One after another tyrannical divine might also exudes.

The weakest are all mid-level gods, while the most powerful ones have reached the late stage of the main god.

When the ball of light completely dissipated, figures that looked very ferocious, but exuded a divine and bright aura, appeared in Lin Yi's field of vision.

The resurrection and reincarnation of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] will not change the appearance and appearance of the living beings.

Only give it the body of holiness and light!

Those creatures with ferocious appearances and bat wings on their backs were all high-level demons from the abyss world before their reincarnation.


They were resurrected and reborn.

The appearance is still the appearance of the high-level demons, but the aura emanating from them already belongs to the holy and bright camp.

There is a sense of conflict that is demonic on the outside and holy like a Buddha on the inside.

And among all the resurrected beings~

There is a figure that is very dazzling.

Even if she stands in the 'devil qun', she is the one that attracts the most attention.

She is wearing a long sky blue dress, her skin is fairer than snow, and her face is absolutely beautiful.

She stands tall in the sky.

The long skirt dances with the wind, peerless and independent.

the most important is……

On her body, she exudes the divine aura of the late Gundam Lord God.

Even the Demon Lord Quint, who was standing not far away, was covered up by the light radiating from her body.

She is Aurora Goddess Sylvia! !

"The late Lord God!"

Lin Yi was stunned and puzzled: "Didn't Isabelle say that the goddess of the aurora, Sylvia, was a mid-term master **** in the ancient times?"

"How did you become the Lord God of the later period after being resurrected and reincarnated?"

Chapter 412 Aurora Goddess Sylvia! Holy Demon Army! The arrival of the goddess of light, Pandora! (for automatic booking

In this regard, Lin Yi felt very puzzled.

It wasn't just that the elf goddess Isabelle told him that in the age of ancient gods, the goddess of aurora, Sylvia, was a mid-term master god.

Moreover, when Margaret, the goddess of hunting, the moonlight, sent the soul of the goddess of the aurora, Sylvia, Lin Yi also felt it, and the breath of Sylvia's soul was indeed in the middle stage of the main god.


The soul of the goddess Silvia, who was sent, was still a remnant.

It was Lin Yi who consumed a lot of power stones and different crystals, and bought a full three billion soul crystals from the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] before restoring the remnant soul of the goddess of aurora, Sylvia.

A remnant of the restored soul~

After being reincarnated and resurrected, he was able to break through the divine position.

From the middle stage of the main god, to the late stage of the main god.

This is kind of incredible!

Even Lin Yi, who is now the main **** of the peak, feels very surprised.

"Just call Sylvia and ask!"

Lin Yi didn't think any more.

He beckoned towards the high altitude in the distance.

Immediately, under the leadership of the Demon Lord Quint, tens of thousands of holy and bright 'devils' gathered in front of Lin Yi.

The state of these demons is somewhat special.

Obviously they are the appearance of the abyss high-level demons, and their faces are ferocious enough to frighten all the races in the world, but their bodies are filled with the power of holiness and light.

Even for Lin Yi, there is a very strong sense of conflict.

"Praise you, Almighty Lord~"

come near.

Demon Lord Quint was the first to kneel in front of Lin Yi.

Immediately afterwards, the tens of thousands of holy demons also knelt down in unison.

In their hearts, Lin Yi is the **** of faith in their fanatical beliefs.

As for the abyss demon emperor who rules the abyss world, they have long forgotten where they have been.

Now they have only one master in their hearts.

That's Lin Yi!

Like angels, they have an extremely fanatical belief in Lin Yi.

On the other side, the aurora goddess Sylvia, who was standing alone, also saluted Lin Yi respectfully, and also called Lin Yi the 'Almighty Lord'.

'Your Majesty' is the title given to Lin Yi by the people of the empire.

Such as Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree, the great elf Erica, the Queen of the Red Dragon, Little Flame, etc., the people of the empire.

23 like Demon Lord Quint and Aurora Goddess Silvia, who use the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] to resurrect reincarnated creatures, regard Lin Yi as their master.

In essence, they cannot be said to be exactly the same as the angels bred by Lin Yi, but they are also extremely similar.

In addition to not having the body of an angel.

They are basically indistinguishable from angels.

"Forty-three thousand seven hundred holy demons!"

"Among them, there is one main god, forty-nine upper gods, and the rest of the holy demons are all at the level of the middle god, and there is no lower god!"

"This is an extremely powerful force!"

Lin Yi had a smile on his face.

He called these brand-new species with the appearance of demons, the essence of divine and bright beings, "Holy Demons".

And he will also form the [Holy Devil Legion].

Let them fight against the demon army from the abyss world in the future battle of gods.

"It's all demons!"

"A power that masters the sacred and light, and an evil power that masters the great world of the abyss!"

"The two forces are in absolute opposition!"

"I don't know what kind of dazzling sparks my holy demon army and the demon army of the abyss world can collide with when they go to war?"

"I'm looking forward to the appearance of this picture!"


Lin Yi turned his attention to the Demon Lord Quint.

"My lord!"

Seeing Lin Yi's look, Demon Lord Quinte quickly lowered his head and was extremely respectful.

His memory was not erased.

He still remembered that he used to be a high-level demon who belonged to the great world of the abyss. Later, he fought on the Val'kyr Continent and was promoted to the realm of the Demon Lord by devouring the power of the world's laws of the Val'kyr Continent.

He remembered that he used to be loyal to His Majesty the Demon Emperor who ruled the abyss world.

I still remember that it was Lin Yi who killed him with his own hands.


None of this matters!

The important thing is that he has now been resurrected and reborn.

And in his opinion, the Almighty Lord killed him to help him cut off the root of the devil and give him new life.

Killing is redemption!

It is the Almighty Lord who rescued him from the quagmire of the abyss!

For Lin Yi, the Demon Lord Quint does not have the slightest hatred, but only has infinite fanatical beliefs and the highest loyalty.


Lin Yi told the idea of ​​forming the [Holy Devil Legion].

Then he said to Demon Lord Quint: "From now on, you will be the commander of my Holy Demon Legion! I hope you and your legionnaires will not disappoint me in the upcoming battle of gods!"

"Swear allegiance to my Lord!"

Demon Lord Quint kneeled in front of Lin Yi with great determination.

His body is ten meters tall, not much different from Lin Yi's fallen angel.

Behind the Demon Lord Quint, there is also a pair of demon wings.

However, at this time, the energy fluctuations emanating from his demon wings were no longer evil, but pure divine and light power.

Compared to Lin Yi's human size.

His demon body is also very tall and brave.

Of course, this is just appearance.

In front of Lin Yi, the attitude shown by the Demon Lord Quint was very humble.

In addition to being Lin Yi's fanatical believer, Lin Yi's mastery of the pinnacle gods is countless times stronger than him, and it can almost be said that one move can suppress him.

Facing Lin Yi, how dare he be disrespectful?

Of course, his reverence for Lin Yi has nothing to do with whether Lin Yi is the top **** or not.

As a fanatic of Lin Yi.

Even if Lin Yi is a weak mortal, he will have absolute loyalty to Lin Yi just like those angels.

This kind of loyalty is even far greater than his original loyalty to the Abyss Demon Sovereign.

The twelve demon masters are loyal to the abyss demon emperor, just because the abyss demon emperor is the ruler of the abyss world, shocking them with absolutely powerful power.

And the Demon Lord Kunte is loyal to Lin Yi.

It is because he is a follower of Lin Yi.

There is a very big difference between the two types of loyalty.

"Get up!"

Lin Yi raised his hand.

After the Demon Lord Kunt stood up respectfully, Lin Yi continued: "Before the battle of gods comes, you and your holy demon army should stay in my imperial capital to practice well!"

"Don't go out for the time being, so as not to be peeped by the Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss above the Blood Moon!"

"Follow your orders, Almighty Lord~"

Demon Lord Quint respectfully answered the order.

Seeing that Lin Yi had no other orders, he retreated with tens of thousands of holy demons under his command, and each searched for an aristocratic courtyard to practice retreat.

The core urban area of ​​the imperial capital stretches for thousands of kilometers.

There are countless noble houses.

It's not a problem at all to resettle tens of thousands of holy demons.

Moreover, there are super god-level magical defense shields arranged by the eighteen-winged archangel Anasta, covering the entire imperial capital.

As long as you don't leave the capital.

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