"Endless Continent, what happened?"

"How can there be such a powerful and perverted Lord God?"

"In that world, is the law already broken?"

"In the battle of gods 100,000 years ago, if my abyss world used all its power to capture the endless continent, maybe such a main **** would not appear!"

"I have a hunch..."

"This human **** and the angel family under his command will become the great enemies of my abyss demons!"

"Unfortunately, we cannot report this news to His Majesty the Great Abyss Demon..."

The demon gods on the battlefield were desperate.

Even those high-ranking demon gods are like this.

Because no matter how they resist, they can't resist Lin Yi's law of divine power, Wang Yang.

The law Wang Yang swept over, and all the demons were wiped out.

None of them survived!

Lin Yi made up his mind that to kill all these demon gods, it is naturally impossible for them to 'defensive counterattack'.

In his opinion, a fatal blow is the best result!

Moreover, he did not consider suppressing these demon gods, and then handing them over to the imperial army to kill them.

the reason is simple.

As the battle of gods gets closer, the power he possesses has become very important.

Let the imperial army kill these demon gods, at most, it can cultivate a larger number of true god-level imperial arms, and it is even possible to directly cultivate the main god-level arms.

But in comparison.

It is even more critical that his own **** status is raised to the middle stage of the main god.

It can be seen from the fact that he was alone and turned his hand to suppress 100,000 demon gods. If the high-end combat power is not strong, then it is useless to have a large number of true god-level arms.

Besides, he is not an ordinary god.

He is not only the lord of the empire who possesses the divine artifact of the country's lord, but also possesses a natural godhead with no attributes, capable of accommodating all the laws of the world.

Today, he holds nearly 200 sources of divine power laws.

With the position of the main **** in the early stage, the strength can be comparable to the main **** who has entered the later stage.

How strong will he be when he ascends to the throne of God?

If he incorporates more sources of the law of divine power, then his power will be even more terrifying!

Therefore, since there is now a chance to improve his status, Lin Yi will naturally not give up.

There is another very important reason.

That is the abyss demon emperor who rules the abyss world, making him feel very threatened.

He can't rely on his big housekeeper Anasta for everything, he has to improve his own strength.

It is best to raise it to the level where it can be compared to the Abyss Demon King.

At the time of the introduction, the battle of gods started, and he didn't have to worry about anything.

You can sit firmly on the fishing hill.

Waiting for the opportunity to compete for the [God King Throne]!


bang bang bang...

In the sky above the capital of the Demon King, the demon gods exploded one after another.

They simply can't resist Wang Yang, the law of divine power controlled by Lin Yi. Even those high-ranking demon gods will die if touched and cannot be reborn.

In just a few moments.

Under the sweep of Wang Yang, the law of divine power, the battlefield was emptied!

All the demon gods who killed Lin Yi died cleanly.

At the same time, Lin Yi also gained an unprecedented amount of 'experience', and without any barriers, he forcibly upgraded the initial stage of the main **** he had just entered to the middle stage of the main god.

"Dozens of high-ranking demon gods!"

"Tens of thousands of median demon gods!"

"Sure enough experience!"

After entering the middle stage of the main god, Lin Yi felt that his divine power had skyrocketed several times again.

If it is said before, his strength can be comparable to that of the Demon Lord Enoch in the late stage of the Lord God.

So now, he can directly rub the Demon Lord Enoch on the ground.

His power is comparable to that of Anasta!

As for the other Demon Lord Quint, in front of him, that is the weak-level Lord God, and it is not enough to compete with him.

Even in realm, he is at the same level as the Demon Lord Quint.

But the same realm does not mean the same strength.

Lin Yi's current strength is many times stronger than the Demon Lord Quint.

"This is the feeling of soaring strength!!"

Lin Yi is in a good mood.

Even when he looked at another wave of demon gods gathered in the distance, his face was still full of smiles.

Of course, when such an expression fell in the sight of those demon gods, it was like a bolt from the blue.

They know it's almost their turn!


At this moment, Lin Yi waved his right hand, and he sealed the demon soul on the battlefield.

Tens of thousands!

The demon soul of the lower true **** level has been wiped out.

He only deliberately left behind the middle true **** and the demon soul of the upper true **** level.

Prepare to bring back the Holy Empire and give them a head-to-toe purification with the [Holy Grail] of the Temple of Light.

He really wanted to know, after he resurrected these demon souls and became his followers in the future, what kind of expressions would those demon gods who were killed from the abyss world see their former 'companions'.

come to...

I am afraid that even the abyss demon emperor will be so angry that his liver hurts, right?

"let's go!!"

In the distance, only the remaining thousands of demon gods turned into black lights and disappeared into the city center of the [Demon King's Capital].

There were also 'timid' demon gods who fled in that direction.

Lin Yi's spiritual sense swept away, and found that there was a dark passage in the [city center], leading directly to the first underground space below. There is the world of the forest goddess Christina and the native creatures of the Val'kyr.

These remaining demon gods saw that Lin Yi was invincible.

So choose to fight and escape to the first floor underground space.

Maybe when they get there, they can have a chance to survive.


Lin Yi chuckled lightly.

At this time, he can completely reverse the time and space and capture those demon gods who escaped into the passage.

However, he did not do so.

The war has continued until now, and he has killed hundreds of thousands of demon gods to only a few thousand. As a result, the forest goddess Christina and the native creatures of the Val'kyr continent have still not appeared.

Time to cause them a little trouble!

Especially the forest goddess Christina, she must see the situation clearly!

thought here.

Lin Yi didn't pay any attention to those demon gods who escaped.

With a flicker of his figure, he left the cage of time and space.

Immediately after, he rushed straight into the golden sea of ​​thunder created by Angela of God's Punishment.

His next goal is to suppress the Demon Lord Quint!

He wants to kill the Lord God!

Chapter 330 The Sadness and Choice of the Forest Goddess! Young world law! The devils are coming in! Shock! (please customize

The first floor underground space.

This is the center of the Val'kyr continent.

There are more than 10 billion remnants of the Val'kyr Continent.

Among them, the vast majority are ordinary human beings.

There are only a few thousand true gods.

At the same time, the law of the world that governs the plane world of the Val'kyr continent was also 'chased' by the abyss demons, and its power was also reduced to the lowest point.

It can be seen from this.

How difficult the situation in this world is.

Those native creatures can almost be said to be stealing their lives.

It's lucky to have an extra day or two to live.

Without this [Destroying Demons Contest], the army of the Holy Empire ruled by Lin Yi did not come, and the world laws of Val'kyr continent and the native creatures here would only last for another ten years at most.

Ten years later.

The laws of the world are bound to be swallowed and assimilated by the main artifact [Abyss Eye] from the abyss world.

And when Jie Shi, the remaining native creatures in the first underground space, including the forest goddess Christina and the thousands of gods, will also be eliminated by the abyss demons.

Compared to the abyss demons.

The power they have is too weak!

Even the world's laws of the Val'kyr are almost unstoppable, let alone them.


At this moment.

The central location of the underground space on the first floor.

A nine-colored light ball shaped by the laws of the world is suspended.

It can also be said that this nine-colored light ball itself is the world law of the Val'kyr continent.

It should have ruled the entire Valkyrie plane world, but now, its power has become extremely weak, and it can only barely control the first layer of underground space.

Obviously can see.

Inside the nine-colored light ball, there is a blood-red pupil.

It has penetrated into the body of the law of the world.

The blood-colored thread released by it is constantly swallowing up the power of the law of the world, strengthening itself, and at the same time making the law of the world become weaker and weaker.

It is the main artifact from the abyss world - the pupil of the abyss!

Its most special ability is to devour and assimilate the world laws of other plane worlds, and then transform this plane world into a breeding ground for the abyss demons.

The ancient gods battle as early as 100,000 years ago.

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