It even became more powerful, capturing their four-sided city walls in the blink of an eye, destroying all their war weapons erected on the city walls.

High-altitude demigod battlefield, holy-order battlefield...

The demigod legions and holy rank legions of the Holy Empire are also invincible.

They easily defeated their demigods and saint-level powerhouses.

From start to finish.

The punishment of the laws of the world has not come.

This also made the professionals of the Radiant Empire on the battlefield desperate.

"what is this?"

"The law of the world did not punish the Holy Empire!"

"Could it be that the laws of the world have really given up on our native creatures?"

"Since this is the case, why do we still participate in the battle of gods? The laws of the world no longer protect us. What's the point of us protecting this world?"

For a time, many professionals had a mental breakdown.

They took a huge hit.

At this moment, a powerhouse at the peak of the demigod stood up and said with an ugly face: "It's not that the laws of the world favor the Holy Empire, but because the Holy Empire doesn't break the rules of war at all!"

"How is it possible!"

Someone retorted: "The mighty sword that is one million meters long has even reached the realm of a high-ranking god! What kind of mortal-level creature can unleash such a terrifying attack?"

"Just one sword destroyed the magic defense shield of our city!"

"This is definitely not something that mortal-level castle troops can do!"

"Only gods can do it!"

"I clearly saw that over that city in the sky, a phantom of an eighteen-winged angel appeared, and it was her who smashed our magic defense shield with one sword!"

"That eighteen-winged angel is definitely a powerful god!"

"She used her divine power to attack the mortal city! It was she who broke the rules of war!"

Many professionals are telling the 'truth'.

However, the powerhouse at the peak of the demigod said: "The phantom of the eighteen-winged angel is only transformed by energy! And the energy comes from that city in the sky!"

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"This is obviously the attack method of Sky City!"

"The power is strong enough to kill the upper gods!"

"And the city of the sky is itself a weapon of war and is not limited to the rules of war, so the laws of the world do not punish the Holy Empire!"

As soon as the words came out.

The whole city fell silent.

The expressions of all the defenders and professionals froze.

"The sky city of the Holy Empire, is the war power so powerful?"

"In addition to the huge number of super-giant magic cannons, the sky city of the Holy Empire actually hides even more terrifying offensive weapons of war!"

"Truth comes first!"

"How did the Holy Empire build such a weapon of war?"

"It can unleash a terrorist attack that is enough to kill the upper gods. Such a weapon of war, even our glorious empire... No, it is not available in the entire truth **** system!"

"That's not necessarily~"

"It is said that the Nine Rings Tower is a weapon of war, containing the power of truth comparable to the Lord God!"

"Compared to the Nine Rings Tower, the Sky City of the Holy Empire is much weaker!"


【City in the Sky】Compared with 【Nine Rings Saint Pagoda】~

Who is stronger or weaker, does it matter?


At least for the Glory Empire defenders and professionals in this city, it is no longer important.

Because their lives are in danger!

The army of angels and arms of the Holy Empire had already rushed in like Wang Yang.

The defense lines in the city are falling back!

They can't stand it anymore!

Every moment, a large number of creatures fell on the battlefield.

Among the fallen creatures, there are not only the defenders and professionals of the glorious empire, but also the castle troops from the Holy Empire.

But don't forget~

In the army camp of the Holy Empire, there are a large number of guardian angels.

Even if the castle troops are killed, the beautiful guardian angels can bring them back to life.

Therefore, even if the war is very fierce, the loss of the Holy Empire can still be said to be negligible.


And as one city after another has been captured in the past two days...

A large number of Glory Empire professionals were killed.

The castle arms of the Holy Empire, as well as the 1.8 million angels and holy spirits, have greatly improved their strength.

Especially the army of angels and holy spirits, their average rank has reached the eighth level.

I believe it won't take long~

They can all break through the ninth rank and enter the king rank and the holy rank.

Moreover, as long as they continue to capture and kill more enemies, it is a very simple matter for them to be promoted to demigods, or to condense their godheads to become gods.


Look around.

On the entire battlefield, there is a dazzling golden light everywhere.

The appearance of each golden light represents that a castle arm has been promoted to the rank.

The dense golden light means that a large number of castle arms have been upgraded to a higher level, and the corresponding strength has become stronger.

The strength is strong~

Naturally, it means that they can kill more powerful enemies.

And it's even harder to fall on your own!


The bitter war did not last long.

It's only been an hour or two.

This large inland city, second only to the border military city, was captured by the army of the Holy Empire.

All the defenders and professionals in the city will either surrender or die, and have no other choice.

And surrender means that they will join a new round of war.

Follow the army of the Holy Empire to attack other cities of the Radiant Empire.

Compared to other castle lords...

Lin Yi doesn't have to worry about the loyalty of these [surrenders].

Not to worry about their betrayal on the battlefield.

The reason is very simple, one of Lin Yi's natal artifact [King Scepter], one of the subsidiary effects is to forcibly increase the loyalty of the people of the empire to the full value of 100 points.

The same is true for the professionals from the Radiance Empire who came over.

Once they choose to join the Holy Empire's faction, their loyalty will explode instantly.

Absolutely loyal to Lin Yi!

Loyal to the Holy Empire!

As for the other castles and castles, they have to worry about the loyalty of their troops. Facing the surrendered professionals from the glorious empire, they dare not accept it easily.

Soon, the battlefield was cleaned up.

All the loot was teleported to the Holy Empire in the rear.

And the army of the Holy Empire, after cleaning the battlefield, set off again, and killed the next target.

Including the army of the Holy Empire...

All the armies of the castle faction are frantically attacking the cities of the Radiant Empire.

All castle lords and rangers have a common goal, that is, to capture the glorious empire with the fastest speed, and then prepare for the battle of gods.


"Your Majesty~"

Radiant Empire, in the temple of the imperial capital.

Gathered more than 20 core executives of the empire.

Facing the Holy Master Gladstone, who was sitting on the highest throne in the hall, a core executive said angrily: "The people of the castle power are crazy!!"

"The battle of the gods is imminent!"

"Even the projections of the twelve demon masters of the abyss world have descended on the blood moon!"

"They are still attacking our city!"

"The most hateful thing is that the attack speed of the castle forces has not slowed down because of the appearance of the Twelve Demon Lord projections, but has become faster and faster!"

"Obviously, they want to capture our glorious empire before the battle of gods arrives!"


The dazzling lord Gladstone on the throne had a gloomy face.

He is also very clear about the intentions of the castle forces.

However, it is clear that it is clear, but he has no ability to stop it!

Especially the army of the Holy Empire, sweeping everything!

Wherever he passed, all the cities were captured, and there was no city that could resist the attack of the Holy Empire.

"The angel army of the Holy Empire is simply too perverted!"

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Chapter 396 The Baldwin Project! Bai was happy! The Nasitino War Plan! They must be stopped! (please customize

The Lord of Light, Gladstone, had a gloomy face.

The other arms of the Holy Empire are also very strong, but they are still within an understandable range.

But the angels of the Holy Empire are incredibly powerful.

equal rank.

Angels of the Holy Empire don't say one-to-three, even one-to-five doesn't have much pressure.

Many of their brilliant and talented professionals in the glorious empire were directly killed when they challenged the angels of the Holy Empire on the battlefield.

Especially those winged angels.

Not only has he mastered a large number of powerful angelic divine arts and angelic combat techniques, but also has extremely rich combat experience.

The professionals of the Radiant Empire are not their opponents at all.

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