of the Abyss Demon Sovereign.

Lin Yi's only support now is probably Anasta.

After Anasta's retreat is over, she is successfully promoted to the level of a half-step **** king, but she will be able to compete with the abyss demon emperor.

Of course, maybe Anasta will be stronger!

After all, compared to Anasta, the manager of the illusory universe world, the strongest eighteen-winged archangel who has practiced for tens of millions of years, the identity of the ancient Titan God of the Abyss Demon King is not enough.

Only on the years of practice.

Anasta is enough to suppress the Abyss Demon King.

Anasta has practiced for tens of millions of years.

And the Abyss Demon Sovereign has only practiced for millions of years.

thought here.

Lin Yi's heart was also much more relaxed.

As long as Anasta is successfully promoted, it can be said that everything will be fine.


The goddess of light, Pandora, sighed.

Then he said: "In this battle of gods, the Abyss Demon Emperor will come in person, and I don't know how many gods and mortal souls will fall!"

"It is even possible that the safety of our Lord God will not be guaranteed!"

Not only Pandora, the goddess of light, but other main gods and gods of the Endless Continent had similar concerns.

Just because the abyss Demon Sovereign exerted too much pressure on the Endless Continent!

Even the Lord God would not dare to ignore His Majesty the Demon Emperor who ruled the abyss world.

Lin Yi was not overly worried.

The so-called soldiers will stop, and water will come to the soil.

No matter how worried you are, what should come will always come!

Lin Yi said with a smile: "If you are worried about your own safety and the safety of the light gods, I will give you an idea!"

"What's the idea?"

The goddess of light, Pandora, suddenly lit up.

Lin Yi is the main **** of the pinnacle, and the main **** of time and space. His divine power can be said to be the most powerful in the Endless Continent.

In the eyes of the goddess of light, Pandora, with such a supreme being as Lin Yi, his proposal must be very constructive and most likely to help her.

Lin Yi said: "You can lead the light gods under your command and join my holy empire! Under the protection of my holy empire, the safety of your light gods can naturally rise straight up!"

Hear this.

The goddess of light Pandora's eyes widened.

She looked at Lin Yi in confusion.

I suspect that Lin Yi is joking with her!

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