"Just the divine aura emanating from Lin Yi's body made my legs tremble!"

"Is this the Lord God? Too strong!"

in excited discussions.

The daring castle lord and ranger came to Lin Yi and saluted him respectfully.

It has been a while since the castle power came to the Endless Continent, and every castle lord and ranger has experienced too many things, and they know what kind of etiquette they should have when facing powerful gods.

Lin Yi nodded slightly.

Said to them: "The demons in this area have been cleaned up, you can go to the north, about 500,000 kilometers away, there is a demon army stationed!"

"Thank you Lin Yi for the tip!"

A beautiful-faced female castle lord said excitedly.

When she looked at Lin Yi, her bright eyes were just like Hu Xian'er's winking eyes, and the electricity was pulsing.

However, she was obedient in the next second.

Because of Lin Yi's 3.7 housekeeper, Anasta, she glanced at her with a 'faceless' look.


Lin Yi didn't stay long.

With a wave of his right hand, time and space distorted, disappearing with Anasta and Angela of God's Punishment.

see this scene.

The castle lord and ranger present were instantly envious.

"Boss Lin Yi's two main angels are really beautiful!"

"Especially under the crown of Anasta, who is more goddess than goddess!"

"Envy Lin Yi boss!"

"Speaking of the third sister, you actually discharged electricity to Mr. Lin Yi just now, it's really awesome!"


The lord of the female castle, who was called 'Three Sisters', did not feel embarrassed, but said generously: "Castle power, which girl doesn't want to have a relationship with Lin Yi? If you don't work hard, how do you know it is? What is the result? What if it succeeds?"

"Ha ha……"

"Boss Lin Yi obviously didn't like you!"


The third sister gave him a white look.

The castle lord and the rangers present also laughed.

Soon, they also brought together the castle army under their command, assembled millions of troops, and killed the demon stronghold hundreds of thousands of kilometers away according to the direction of Lin Yi.


"My lord~"

Anasta said respectfully to Lin Yi: "It seems that the speed of the castle power is also very amazing! I feel that there are no less than one million gods in the castle army entering the third underground space!"

Before the Demon Extinguishing Contest begins.

There are only a few gods in the castle power.

In just two days, the scale of the gods of the castle camp has reached a million level, and the speed of such improvement is indeed terrifying.

Spread it out, enough to shake the entire endless continent!


"After all, they almost slaughtered the trillions of demonized monsters in the fourth floor underground space!"

"It's strange that the strength can't be improved."

Lin Yi didn't care, but was happy to see the castle power camp develop and grow.

Because for his Holy Empire, it would be very helpful.

As for whether those castle lords and rangers would threaten his "rulership" over the castle forces, he didn't have to worry at all.

After all, he is now in the realm of the Lord God, enough to look down on everything!

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Chapter 327 Great melee! Crazy castle army! Even the devil was killed! Go to the second floor!

With the army of the castle faction, they entered the third floor underground space.

The entire space suddenly set off a big melee!

Trillions of castle lords, rangers, and castle troops started a crazy battle with the demon army in the third underground space.

The total size of the army of the castle forces has reached about 1.7 trillion.

They all came out of the fourth floor underground space.

After eliminating the trillions of demonized monsters there, the strength of all castle lords, rangers, and castle troops has been greatly improved.

Leaving aside the saints and demigods.

The number of castle masters, rangers and castle troops who have entered the realm of true gods has reached millions.

It is twice as many as the demon gods in the third floor underground space.

In addition, the army of the castle forces has nearly 1.7 trillion in number, and the tens of billions of demons besieging the third layer of underground space together will not necessarily fail.

The castle camp still has a high win rate.

Of course, the loss is also certain.

After all, although the number of demons is small, less than 1% of the castle force, the individual strength of the demons is very strong, and they are generally demigods.

Plus, demons are a natural fighting race.

The combat experience is quite rich.

It is normal for a demon to deal with two or three castle troops of the same rank.

Therefore, the castle forces attacked the third underground space, and the casualties were definitely not small.

A large number of castle troops will fall here.

Even the castle lord and the ranger would die if they reacted a little slower and did not activate the teleportation brand in time and return to the Endless Continent when they encountered danger.

However, even so.

The castle faction still did not back down.

Led their castle legion to kill directly.

Not only that, the castle masters and rangers who stayed in the surface world to find the treasures of the gods also entered the third underground space one after another.

the reason is simple.

Without war, the Val'kyr would have no enemies to kill for them.

The demonized monsters in the fourth floor underground space have been slaughtered, leaving only the demons in the third floor underground space, which can barely be killed.

As for the second floor underground space...

They don't have the guts to touch it.

Because the demons living in the second floor underground space are all pure-blooded high-level demons, and their strength is even more terrifying, even the demon masters of the main **** level.

The limit of the castle's power is to fight with ordinary demons in the third underground space.

As for the second floor...

All castle lords and rangers knew that it was the home ground of Lin Yi and the Holy Empire army.

For this, they are quite envious.

If they can clean up the pure-blooded high-level demons on the second floor, their strength will definitely increase by 23, and it may not be impossible to be promoted to the **** position of the middle **** or even the upper god.

Unfortunately, they do not have such strength.

Therefore, they could only settle for the next best thing and tore down with the ordinary demons on the third floor.



The third floor underground space.

Near the ruins of the tens of thousands of demon nests, castle creatures can be seen everywhere.

Basically, hundreds of millions of castle armies have assembled near the ruins of each demon nest, besieging the demons living in those demon cities.

The war has affected the entire third floor underground space.

Not only did the underground world vibrate constantly, but it was also very tragic.

There are a large number of castle creatures and demons falling every moment.


During the same time period, there were more fallen castle creatures.

Compared with the demons, their death ratio was almost twenty to one.

That is to say, basically, twenty castle creatures must be sacrificed to be able to kill a demon.

This ratio is horrific!

At the same time, it also means huge casualties!

But despite this, the morale of the castle army is still very high, even the castle lord and the ranger, who cherish their own lives, have basically not flinched.

All castle creatures are desperate!

Because both the castle lord and the ranger know that the battle is coming!

If they don't take advantage of this Demon Extermination Contest to improve their own strength, once the battle of gods starts, they will definitely become cannon fodder on the battlefield.

The madness now is for the rise in the future.

Compared to Lin Yi, they are definitely far inferior.

But if they don't work hard, they may not be able to match even the creatures of the native world.

Therefore, they must fight for themselves and for the future!

It is also under the support of this idea that the castle lord and the ranger have become very crazy.

Even when fighting against demons, they are full of fighting spirit.

What's more, if you can't beat it, just run!

If you can't even run, you can only blame yourself for being slow.

"Kill all these demons!"

"The succubus in that battlefield area, hand it over to my legion to deal with!"


The deafening cry of killing shook the third floor underground space.

The entire space, tens of thousands of battlefields.

There are millions of demons in almost every battlefield.

They are also fighting **** battles, fighting to the death with the army of the castle forces.

But soon, the demons were stunned.

The abyss demons swept across the worlds of thousands of planes and wiped out countless intelligent races. Even the mighty Endless Continent was almost captured by them 100,000 years ago.

They have witnessed the despair of countless intelligent races before they die.

It also witnessed the cowardice shown by countless intelligent races in the face of death.

However, they can swear to His Majesty the Abyss Demon Emperor...

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