
"how is this possible?"

"The lord of a small castle, who is like an ant, has been promoted to the realm of the Lord God in just over a month and is on par with me!"

"The hateful laws of the world!"

"Too partial to those castle lords!"

The extraterritorial world of the endless continent.

Near a certain death star, there is a black temple that exudes terrifying power.

In the temple, there were bursts of angry roars from time to time.

The master of the voice is the master of the temple—the Lord of Destruction, Elliot!

After learning of Lin Yi's promotion to the Lord God, the Lord God of Destruction, Elliott, was instantly furious.

As early as in the beginning, when his God of Destruction, Morris, fell into the hands of the eighteen-winged angel under Lin Yi, he wanted to destroy the Holy Empire and destroy Lin Yi's castle power.

But that time, he was stopped by the goddess of fate, Anistora.

In the later battle of the gods, thousands of evil gods fell, including the evil **** who destroyed the gods.

At that time, he also came in person, wanting to suppress the Holy Empire.

As a result, the elf goddess Isabelle reappeared.

Being blocked again and again, the Lord God of Destruction, Elliot, felt very shameless.

The key is.

After several incidents, the strength of the Holy Empire began to skyrocket again.

There was an eighteen-winged angel who had been promoted to the realm of the Lord God before, and now another Lord God has emerged from the Holy Empire, and his identity is still the ruler of the Holy Empire, holding the master artifact of the country.

This made Elliott, the Lord of Destruction, very annoyed.

Because as the Holy Empire grows stronger, the possibility that he wants to destroy the Holy Empire is getting lower and lower.

Maybe, before long, the Holy Empire will become stronger than the entire evil pantheon camp.

By that time.

Not to mention the destruction of the Holy Empire.

He would feel fortunate that the Holy Empire did not take the initiative to provoke the evil pantheon.

And this is also something that the Lord God of Destruction, Elliott, very much does not want to see.

"Stop it!"

In the temple, there is also a figure wearing a blood-colored robe.

It was Elliott's 'best friend', the Lord God of Slaughter, Agustin.

As the two main gods of the evil pantheon, Elliott and Agustin are almost inseparable, and their friendship has been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years.

in ancient times.

Elliott and Agustin were born and died together.

The relationship between them is even stronger than that of the elf goddess Isabelle and the goddess of light Pandora.

The Lord God of Slaughter, Agustin said lightly: "It's nothing more than that the Holy Empire now has two Lord Gods, so why make a fuss?"

The Lord of Destruction Elliott said: "Are two Lords not enough?"

"Including the goddess of death, Gryffindor, there are only three main gods in our entire evil pantheon!"

"It's okay!"

The Lord God of Slaughter, Agustin said with a calm expression: "With the power of our evil **** camp, even if the Holy Empire now has two Lord Gods, it will not threaten us!"

Agustin did not know.

The number of main gods owned by the Holy Empire is not two, but three.

In the entire belief system, apart from the goddess of fate, Anistora, and the goddess of elves, Isabelle, no one of the gods is aware of the existence of Angela, the angel of punishment.

So both Agustine and Elliott thought that the Holy Empire now had two main gods.

If they knew the 'truth'.

I am afraid that not only the **** of destruction, Elliot, will be furious, but the **** of slaughter, Agustin, will have to jump up.

The Lord God of Destruction, Elliott, said in a deep voice, "Don't forget that the Holy Empire also has the support of the Elf Goddess Isabelle!"

"So what?"

The Lord of Slaughter Agustin sneered: "We also have the support of the Lord of Titans Patrick, plus the Goddess of Darkness, the Lord of Lichs, and the Goddess of Death, we have a full six Lord Gods!"

"Are you afraid that you won't be able to suppress the Holy Empire?"

"Goddess of Darkness?"

The Lord God of Destruction, Elliott, was surprised: "Isn't she the level of a top god? When did she get promoted to the realm of the Lord God?"

"She was promoted to Lord God one step ahead of Gryffindor!"

"I was also promoted in other star fields."

"So the gods of the Endless Continent don't know about her promotion to the main god."

Agustin, the Lord of Slaughter, said: "You know, the goddess of darkness Gabriela hated the most is the elf goddess Isabelle. After learning that we had a conflict with Isabelle, she secretly contacted her. I."

The grudge between the dark goddess and the elf goddess Isabelle~

It has to go back to ancient times.

A battle of faith that is older than the battle of gods.

At that time, the goddess of darkness and the goddess of light competed for the land of faith and started a war of faith.

Originally, the strength of the two goddesses was comparable.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

But with the help of the elf goddess Isabelle, the goddess of light, Pandora, was promoted to the level of the main god, forcibly suppressing the dark elves and the dark pantheon she ruled.

In the battle of faith, the dark gods have failed!

The dark is lonely, the light is rising!

Since then, the dark goddess Gabriela has hated the fairy goddess Isabelle.

Otherwise, she would not take the initiative to reveal the secret that she had been promoted to the Lord God.

The reason why she secretly contacted the Lord God of Slaughter, Agustin, was to unite the evil goddess camp, and use this conflict that has not yet ended to give the elf goddess Isabelle and the goddess of nature a ruthless move.

"The six main gods join forces!"

"It is indeed possible to steadily suppress the Holy Empire!"

After hearing what Agustin said.

The irritability in the heart of the Lord God of Destruction Elliott was instantly swept away.

If the six main gods add up, they will not be able to raze Lin Yi's Holy Empire. He promises that he will never provoke the Holy Empire in the future.

Even, as long as he saw the angel of the Holy Empire, he turned his head and left.

Just, is this possible?

He believes that such a thing is absolutely impossible.


Just at this time.

A mass of black mist appeared in the temple.

Soon, a beautiful figure came out of the black fog.

The figure has a gloomy expression, obviously in a bad mood.

She is the new evil goddess Griffinny, the goddess of death.

I heard that Lin Yi was promoted to the main god.

She is probably the one who suffers the most.

Because the spirit of her brother, the **** of death, Grantham, was sealed in the Holy Empire.

The stronger the Holy Empire, the less likely she is to save her brother's spirit.


"good news!"

Waiting for the goddess of death Gryffindor to start delivering negative energy.

The Lord God of Destruction, Elliott, immediately spoke, telling the story of the union of the Lord Titan, the Goddess of Darkness, and the Lord of the Lich.

After hearing this, the goddess of death, Gryffindor, also softened her expression.


"Four days until the deadline!"

"Four days later, our six main gods will descend on the Holy Empire together!"

"If you don't hand over the soul of my brother Grantham, then forcibly destroy the Holy Empire!"

"Elliott, Agustin..."

"We have to be tough!"

The goddess of death, Griffin, looked at the two evil main gods in front of her, and said fiercely: "If we retreat again and again, as the main gods, how will we govern the gods and believers under our command in the future?"

"How will the gods of other gods view our evil gods?"

"This matter has already involved the majesty of our Lord God!"

"Must be tough!"


For Gryffindor's words.

The **** of destruction, Elliott, agrees.

He wants to destroy the Holy Empire, it is not a day or two.

In addition to destroying the Holy Empire, he also wanted to get the ultimate divine weapon of the Eighteen-Winged Archangel Anasta.

For that rare master artifact, he had been greedy for a long time.

The Lord God of Slaughter, Agustin, did not sing the opposite at this time.

After all, he also felt that he was very embarrassed in the previous extraterritorial battle of gods.

The lost face must be taken back by hand!

"Four days later, our six main gods will come to the Holy Empire together!"

"If it is possible, then directly destroy the Holy Empire!"

Soon, the three evil main gods unified their opinions.


The third floor underground space.

Lin Yi had a smile on his face.

He estimated that when he was promoted to the main god, the 'game official' would give him a wave of rewards.

I just didn't expect this reward to be so good.

It is directly the source of the law of time and divine power!

[Whether to extract the source of the law of time and divine power? 】



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