That is, under Lin Yi's human appearance, there is a demon body and soul hidden.

Only in this way.

Lin Yi was able to integrate the law of abyss divine power!

"He's the devil too!"

"A demon from the Abyss Demon Race!"

The forest goddess Christina was horrified and wanted to run away immediately.

As for attacking Lin Yi, she never thought about it.

Because, aside from Lin Yi himself, there were two god-level angels beside him, one of which was several times stronger than hers.

She doesn't run, there is only one dead end.

However, she was still a step too late.

Anasta's reaction was quicker, and she directly used the power of the best of her life, the main artifact, to release the cage of time and space, suppressing and imprisoning the forest goddess Christina on the spot.

In her natal master artifact, there is also the law of time and space divine power.

Although it is not as good as the laws of time and space mastered by Lin Yi, but with her divine power, there is no problem in imprisoning the forest goddess Christina.


The time-space cage trembled.

The forest goddess Christina tried her best to break the cage, but it was difficult to achieve this wish.

for a while.

Despair and regret also appeared on her beautiful cheeks.

She regretted believing in Lin Yi by mistake!

I thought he was here to save the Val'kyr continent and the spirit of the law of the world, but he didn't expect that Lin Yi was actually in the same camp with the Abyss Demons.

The only thing she doesn't understand is...

Since the essence of Lin Yi is the abyss demon race, why did he capture the capital of the demon king, suppress the army of 100,000 demon gods, and even kill the demon lords Enoch and Quint?

Shouldn't they be companions?

"Angels and Demons, Holy and Evil!"

"I thought you were born enemies, but I didn't expect you to be in the same camp!"

The forest goddess Christina looked at Anasta with a sad face: "Do you also know that the Lord of your angel family's beliefs is essentially a demon from the abyss world?"

"Forest Goddess!"

Anasta looked at her expressionlessly and said, "I warn you, don't blaspheme my lord! My lord is the supreme creator, the **** of creation, how could he be an evil creature?"

Forest Goddess Christina stared: "Anasta, haven't you seen it? Your lord, at the moment, he is refining the source of the law of abyss divine power extracted from the Eye of the Abyss!"

"That's the power that belongs to the Abyss Demon Race!"

"In the world of thousands of planes, no alien creature can control this evil power, only the abyss demon can!"

"Doesn't that explain the problem?"

Anasta squinted at her: "Forest goddess, how can you peep at the mighty power that my lord masters?"

Hear this.

The forest goddess Christina was stunned.

On the other side, the excited [Eye of the Abyss] was also instantly rigid.

what's the situation?

Isn't Lin Yi from the abyss demon?

If not, why was he able to 'integrate' the origin of the abyss's law of evil divine power?

At this moment.

The spirit of the law of the world surrounded in the middle is also in shock.

But soon, 'she' seemed to think of something, secretly said: "If His Majesty Lin Yi is not an abyss demon, then the godhead in his body is likely to be the legendary natural godhead without attributes!"

"Only a natural godhead without attributes can perfectly accommodate the source of evil divine power in the great abyss world!"

"But the problem is..."

"Doesn't this kind of godhead exist in legends?"

"Even if I recover to the peak period, it will be difficult to condense it!"

"Unless, it is a world law that is stronger than me..."

"and many more!"

"The world law of the Endless Continent is far stronger than mine. With its divine power, it is possible to breed a natural godhead without attributes, and His Majesty Lin Yi is from the Endless Continent..."

The spirit of the law of the world in the Val'kyr continent figured out everything in an instant.

However, 'she' still has an ominous foreboding!

This premonition emerged when the forest goddess Christina was suppressed and imprisoned.

Even if it speculates on the existence of a 'natural godhead without attributes'...

The ominous premonition still did not dissipate.

"I have to get out of here!"

"His Majesty Lin Yi from the Endless Continent is not only trying to hit the eye of the abyss, but also very likely to hit me!"

"It must be so!"

The spirit of the law of the world has access to thoughts.

Immediately want to run away.

As the world law of the Val'kyr continent, 'she' cannot leave this world, but with 'her' ability, as long as she hides, the three of Lin Yi can't find 'her' at all.

Unless the three of Lin Yi can destroy the entire Val'kyr continent!

Otherwise, the three of Lin Yi would never try to catch her.

"Spirit of the law of the world, do you want to escape too?"

at this time.

Anasta looked away from the forest goddess and stared at the nine-colored light ball: "I tell you clearly, you can't escape! Just wait for my lord to refine the source of the law of the abyss!"

"My Lord is merciful and will give you a brand new future!"

"it is as expected!"

The Spirit of World Law was quite angry.

It was clear that they were allies and cooperated sincerely just now to suppress and seal the [Pillar of the Abyss] together.

The result was a blink of an eye.

The angel Lord God under Lin Yi came to mess with her.

Obviously, this Holy Empire from the Endless Continent not only wanted to get the [Eye of the Abyss], but also wanted to suppress her together.

What to do to suppress her?

Of course, it is the same idea as [Pierce Eye], who wants to suppress her and then take charge of the world of Valkyrie.

It's just that the process is different.

The pupil of the abyss treats her as devouring and assimilation.

The Holy Empire wants to suppress and subdue it directly.

The process is different, but the goal is the same!

Both coveted the world of the Val'kyr.

The Spirit of World Law's voice was clear, but said angrily: "You are a force belonging to the holy and bright camp, why are you so evil?"

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Anasta was not angry and said, "My lord is saving you!"

The Spiritual Qi of the Law of the World said: "I don't need redemption, I have been reborn, it only takes a hundred years at most, and under my management, the Val'kyr continent will be full of vitality!"

"The need for redemption or not, this is the will of my Lord!"

"After my lord successfully refines the source of the abyss divine power law, I will give you a chance!"

"As for now..."

Anasta held the divine sword burning with golden flame, and said with an indifferent expression: "Stay where you are, don't think about escaping, or you will have to bear the consequences yourself!"

"Okay, I'm not running..."

The spirit of the law of the world agreed readily.

But she turned her head and ran away, and shouted again: "It's no wonder that I don't run! When I was the weakest, your Holy Empire actually wanted to suppress me. It's shameless!"

"When my strength recovers, I will come back to you to settle accounts!"

Now, Lin Yi is refining the source of the law of divine power in the abyss.

She faced only Anasta and Angel of God's Punishment Angela, which was equivalent to one less opponent.

If you don't run now, when will you wait?

"You can't run away!"

Anasta waved the divine sword of her destiny and released the law of time and space divine power again, trying to imprison the spirit of the law of the world that was going away quickly.

at the same time.

Angela of God's Punishment also summoned the Sea of ​​Thunder of Creation, and released the divine power of the Lord God, and cooperated with Anasta to suppress the spirit of the law of the world.

the other side.

The forest goddess Christina is also desperately attacking the cage of time and space, trying to escape and help the spirit of the law of the world.

But because Anasta's divine power is too powerful.

The time-space cage created is also indestructible.

In a short period of time, she couldn't break it at all.

I can only watch Anasta and Angela of God's Punishment join forces to intercept the spirit of the law of the world.

As for the [Pillar of the Abyss] that has been sealed and imprisoned, I just stared blankly.

The blood-red demon eyes didn't even blink.

This series of things that happened, all exceeded its expectations, making it a little dazed.


"So, is this His Majesty Lin Yi a human or a demon?"

It doesn't know anything about the 'natural godhead without attributes'.

So until now, it has not figured out what Lin Yi's true identity is!

far away.

The spiritual power of the world law exploded.

With one's strength, singled out Anasta and Angela of God's Punishment.

Although she is in the weakest state now, without the constraints of the [Abyss Eye], she can release her divine power to the fullest.

for a while.

Anasta and Angela couldn't help her.


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