Tisia's beautiful cheeks were covered in fine sweat, and her face was pale.

It can be seen that her consumption is very large.

But she still respectfully saluted Lin Yi and said, "Almighty Lord, in accordance with your oracle, I have built an angel reincarnation pool!"

"If you want to build the second Angel Reincarnation Pool, you can only wait until tomorrow!"

This has nothing to do with Tisia's divine power.

Even if Tisia possesses the divine power of the Lord God, she can only build one Angel Reincarnation Pool every day.

The strength of divine power will only affect the level after the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] is constructed.

The stronger her divine power, the higher the level of the reincarnation pool.

The reverse is also true.

Tisia is now an early lower god, so naturally he can only build a first-level angel reincarnation pool.


With a smile on her face, Lin Yi said to Tisia, "Your power consumption is too high, so go to the reincarnation pool to recover for now! Well, recover as soon as possible, and don't affect tomorrow's mission!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

Creation Angel Tisia saluted respectfully.

Then he respectfully stepped back, turned into an angel phantom, and entered a ninth-level [Angel Reincarnation Pool] in the distance.

After the creation angel Tisia entered the reincarnation pool, Lin Yi put dozens of divine power crystals into it.

This can speed up Tisia's recovery.

Before, the sixteen-winged angel Katrina, who was severely injured, was also cured by Lin Yi in this way.

To this end, he consumed a large amount of divine power crystals.


Lin Yi returned to the vicinity of the newly built [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

View its information sheet.

[Angel Reincarnation Pool: Unique Arms Building]

[Initial level: Level 1]

[Two angels and holy spirits can be bred every day]

[Required for upgrade: 100 Power Stones, 1 Different Crystal]

[PS: The first-level angel reincarnation pool, there is a very low probability that angels with special abilities or multi-winged holy spirits can be born]

"The attribute information is no different from my initial unit, the Angel Reincarnation Pool!"

"It can even be said that it is exactly the same!"

Lin Yi had to admit that the law of creating divine power was indeed very terrifying.

After coming to the Endless Continent for such a long time, he has never released the architectural blueprint of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool], and his second Angel Reincarnation Pool was also built by [Copying the Architectural Blueprint].


The unit architectural drawings of the Angel Reincarnation Pool are very rare.

It's harder to explode than an artifact.

However, the appearance of the creation angel Tisia made him no longer need to think about drawings.

Even if it is always revealed, with Tisia, his angel reincarnation pool will become more and more.

One more Angel Reincarnation Pool is added every day...

This is very scary!

Lin Yi is even starting to worry about whether the power stones and different crystals he has are enough...

After all, unless the creator angel Tisia is promoted to the late stage or peak of the upper gods, otherwise, the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] she builds needs to be upgraded with power stones and different crystals.

There are not enough power stones and isomorphs.

Even if Lin Yi has a large number of [Angel Reincarnation Pools], he cannot upgrade them all to level nine.

"Fortunately, my current reserves of energy stones and different crystals are quite rich."

"When the Snow Queen comes back tomorrow, I can get a lot of different crystals again!"

"So energy stones and different crystals are enough for the time being!"

Lin Yi didn't think any more.

The most urgent task is to upgrade the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] in front of him.

After rising to the ninth level, Lin Yi can give birth to a thousand more full-body adult angels tomorrow.

Lin Yi immediately clicked on the upgrade information prompt of [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

[Currently, the castle forces are rich in material reserves. Do you want to upgrade the Angel Reincarnation Pool? 】



Lin Yi didn't hesitate and chose [Yes] directly.

Immediately, this Reincarnation Pond was shrouded in a dazzling golden light.

When the golden light disappeared.

The upgrade of the reincarnation pool also ended.

After rising to the second level, the area of ​​the reincarnation pool has nearly doubled, the number of angels that can be bred every day has also become five, and the probability of nurturing multi-winged angels and special angels has also increased.

"Before and after the upgrade, there is no difference between my initial arms, the Angel Reincarnation Pool!"

This time, Lin Yi was completely relieved.

Continue to upgrade this Angel Reincarnation Pool.

With the golden light appearing again and again, it took Lin Yi about two hours to finally raise the newly built [Angel Reincarnation Pool] to the ninth level.

[Angel Reincarnation Pool: Unique Arms Building]

【Current Level: Level 9】

[One thousand angels and holy spirits can be bred every day]

[Required for upgrade: Unknown! 】

[Special reminder: There is a 70% chance of a ninth-level angel reincarnation pool that can breed angelic holy spirits with special abilities or wings. 】



Look at the final information of this [Angel Reincarnation Pond].

Lin Yi had a bright smile on his face.

So far, he has three [Angel Reincarnation Pools], and each of them is level 9.

The three reincarnation pools add up, and the adult angels he can breed every day have reached 3,000, which is equivalent to three angel legions, which is very amazing.

The most terrifying thing is.

There is the creation angel Tisia.

His Angel Reincarnation Pool will increase at a rate of one every day.

After a month, how many angel reincarnation pools can he have?

How many adult angels can be bred every day?

Just thinking about it made Lin Yi feel excited.

But at this time.

Lin Yi suddenly discovered 'Hua Dian'.

"Isn't it said that the reincarnation pool built by the angel of creation needs to cooperate with the angel of fate to breed angels? How can it be conceived directly?"

Lin Yi was puzzled and expressed puzzlement.

Immediately, he handed the question to the 'game official'.

Soon, the 'game official' replied - [Although the information of the newly-built Angel Reincarnation Pool is the same as the other two Reincarnation Pools, it is still unable to breed angels! 】

[In the newly built Angel Reincarnation Pool, there is a complete law of creation divine power. 】

[The ability to condense the heart of an angel was endowed by the creation angel Ticia. 】

[If the Lord of the Castle wants to breed angels, he needs to get the help of the angels of destiny, and give the hearts of those angels the power of soul and destiny. 】

"So it is!"

"Sure enough, I still need Claire's cooperation!"

Lin Yi thought about it.

Immediately, a crystal emitting a dazzling 3.7 light flew out of the reincarnation pool and fell into his hands.

This is the heart of an angel!

Angel's Core!

Even if the angel is killed or fallen, as long as the angel's heart is not destroyed, the angel can use the reincarnation pool to reincarnate and reincarnate, which is equivalent to immortality and immortality.

"There is no soul breath!"

"This angel's heart is a dead thing, so it cannot give birth to an angel!"

Lin Yi observed the angel's heart in his hand.

Determined its essence!

An angel's heart is an angel's heart, but without a soul.

"After Claire returns to the capital, let her use the divine power of the law of destiny to give the angel's heart a soul! In this way, an adult angel will be born tomorrow!"

"I just don't know how many Angel Hearts Claire can give souls to every day."

"Thinking about it, with her power at the peak of the median god, there should be a lot of souls that she can bestow!"


The vast extraterritorial world.

On a living planet hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the endless continent.

A boundless sea of ​​blood shrouded the entire life planet.

It can be seen that there are countless creatures struggling in the sea of ​​blood and screaming in despair.

But no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't escape, and they were finally swallowed by the sea of ​​blood.

And in the inner high altitude of the living planet.

A blood-red temple is suspended.

It is the source of the sea of ​​blood!

"Do not kill me!"

"I'm not with Morris and Osvid!!"

At this moment, a terrified scream sounded from the blood-colored temple.

Immediately afterwards, the temple exploded directly.

A **** figure escaped in a hurry, desperately trying to escape this life planet.

It's a pity that someone is faster and more terrifying than him.

It was the eighteen-winged archangel Anasta who was chasing behind the figure.

Anasta's expression was cold and she acted decisively.

Directly use the divine power of the main **** level to suppress that blood-red figure on the spot!

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