Xia Qimeng looked at a few blueprints and dazzling godheads floating in front of her, and said, "If nothing else happens, Lin Yi rescued us!"

"God Lin Yi?"

Yixue's eyes widened.

The two goddesses next to her were also very pleasantly surprised.

"Is God Lin Yi here?"

"Why didn't we see him? Could it be that he left after rescuing us?"

"should be!"

Xia Qimeng nodded.

They are not on the same level as Lin Yi.

Lin Yi rescued them, maybe it was just a matter of convenience.

For them, it was a life saver.

But to Lin Yi, it was just an unimportant matter.

So Lin Yi did not appear in front of them.

Just helped them secretly once, and then left.

Yi Xue wondered, "Sister Qimeng, how do you know that God Lin Yi rescued us?"

Xia Qimeng said: "These blueprints and godheads were exploded after the fall of those demons! By killing enemies and exploding items, only people from our castle faction can do it."

"In the entire castle power..."

"Apart from Lin Yi, who else has such a powerful strength?"

"That's right~!"

There was a bright smile on Yi Xue's beautiful cheeks.

In his eyes, there is even more light of worship.

After the other girls in [Goddess's House] learned that Lin Yi had rescued them, they also cheered, and their admiration for Lin Yi became stronger.

Before, they were just pure female fans of Lin Yi.

They worship the powerful power that Lin Yi holds.

Even many male castle owners worship Lin Yi, let alone them?

But now, in addition to their admiration for Lin Yi, they have added a few different feelings to Lin Yi.

The grace of saving lives is unrequited!

Although they have a teleportation brand and can teleport back to the Endless Continent in time, you must know that Lin Yi's shot also indirectly saved their castle armies.

For Lin Yi, they are naturally extremely grateful.

"Now that the demon is dead, we need to clean up the demonized monsters here as soon as possible!"

"Go to other areas later!"

"Maybe, when the time comes, you will really be able to meet the great **** Lin Yi and his imperial army!"

Hear Xia Qimeng's words.

The girls of the Goddess' House instantly shone brightly.

Soon, killing and war reappeared in this area.

It seems that in order to see Lin Yi as soon as possible, the attacks of the girls have become even crazier!


the other side.

The three of Lin Yi crossed a large area in a short period of time.

Killed more than 20 waves of demons that came out of the third floor underground space.

There are more than a thousand demons who died in Lin Yi's hands alone, and many of them are at the level of gods.

Anasta said: "My lord, the area of ​​the underground space is too large, coupled with the 'suppression' of the laws of the world, it is difficult for us to eliminate all the demons!"

"If nothing else happens..."

"There should already be a demon returning to the third underground space!"

"And the Demon God who rules the third floor already knows what happened in the underground space of the fourth floor, so he deduces that the seal of the law of the world has been unlocked!"

"Looks like we're moving faster!"

Lin Yi said: "In order to prevent the abyss demon from reacting, use the magic nest to send the demon army from the abyss world!"

From the Goddess of Medusa Christine~

Lin Yi knew that [Magic Nest] could not only hatch demons, but also teleport an army of demons in the abyss, which is a multi-functional space teleportation array.

"Let's go!"

"Let's go to the third floor underground space!"

"Try to destroy all the magic nests there as soon as possible!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

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Chapter 316 Chaos World! lost heavily! The rescue of the mysterious powerhouse! Enter the third floor! Devil's Nest!

When the three of Lin Yi went to the third floor underground space with the help of the blood lake passage.

The world chat channel was also chaotic.

Because just now, many unfortunate castle masters and rangers also encountered demon squads that came out of the third floor underground space.

Their strength is far inferior to the three of Bi Linyi.

So it's all a huge loss.

Although most of the castle lords and rangers activated the teleportation brand at the first time and fled back to the endless continent.

But the castle troops under the command of the castle lord will not be able to.

They have been slaughtered by the demon squad.

Many castle lords' armies were completely destroyed.

The loss is too great!

【World chat channel——】

Many castle lords were shouting curses.

【Damn the devil! 】

[The two armies that I finally cultivated have the strength of a king, and the most powerful even reached the pinnacle of demigods, only one step away from becoming a god! As a result, they all died in the underground world! 】

[Me too, almost none of my subordinates survived, and they were completely killed by those demons! 】

[Looking at the information prompt of the death of the troops, my heart is cold! 】

[The most miserable person is me! Among my armies, one has already been promoted to the realm of the true god, but he was killed by the devil! Damn, blood loss! 】

【hateful! Where did those demons come from? ! 】

[I killed a demon, searched for its memory through undead magic, and found that the underground world is divided into four layers of space! Demonized monsters live on the fourth floor, relatively weak demons live on the third floor, and powerful demons live on the second floor. As for the first layer of underground space, there are some remnants of native creatures living in this world! 】

[Obviously, those demons came out of the third floor underground space! 】

[The demons that attacked us are generally demigods, and there are also demon gods. Is this considered weak? 】

【normal! The abyss demons are the same as the angels of Lin Yi, they are all god-level races! The lowest growth potential is the demigod, and the most powerful is the main **** of the demon master level! 】

[Those demons are all adult demons, and their strength is naturally very strong! 】

【It broke our hearts! My armies are completely destroyed, and I have to start all over again! 】

【It's good to be alive! We are lucky, some unlucky, slow-running castle lords and rangers have died at the hands of demons! 】

[We are the master of the castle "400", the arms are dead, just recruit again! 】

[Now, we are no longer weak, with large and small, and we can soon help newly recruited troops to upgrade their ranks! 】

[But the loss is still huge! 】

[I really want to go back immediately and kill all those demons! 】

Above the world chat channel.

There are many castle lords venting their negative emotions.

They are not like rangers.

The Ranger itself is a lonely one.

Encountered a demon's raid, and fled with a teleportation, there was no loss at all.

But they, the castle masters, suffered a great loss.

As soon as they left, the castle armies under their command were designated to be slaughtered by the demon squad.

Just this wave.

There are many castle lords who lost their most elite armies.

Even some of the top castle lords, the armies under their command were completely wiped out.

It can be said that it is a loss to the grandma's house!

Therefore, they hated the demons that came out of the underground space on the third floor.

I want to kill all those demons.

At this time, the Lord of the Castle and the Ranger spoke.

[Compared to you, I am lucky! I met a mysterious strong man and saved me and my army! 】

【wipe! I also met that mysterious powerhouse! 】

【me too! 】

【What mysterious powerhouse? 】

[I don’t know, I have never seen the true face of that mysterious powerhouse from beginning to end, the only thing I know is that his strength is terrifying! 】

[A demon raided me and my castle legion. Just when I was about to give up the army legion and flee back to the Endless Continent, the mysterious powerhouse took action and directly obliterated the demon who raided me! 】

[I have been in a similar situation, those demons that raided me, the most powerful even reached the peak of the lower gods, but they were still obliterated! 】

【Are so many castle lords and rangers rescued by mysterious powerhouses? 】

[I'm curious, who is that mysterious powerhouse? Is it the native **** of this world? 】

[Don't make random guesses, the mysterious powerhouse is designated as the big boss Lin Yi! 】

[How can it be Lin Yi boss? 】

【Let me answer it! After the demons who raided me fell, blueprints, godheads, and a lot of power stones exploded. This ability to kill enemies and explode equipment is the exclusive ability of our castle forces! In our entire castle power, the only **** who has such a powerful divine power is Lin Yi! 】

【Agree! Same as my guess! 】

[I have long guessed that it is the big boss Lin Yi! 】

[Although I haven't seen the real body of the big boss Lin Yi, I am still 120% grateful for the kindness of the big boss Lin Yi! 】

[The appearance of Lin Yi, let us avoid a lot of losses! 】

【hateful! Why am I not having such luck? 】

[If only I met Lin Yi, I wouldn't have lost so many elite troops! My eight demigods are all dead! 】

【Same sorrow! 】

The three of Lin Yi, although they have cleared a large area of ​​the fourth floor underground space, killed more than 20 waves of demon teams from the third floor underground space, and killed thousands of demons, but it is difficult to achieve the coming The demon squad was all killed.

Therefore, there are lucky castle lords and rangers who were 'rescued' by him.

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