She has the largest number of angel wings, and the eighteen angel wings behind her all release terrifying divine power fluctuations, coercing the entire starry sky world.

Feel the power in her.

In the major camps, those upper gods who hold [strong divine power] also feel unstable.

There is a huge pressure on their hearts.

Facing this eighteen-winged angel who appeared out of thin air under the starry sky, they even had a feeling that they couldn't straighten their waists and lowered their heads involuntarily.

"It's the eighteen-winged angel of the Holy Kingdom!"

"It is said that she is the most powerful existence in the Holy Kingdom! Before that, she was the one who forcibly killed Morris the God of Destruction and Osvid the God of Slaughter in front of the God of Destruction, Elliot!"

"What a terrifying divine might!"

"This is definitely the breath of great divine power!"

"Has she also been promoted to the level of the Lord God?"

"That breath belongs to the great divine power, plus she is far more coercive than the top gods at the peak... Only one thing can be said, she is also a new master god!"

"New Lord God?"

"Why do I feel she's stronger than Griffinny, the goddess of death?"

"Just now, she appeared out of thin air and attacked Griffinny, the goddess of death! If Her Majesty's response was a bit slower, I'm afraid she would be directly pierced by the divine sword in her hand!"

"The divine sword in her hand is also extraordinary!"

"That is a top-quality main artifact, which is rare and rare!"

"It's unbelievable!"

"What kind of secrets are hidden in the holy kingdom of heaven? Not only does it have a main god, but it also possesses an extremely rare and top-quality main artifact!"


"If it wasn't for knowing that the Holy Kingdom is a castle force that descended on the Endless Continent, I would have suspected that it was an ancient **** system inherited from ancient times!"

Under the starry sky, countless gods paled in horror.

At this moment, there are already millions of gods gathered.

Among them, most of them are the gods of faith, and a few are the gods of truth from major empires.

But they are without exception.

All were taken aback by the sudden appearance of Anasta.

At this time, a top **** from a certain **** system was horrified: "She is higher than the goddess of death, Griffinny!"

"It can be judged by divine power."

"The goddess of death, Gryffindor, is a newcomer to the realm of the gods."

"And she, the eighteen-winged angel of the Holy Kingdom, has reached the mid-term master god!"

"One early stage, one middle stage!"

"It's clear at a glance who is strong or weak!"

Soon, another high-ranking **** spoke up and said in a trembling voice: "The most terrifying thing is that her natal artifact is a superb master artifact! Just one step away, she can be promoted to the supreme artifact 087!"

"There are not many master artifacts of this level in the entire Endless Continent!"

"It's not that there are a few..."

"It's only in the Goddess of Nature system, the Titan God system and the Dragon God system that have such a supreme master artifact!"

"As for the other gods~"

"For example, the goddess of death, Griffinny, who is newly promoted to the realm of the main god, the natal artifact in her hand is only a low-level main artifact!"

"In the middle of the main god, there is another top-quality main artifact..."

"This eighteen-winged angel of the Holy Kingdom must be very terrifying!"

A **** said in a deep voice: "The divine power she has mastered, if nothing else, is comparable to ancient master gods like Elliott and Agustin!"

"I don't care about her strength..."

"I just want to know one thing!"

"How could her divine position be promoted so quickly?!"

A **** of truth from the native empire [Orc Royal Court] said in horror: "Just a few days ago, when the Holy Kingdom went to war with the coalition forces, when she suppressed Morris, the **** of destruction, and Osvid, the **** of slaughter, she also It's just the realm of the top gods!"

"Just a few days."

"She has been promoted to the realm of the Lord God, and is it still in the middle stage of the Lord God?"

"how can that be!!"

These words directly shook the entire starry sky.

Silence the millions of gods present.

In a few days, from the realm of the top **** at the peak, to the realm of the middle stage of the main god, this is like a joke.

Among the millions of gods present, there are also some top gods.

However, they are all ancient gods who have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Some of them have stayed in the realm of the top gods for 100,000 years.

One hundred thousand years, not an inch.

This is not surprising, but a very normal thing.

Originally, it was extremely difficult to be promoted to the main **** and master the great divine power.

Not to mention that it has stopped for 100,000 years, even if the years of cultivation are doubled, and he does not enter the realm of the Lord God, no one will say that 'he' is not qualified enough.

The Lord God is difficult to enter, this is a common knowledge!

They believe in tens of millions of gods, but the number of the main gods is less than twenty, which shows how difficult the realm of the main gods is.

But this eighteen-winged angel of the Holy Kingdom.

But it only took a few days to achieve what they had never been able to achieve in their entire lives.

The most amazing is.

This eighteen-winged angel did not simply step into the realm of the Lord God.

Her **** position has been promoted to the middle stage of the main god!

On the road of the Lord God, she achieved a great leap forward.


Millions of gods, all shocked by this.

At this time, the God of Truth said with jealousy on his face: "What else could it be for? It all depends on the care of the castle forces from the laws of the endless continent world!"

"We need to practice hard to advance to the status of God, and we must have a great opportunity to break through!"

"However, the people of the castle power can improve their realm only by killing the enemy!"

"One thing is certain!"

(cddh) "This eighteen-winged angel of the Holy Kingdom is the one who killed nearly ten ancient evil gods in a row in the past two days! She has accomplished herself by killing those ancient evil gods!"

Upon hearing this.

Under the starry sky, there are many upper gods who feel their necks are cold.

Especially those high-ranking evil gods hidden in the void, because they came a step late, they failed to participate in the battlefield.

In this regard, they do not regret, but rejoice.

Now, they have an urge to run away immediately.

A main **** who holds great divine power actually put down his body and hunted down these 'weak gods' himself.

Is it an honor?

Do not!

This is the scariest thing in the world!

If the eighteen-winged angel of the Holy Kingdom of Heaven had his eyes red, and even they were staring at them, then they would basically have no escape.

Even their main gods, Elliot and Agustin, would hardly be able to shelter them.

"The Holy Kingdom is maliciously destroying the rules of the gods' world!"

"As early as the ancient times, the major gods had an agreement that the master of the gods was not allowed to attack the gods of other gods, but she used the power of the main **** to madly slaughter the upper gods of our evil gods!"

"Is this trying to fight our evil gods?"

"What's more, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold!"

"It's not certain that one day, the target of her hunting will be replaced by powerful gods from other gods! With her here, the whole world of gods will not be peaceful!"

"Never let her go on!"

"We must unite to bind her and bind the Holy Kingdom!"

There are many high-ranking evil gods expressing their opinions.

They are also afraid of death!

After all, this is a mid-term master **** with the best master artifact hunting their gods!

Who is not afraid of?

However, their words received little response.

In the world of gods, the reputation of the evil pantheon is not good.

Few pantheons are willing to cooperate with evil pantheons.

What's more, when things don't happen to you, who will automatically provoke trouble?

If they get burned, wouldn't they lose a lot?

And now, there is no **** of any **** system, and they dare to provoke the sacred kingdom of heaven with the protection of the main god, they are all unavoidable.

at this time.

The flame goddess from the natural goddess department sneered and said: "Why does the main **** of the holy kingdom hunt down the evil gods of your evil gods, don't you have any points in your heart?"


In the void, the evil gods were silent.

In their hearts, they have cursed the God of Destruction Morris and the God of Slaughter Osvid thousands of times.

Before, if it wasn't for Morris and Osvid's calculations behind the Divine Kingdom, the Divine Kingdom would probably not target their evil pantheon.

But now, it's useless to say anything.

Morris, the **** of destruction, and Osvid, the **** of slaughter, are dead.

Killed by the eighteen-winged angel in front of the God of Destruction, Elliot.

Now, the eighteen-winged angel is eyeing them again!

"Her **** position has been promoted so fast because she has killed nearly ten ancient evil gods in our **** system!"

"I'm worried that she has tasted the sweetness and has red eyes."

"In case the goddess of death Gryffindor can't stop it..."

"Then what else? Withdraw!!"

In the void, the hidden upper evil gods turned around and left without hesitation.


Under the starry sky, many gods are watching the two figures in the distant star field.

"I originally thought that after the arrival of the goddess of death, Gryffindor, it would be enough to suppress the Holy Kingdom and save Grantham's soul. But I didn't expect that the Holy Kingdom actually has a more powerful existence than Gryffindor. !"

"That eighteen-winged angel has been hiding in the dark universe!"

"It's not disdain to shoot, but waiting for someone!"

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