If Anasta's status in the illusory universe is compared to that of the master of the planet.

Then the Abyss Demon King is equivalent to the village-level lord on the planet.

The domains of **** of the two are not at the same level.

In terms of years of practice and dominion, Anasta can completely suppress the Abyss Demon Emperor.

Correspondingly, Anasta's combat power will also have a certain bonus.

So Lin Yi has reason to believe~!

If Anasta is promoted to the realm of a half-step **** king, her strength will be stronger than that of the abyss demon emperor.


Lin Yi believes that if he is promoted to the level of a half-step **** king and masters the law of **** king, then his strength will definitely be stronger than the abyss demon emperor.

After all, he possesses nearly 200 sources of divine power laws.

There is also the origin of the law of time and space divine power.

In addition, he is also the lord of the empire, and he can mobilize the power of the people of the empire to strengthen his own strength.

Think about it, when there are hundreds of millions of people in the Holy Empire, 200,000 true gods, and the main gods including Anasta, nearly one-third of everyone's power converges on him...

Together with the two superb master artifacts he owns.

How terrifying is his strength?

He was confident that at that time he could definitely suppress the Abyss Demon Emperor!

In the same position of god, his power is actually stronger than that of Anasta.

However, the only problem is that it is not an easy task for Lin Yi to master the laws of the god-king and be promoted to the level of a half-step god-king.

At least compared to Anasta.

His promotion is more difficult!

After all, when Anasta was in the phantom Angel God Realm, she had already mastered a law of the king of gods.

Now she only needs to be "proficient" again, and then she can master the law of the God King again.

When she was introduced, she could easily be promoted to a half-step **** king.

As for Lin Yi, his road to a half-step **** king is even longer.

"Among all the sources of the laws of divine power that I have mastered, the one with the most hope of being promoted to the law of the king of gods is the law of abyss evil divine power belonging to the abyss world 々 "!"

"This is because……"

"My existing three demon master artifacts and two natal master artifacts are strengthening the origin of the abyss's evil law of divine power every moment!"

"It lifts very fast!"

"Far beyond other sources of divine power law!"

"So, my hope of being promoted to a half-step **** king is on it!"

"But even with the strengthening of the five main artifacts, it will take a long time for the origin of the law of the abyss to evolve to the level of the law of the king of gods!"

"At least, not as fast as Anasta!"

"If nothing else, Anasta will be promoted to the level of a half-step **** king before me!"

Lin Yi thought of the [Eternal Monument].

This is the only special reward from the [Different Dimensional Demon Extermination Contest Event], and is defined by the "official game" as the monument of the origin of the law of divine power...

Now in Anasta's hands!

Anasta can use the [Eternal Monument] to comprehend the Law of God King anytime, anywhere.

This can help her get promoted faster!


"Other gods or forces in the Endless Continent are afraid of the Abyss Demon King and the Twelve Demon Lords, but my Holy Empire is not afraid at all!"

"Whether it's Anasta or me, as long as one is promoted to a half-step **** king, he can confront the threat posed by the abyss world head-on!"

Compared to the gods of other pantheons or powers.

At this time, Lin Yi was in a very relaxed mood.

He did not feel like a great enemy because of the manifestation of the twelve demon projections in the abyss.

The simple Twelve Demon Lords can no longer make him jealous.

After all, he is already a peak master **** himself, and it is not an exaggeration to even claim to be the invincible master god.

Even among the twelve demon masters in the abyss, the first demon master, the second demon master, and the third demon master, who are also in the realm of the pinnacle gods, cannot be his opponents.

Why be afraid of it?


Just at this time.

In the outer starry sky, a ghostly shadow rose from the sea of ​​​​blood.

Approaching the endless continent like an ancient giant.

In an instant, the creatures of the entire Endless Continent cast their gazes on Miyage, and the eyes of countless creatures were full of fear and anxiety.

The ghost is so huge!

So big that even the blood moon seems to be just a plaything in its hands.

It looks down on the endless continent.

Like the supreme demon god, cold and ruthless.

"is her!"

"Constanya, the fifth demon master recorded in ancient history, is said to be the ancestor of the succubus family in the great abyss world, who has practiced for millions of years!"

"Her artifact, the master of the demon clan, is called the Sorrow of Time!"

"It is said to be a high-level master artifact!"

"Contains the origin of the two divine laws of time and abyss!"

"Its power is terrifying!"

"In the age of ancient gods, the **** of faith who died in the hands of the fifth demon Lord Constanya is unknown! According to legend, even the Lord of Titans, Patrick, was severely injured by her!"

"It was the Titan Lord Patrick, the Lord of the Dragons, and the Elf Goddess Isabelle who defeated the fifth Demon Lord Constanya!"

"This shows how terrifying her divine power is!"

"What does she want to do when she approaches my endless continent?"

"Does she think that she can break through the crystal wall of my endless continent with one of her main **** projections? If so, it would be too whimsical!"

"The Fifth Demon Lord Constanya is indeed very powerful, but let alone her, even if the Demon Emperor of the Abyss comes in person, he will never try to break through the crystal wall of my endless continent!"

"Only the Pantheon from the Supreme God Realm can smash the crystal wall of the plane!"

In the mainland of the Endless Continent, countless gods are talking about it.

Although they firmly believed that Constanya's projection would not threaten the plane crystal wall of the Endless Continent, they were still inevitably panicked when they saw the shadow that covered the sky above.

It's just because in the age of ancient gods, the shadow of the twelve demon masters of the abyss on the endless continent was too great.

Even though 100,000 years have passed, the shadow still lingers.

Especially those ancient gods who participated in the ancient gods battle, their faces turned pale.

a moment ago.

Many of them are still fantasizing about **** the [Throne of God King] in the battle of gods, and they are eager and excited.

Now, seeing the projection of the Fifth Demon Lord Constanya approaching the Endless Continent, their hearts suddenly seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water.

Uncontrollably shivered.

They who have experienced the ancient wars of gods know the horror of the twelve demon masters.

Leaving aside the three most powerful peak demon lords, the fifth demon lord, Constanya, can be said to be the most famous among the remaining nine demon lords.

In addition to her identity as the ancestor of the succubus, but also because of her main artifact [Sorrow of Time]~

In the ancient battle of gods that year, I did not know how many gods who believed in it.

One arrow at a time!

Almost unstoppable!

The Fifth Demon Lord Constanya's reputation in the Endless Continent was completely killed.

There is no **** of ancient beliefs, because she is a female demon master and she is extremely beautiful, she will feel that her strength is not comparable to other demon masters.


At a time when the whole world is panicking.

An equally huge projection appeared in the outer starry sky of the endless continent.

Face off with the fifth Demon Lord Konstanya.

The projection is a man, wearing a gray robe, sword eyebrows and star eyes, very handsome.

His expression was calm, and he looked at the fifth Demon Lord Constanya lightly, and said, "The Pantheon has not yet fallen to the Endless Continent, so you can't wait to run out to show your sense of existence?"

"Who are you?"

The Fifth Demon Lord Constanya looked at him coldly and said, "In the age of ancient gods, I have never seen you on the battlefield!"

The sword-brow man said: "I am the owner of the Nine Rings Tower, one of the seekers of the truth! You don't need to know my real name, because soon, our bodies will meet on the battlefield!"

at the same time.

In a certain area of ​​the Endless Continent, deafening cheers rang out.

They are all gods of truth who belong to the Nine Rings Santa Pagoda.

The sword-brow man is their tower owner.

Possess the position of the Lord God!


The Fifth Demon Lord Constanya squinted at the sword-brow man and said, "¨々The Endless Continent has been ruined to the point of giving up faith and chasing alien powers?"

"It seems that in this battle of gods, my army of the abyss demons will more easily capture this world!"

"Faith is gone, truth is the future!"

The sword-brow man said: "No one can defeat the endless continent guarded by the power of truth, not even your abyss demons! Back then, at the end of the ancient war of gods, we had already defeated you once with the power of truth, and now we will defeat you a second time. It's not impossible!"

"Arrogant human beings!"

The fifth Demon Lord Constanya said coldly: "If there is truth in the world, then the words spoken by the ruler of my abyss world, the great Demon Emperor, are the truth!"

The sword-brow man was speechless.

He felt as if he had heard this sentence somewhere.

Oh, right!

The angels of the Holy Empire once said that the Lord they believe in, the words spoken are the truth!

When he arrived at the fifth Demon Lord Constanya, he was replaced by the Abyss Demon Emperor.

The sword-brow man said: "Truth is the foundation for shaping the reality of the universe! If you don't understand the truth, your abyss world will be eliminated by this universe sooner or later!"


Konstanya sneered and said, "Only you will be eliminated from the Endless Continent. This battle of gods is the death of all races in the Endless Continent!"

"Victory will definitely belong to my endless continent!"

The sword-brow man said: "I have foreseen the picture of the abyss world being destroyed!"

"Humble human god, I won't argue with you!"

The fifth Demon Lord Constanya said with a blank face: "If you want to challenge my power, you can come to this starry world with your own body, and I will personally send you on your way!"

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