"Your castle faction has billions of castle masters and rangers."

"As long as 1% of the castle lords and rangers become gods, or there are god-like troops under their command, the number of gods in the castle's faction will also reach tens of millions!"

"This is terrifying!"

Have to admit.

Their native empire regards the castle power as the enemy second only to the abyss demons, which is extremely correct.

Because, once the castle lords and the rangers grow up.

Their native imperial power is likely to be suppressed by the castle power.

However, Snow Queen Dolores believes that a full-scale war between the castle forces and the local forces cannot be fought because the army of the Abyss Demons is close at hand.

It is possible to enter the Endless Continent at any time.

At that time, the castle forces and the local forces may even join hands to fight against the demon army and the burning legion from the abyss world.

Lin Yi said: "Compared to the local empire and the belief system, the strength of our castle camp is still too weak! Events like the Demon Extermination Contest are urgently needed to quickly increase our strength!"

"Perhaps I sensed the invasion of the Abyss Demon Race..."

The Snow Queen said, "That's why the Law of the World has prepared this Demon Extinguishing Contest to enhance the strength of the castle camp!"


Lin Yi nodded.

He also agreed.

However, even if the invasion of the abyss demons is imminent, it will not affect his war with the Radiant Empire.

Because he needs to use the war against the Radiant Empire to expand the power of the Holy Empire, so that he can more calmly deal with the demons from the abyss world.

Snow Queen Dolores kindly reminded: "Your Majesty goes to another world, and your empire in the endless continent can be protected!"

Lin Yi said with a smile: "I have already prepared a defense strategy, even if the gods of the evil gods come together to kill, don't even think about capturing my imperial capital!"

"That's good!"

Snow Queen Dolores didn't say anything more.

After chatting a few more words, she said goodbye and left, and borrowed power stones and different crystals from other local empires in the central area. She was very interested in the artifacts in Lin Yi's hands and wanted to buy them all.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, went to the Imperial Plaza.

He wants to give birth to a new day of adult angels, and then he has to upgrade two state master artifacts.

After everything is ready.

He can take his core army to another world at 12 noon to hunt demons!

Chapter 305 Powerful shield! Breeding Angels! Super big surprise! The god-level **** of punishment angel!

After arriving at the Imperial Plaza.

Lin Yi asked Anasta, who was following behind him: "How is the arrangement of the magic defense shield? How strong can it withstand a divine attack?"

Lin Yi only knew that last night, Anasta placed a magic shield overnight.

This defensive shield covers the entire imperial capital with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers.

There are no dead ends in the sky and the ground!

If he wanted to enter his imperial capital, he had to destroy the magic defense shield arranged by Anasta first.

The presence of the Magic Defense Shield is a must.

After all, Lin Yi wanted to take away all the elites of the Holy Empire by participating in the [Different Dimension Demon Extermination Contest].

Angels, natural elves, giant dragons, bright arms, golden Beamon, and all other top arms will all be brought to the world of different dimensions~.

Those who stayed in the imperial capital were all weak troops.

There is also the Empire-Subsidiary, which is mainly based on life occupations.

At the time of intercession, his imperial defense power will drop to the lowest value.

Even a weak lower **** can easily enter his imperial capital and even destroy his imperial heart.

Therefore, the magic defense shield is indispensable.

Hear Lin Yi's words.

Anasta respectfully said: "Returning to my lord, the defensive shield has been arranged properly. I have integrated my own Lord God's law and great power into it, and the defensive power is enough to resist the full attack of an enemy like Gryffindor, the goddess of death. !"

The goddess of death, Gryffindor, is a new goddess.

As the main god, her strength naturally goes without saying.

It can be compared to the Snow Queen Dolores, who holds the master artifact.

The magic defense shield arranged by Anasta can withstand the full attack of the goddess of death, and its defense is already very amazing.

"What about the enemy, Elliot, the Lord of Destruction?"

Lin Yi asked.

His focus was not on Griffinny, the goddess of death.

But the main **** of destruction, Elliot, and the main **** of slaughter, Agustin, the two ancient gods who ruled over the evil pantheon.

Anasta replied respectfully: "With the great divine power mastered by the Lord God of Destruction, Elliot, I cannot destroy the defensive shield I arranged for at least an hour!"

"Even if the Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Killing are united."

"It takes at least twenty minutes to destroy the defensive shield!"


Lin Yi nodded and said, "If these two main gods really come and invade our imperial capital, then 20 minutes will be enough for us to return from the different-dimensional world."

"In addition, there are caregivers who believe in beast gods and nature goddesses..."

"The safety of our imperial capital should be guaranteed!"

Lin Yi was completely relieved.

You can take his imperial elite with peace of mind and go to the world of different dimensions to participate in the competition.

"I don't know about this event..."

"What will be the only special reward for the first place in the Demon Extermination Ranking List!"

The "official game" reward must be a boutique.

This is recognized by the lords of countless castles.

Lin Yi also agreed.

After all, there are several kinds of rewards he got in the 'official game', such as the natural godhead without attributes, the fortress of war, the city in the sky, the artifact of the king, and so on.

Every kind of reward belongs to 'boutique'!

Amazing value!

Therefore, Lin Yi is also very much looking forward to the [only special reward] given by the "game official" this time.

As for whether I can get the first place...

It's not in his scope of concern.

In the original beast tide activity, those top castle lords may still compete with him, but this time in the [Devil Demon Contest], the castle lord who can compete with him for the first place no longer exists.

Even all the top castle lords of the castle camp are united.

It is impossible to catch up to him with the Demon Extermination Points obtained.

After all, in addition to the imperial army he brought in the past, he also brought all the gods of the empire.

Hundreds of demons and demonized creatures killed by the gods, could it not be as many as those killed by the masters of the top castles?

This is obviously impossible!

It can be said that before the event started, he has already ranked first in the [Destroyer Ranking].

That [the only special reward] is already in his pocket.

Can't run away!


Immediately, Lin Yi came to the vicinity of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] standing on the square.

After a night.

The three [Angel Reincarnation Pools] have all recovered their energy.

Moreover, the dozen or so angels and gods who died in the extraterritorial battle of gods yesterday have also been resurrected, and their strength has not decreased.

This is the Angel Reincarnation Pool!

As long as the angel's heart is not destroyed by the enemy, and there is an angel's reincarnation pool, Lin Yi's angel is basically difficult to die.

[The current angel reincarnation pool is full of energy, does it breed the angelic holy spirit? 】



Lin Yi chose [No].

Soon, the information prompt appeared again.

[Does it breed adult angels? 】


"Greed up!"

Following Lin Yi's words.

The Angel Reincarnation Pond, with a diameter of over a thousand meters, suddenly burst into a dazzling white light.

In the white light, there are countless cute little angels with the size of slaps flying, and they also sing melodious chants together that seem to be able to baptize the soul.

Lin Yi was used to such scenes.

So I didn't pay too much attention.

He just clicked on the information prompt of the gestation time.

[The current gestation time of adult angels in the Angel Reincarnation Pool: forty-nine days, seven hours and thirty-two minutes]

"Nearly fifty days!"

"It's not a lucky explosion, but luck is good!"

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face.

If nothing else, this [Angel Reincarnation Pond] should be able to breed fourteen-winged angels, which means that they have the status of a higher **** as soon as they are born.

"A crystal of divine power can shorten the gestation time by two hours!"

"In other words, it only takes five hundred and ninety-two crystals of divine power to breed this wave of adult angels directly!"

thought here.

Lin Yi did not hesitate, and immediately took out a sufficient number of divine power crystals and put them into the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

Just a few hundred crystals of divine power.

In exchange for those who believe in gods, they may still be reluctant.

But in Lin Yi, it can only be said to be trivial.

As long as he can breed adult angels with powerful supernatural power, let alone hundreds of supernatural power crystals, even if it is thousands or tens of thousands, he will not feel distressed.

With the input of divine crystals.

The energy in the angel's reincarnation pool in front of him suddenly rolled, releasing extremely strong fluctuations of divine power.

After a moment.

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