In the blink of an eye.

A dense ball of bright light appeared in the sky.

The two [Angel Reincarnation Pools] added up, giving birth to a total of 2,000 adult angels, that is, two angel legions.

Add two angel legions a day.

Speaking out, it is bound to scare the masters of countless castles.

Not to mention, in addition to these two [Angel Reincarnation Pools], Lin Yi has four other top-level arms buildings that are all level 9.

His six arms buildings.

The number of troops that can be recruited every day directly exceeds the number of 10,000.

This is very scary!



The two thousand light spheres suspended in the sky were all shattered.

A full two thousand full-body adult angels appeared in Lin Yi's field of vision.

at the same time.

There are also a lot of divine power fluctuations.

It means that among these adult angels, there are quite a few god-level angels.

Of course this is normal.

Because of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] at level 9, the probability of being able to breed multi-winged angels and special angels is as high as 70%.

In other words, among the two thousand adult angels, if nothing else, there will be more than a thousand multi-winged angels and special angels.

And angels, as long as they reach the six-wing level.

It has the limit of true God's adult potential.

Naturally, the number of god-level angels that he can breed every day is not low.

After all, can't all multi-winged angels be four-winged?

Then Lin Yi's luck is too bad!

What's more, the gestation time also shows that the number of adult 087 angels of the six-wing level or above this time will not be too small, at most there is no sixteen-winged archangel.

As usual, Lin Yi was the first to check the number of wings behind the angels.

As soon as the divine sense swept away, Lin Yi knew the answer.

"Two thousand full adult angels."

"A total of fourteen-winged angels at the upper **** level, five twelve-winged angels at the peak of the median god, thirteen ten-winged angels at the early stage of the median god, and nineteen eight-winged angels at the lower peak gods. , Thirty-seven seraphs from the early days of the lower gods!"

"A total of seventy-five true god-level angels!"

"not bad!"

"In this way, the number of gods under my command will be nearly four hundred!"

Although there was no sixteen-winged archangel born in this wave, and there was only one high-ranking angel of the fourteenth-wing level, Lin Yi also expressed his satisfaction.

"More than 1,900 adult angels left."

"Among them, there are more than 1,200 four-winged angels at the peak of the demigods, and the rest are the two-winged angels at the initial stage of demigods!"

"The two-winged angel will not talk about it."

"As long as you give these four-winged angels some low-level weapon evolution blueprints to raise their growth potential to the realm of true gods, it's not very difficult for them to become gods!"

Now, under Lin Yi's command, there are more than 30,000 demigods.

Among them, there are more than 7,000 who have reached the pinnacle of demigods.

They did not become gods, entirely because of their limited adult potential.

As long as the adult potential limit is raised, becoming a **** is not difficult for them.

"I have a gut feeling!"

"This time in the Demon Extinguishing Contest, the number of gods under my command will show a blowout pattern!"

"Once I have thousands of true gods, I can basically be tough with the True God Legion of the Radiant Empire!"

Lin Yi also expressed his anticipation for the upcoming imperial battle.


Lin Yi casually summoned the only fourteen-winged angel born this time.

Name it Maria.

Fourteen-winged Seraph Maria!

"Praise you, Almighty Lord!"

Like other high-ranking angels, Maria has an extremely beautiful and delicate face and a perfect figure.

Facing Lin Yi, she was extremely respectful and excited.


Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

With the addition of the Fourteen-Winged Seraphim Maria.

The number of upper gods under his command has once again reached eight.

Originally, he had eight upper gods, but one of them, Anasta, had been promoted to the level of the main **** and was not counted by him.

"Maria, take these angels to join the kingdom's army."

"Let's clean up the local forces and castle forces in the Kalami Prairie and the Boliri Heights together."

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

Fourteen-winged Seraph Maria respectfully answered the order.

Then she directly waved the scepter in her hand, released the legion teleportation magic of the angel family, and disappeared with the other adult angels in an instant.

As for Lin Yi.

Then a large number of blueprints were taken out from [God: Ring of Hidden].

There are more than 4,000 in total!

These blue-light blueprints are all from yesterday's war acquisitions, and they are all very precious [number of arms blueprints].

"More than 4,000 drawings of the number of arms."

"How many angels and holy spirits can you get for free?"

"It's tens of thousands, or more than a hundred thousand, it depends on my luck!"

Without hesitation, Lin Yi directly chose to use all of them.

In an instant, these drawings all dissipated.

It turned into countless golden light rains, and then gathered into golden clouds one after another in the high sky in front of him.

Dense golden clouds piled up.

The scene is extraordinarily spectacular!

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Chapter 283 Greedy Thief! A carnival day that belongs to the Ranger? Cove the Lord's things, die! Destiny obliterates! (please customize

Boliri Heights.

A qun figure quickly shuttled between the mountains and forests.

Their goal is very clear, that is to find the castle "hidden" in the surrounding mountains and forests.

yesterday's war.

All the lords of the hundreds of thousands of castles in the Boliri Heights fell.

In this area, there are a large number of unowned castles.

They don't need to find all the unowned castles, they just need to find some of them, take away the materials stored in those castles, and they will make a lot of money!

Their identities are also very obvious.

That is the ranger belonging to the castle force!

They don't have their own castle, so it can be said that they have no fixed abode.

But if you want to quickly improve your own strength, materials are still very important.

So they rallied to the Boliri Heights.

Before the arrival of the kingdom army of the Holy Kingdom, I want to scavenge some supplies in the castle and leave.

"Boss, is this really good?"

"We **** the spoils that belong to the holy kingdom of heaven, which is equivalent to taking food from the tiger's mouth!"

"If it is discovered by Lin Yi's kingdom army, we will be finished!"

"What are you afraid of? As long as our speed is fast enough, Lin Yi's kingdom army will not be able to find us! Even if we are found, we can be said to be rangers who have come to take refuge in the Holy Kingdom, and will not be directly killed!"

"Besides, who stipulated that those castle supplies belonged to Lin Yi?"

"What we're looking for is an unowned castle, and we're not going to the holy kingdom to grab Lin Yi's kingdom supplies. What are you afraid of?"

"Boss is right!"

"The ownerless castle, the materials in it are naturally ownerless!"

"Whoever can get it belongs to whoever!"

"Hurry up, speed up! Our goal is to find ten unowned castles, find four more castles, scrape off the materials inside, and we will evacuate the Boliri Heights!"

Soon after.

The ranger team found a castle in the forest.

They were very bold and went straight in.

Quickly killed the sporadic troops in the castle.

The owners of these castles have all died in battle, and most of the troops left in the castles have defected, and only a few are willing to stay, and their strength is not high.

At least compared to these rangers.

The strength of these arms is very weak.

They can easily kill those castle units, then take the castle and destroy its heart.

Soon, the castle was in ruins under the attack of the ranger team.

A large amount of castle supplies burst out from the [Castle Warehouse].

At the same time they also got a lot of various architectural drawings.

"More than 4 million units of castle supplies and more than 50 architectural drawings, making a lot of money!"

"Hurry up! These castle supplies can be collected, and all those that can't be collected will be put on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] and marked with a sky-high price. After we return to the base camp, we will take them off the shelves and recycle them!"

"Good boss!"

The ranger moves of this team are very skilled.

Soon all the castle supplies were processed, and then quickly evacuated from this ruined land to find the next unowned castle.

I can tell.

This isn't the first time they've done this kind of thing.

Because their work is quite professional!

Belongs to a veteran in the 'industry'.

And things like this 'looting' of an unowned castle didn't just happen in the Boliri Heights, it also happened in the Karami Prairie in the northwest.

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