The holy heaven in front is still shrouded in holy light as before, and it is filled with extremely rich light and holy magic.

Nothing seems to have changed.

But in fact, it is very different from before.

A few days ago, when she came to the holy kingdom of heaven, she felt only twenty or thirty auras of gods, but now, the number of auras of gods has exceeded three hundred.

That is to say.

Just a few days.

The strength of the Holy Kingdom has increased tenfold!

It made her feel incredible.

The most terrifying thing is that in the sacred kingdom of a few days ago, there is no **** of the upper **** level. But now, there are as many as eight auras of the upper gods she perceives!

There are eight high-level gods who have mastered powerful divine power!

What is this concept?

She believes in the beast **** system, and all the upper gods she possesses are only a dozen or so.

That is to say.

Just give Divine Heaven some more time.

The strength mastered by His Majesty the King can reach the level of believing in the beast gods.

You must know that the belief in the beast gods is a gods system inherited from ancient times, while the sacred kingdom is just a castle force that has only descended on the endless continent for only a short month.

Isn't that shocking enough for her?

"Eight upper gods!"

"More than three hundred gods!"

"No wonder it was able to suppress the more than one hundred traitors led by Alva!"

The Goddess of Medusa, Christine, was amazed.

Naturally, she didn't come to ask for explanations for the fallen beast gods.

In her eyes, those who believed in beast gods who did not obey her orders and attacked the sacred kingdom without authorization were all betrayers.

The fall of the betrayal is not worthy of her sympathy.

What's more, the strength of the sacred kingdom of heaven is different from the past.

She was already so powerful that she had to face it, she naturally couldn't order the belief in the beast gods to go to war with the holy kingdom for those betrayer.

The purpose of her coming to the holy heaven~

Just to find the goddess of fate, Anistora!

By the way, let's cultivate a relationship with His Majesty the King of the Holy Kingdom, so that we can achieve the goal of win-win cooperation in the future battle of gods.

"I got the message."

"It seems that Morris, the God of Destruction, and Osvid, the God of Slaughter, also died at the hands of the divine heavenly gods!"

"This castle force is really strong enough!"

"Don't be afraid of my belief in the beast gods, that's all, His Majesty the king is not afraid of the evil gods!"

"This is outrageous!"

Replace it with her.

Even if Maurice, the God of Destruction, and Osvid, the God of Slaughter, plotted against her behind their backs and turned against her, she would carefully consider the possible adverse effects before suppressing these two evil gods.

After all, behind these two evil gods, there is a main **** supporting them.

The Lord of Destruction, Elliott, and the Lord of Slaughter, Agustin, are not easy to mess with.

Either one, she is no match.

"However, it was also because Adrian was defeated and imprisoned by the Immortal Realm Xianting..."

"Otherwise, how could those two evil gods dare to trick me into believing in the beast **** system?"

Medusa Christine thought bitterly.

The main **** of war, Adrian, although not the main **** who believes in the beast gods, is also very closely related to the beast gods, sheltering all the beast gods.

The "Adrien Age" believes in beast gods, and is not afraid of evil gods at all.

Until the main **** of war, Adrio, was suppressed and imprisoned by the fairyland.

The demise of the pantheon of war.

The belief in the beast **** system also lost the biggest support.

To this day, in the world that believes in gods, all believers in beast gods, including her, the ruler of the beast **** system, have become cautious and do not dare to conflict with other gods.

The reason is because they do not have the protection of the Lord God!

In other words.

If the Lord of War Adrian is still there.

In other words, she was promoted to the level of the Lord God.

How dare the two evil gods, Morris, the God of Destruction, and Osvid, the God of Slaughter, plan those betrayers behind this war?

In the final analysis, it is because the strength is too weak!

"I don't know when I can be promoted to Lord God!"

"As long as I am promoted to the main god, the beast **** system that I rule can be on an equal footing with other main **** systems!"

In the whole world that believes in gods.

The overall strength of the belief in the beast **** system is actually quite good.

But compared to those gods that have the protection of the main god, such as the goddess of nature, the **** of light, the **** of killing, the **** of destruction, the **** of Titan, the **** of dragon...

Still not enough.

There is still a lot of room for advancement in the belief in beast gods.

And if you want to go further, the most critical point is that belief in the beast **** system requires the birth of a main god.

In other words, get the protection of the Lord God.

But obviously, whether it is to give birth to the main god, or to obtain the protection of the main god, it is very difficult.

For example, the goddess of Medusa Christine, she was already a high-level **** at the peak level as early as the age of ancient gods.

Today, after 100,000 years of hard work, he still stagnates.

It can be seen that how difficult is it to be promoted to the main god?

As for the protection of the Lord God, it is not easy.

The main gods in the belief system, except for the goddess of fate, Anistora, all have their own gods.

How could they care about their belief in the beast gods?

They look down on the main gods, such as the elf goddess Isabelle, the Titan **** Patrick, etc., but people don't look down on the belief in the beast gods.

It seems that they believe in the main gods of the beast gods, such as the main **** of destruction Elliot and the main **** of slaughter Agustin, they believe in the beast gods but are unwilling to join in and become evil gods.

So, this is annoying!

"It seems that we can only seek the help of His Excellency Anistora!"

"As the only main **** who believes in the gods without a god, and it is also one of the oldest gods (cddh), if I can get the protection of the crown of Anistora, I will not be so passive in my belief in the beast gods!"

While talking to herself, the Medusa Goddess Christine took a deep breath.

Immediately flew to the holy heaven ahead.

In the holy heaven, there is the imprint of the gods left by the goddess of fate, Anistora.

As long as she chases the imprint of the gods, she can contact the goddess of destiny.

By the way, let’s talk to Goddess of Fate about the appearance of demons at the ‘end of the world’.



Christine is not yet near the holy kingdom.

Figures flew out of the giant city, blocking directly in front of Christine.

There are not many figures.

But they all exude mighty might.

They are Angel Gladys, God of Virgo Palace, Angel Carroll, God of Double Womb, Angel Fross, God of Taurus Palace, and Shirley, the Sixteen-Winged Archangel, and Dale, the Sixteen-Winged Fallen Angel. et al.

Their **** positions are all in the early stage of the upper gods.

Several levels lower than the Medusa Goddess Christine.

But if they united, they wouldn't necessarily be able to suppress Christine, but there was absolutely no problem in the fight.

"Do not misunderstand!"

"I'm not here to make trouble!"

The goddess of Medusa Christine sensed the hostility in the eyes of the angels.

She immediately explained: "Although I am the ruler who believes in the beast gods, the beast gods who attacked you before have nothing to do with me, they violated my orders!"

The sixteen-winged angel Shirley came out.

"We don't care whether the belief in the beast gods is an enemy of our kingdom!"

"Only today, it is inconvenient for my kingdom to receive visitors from the outside world!"


Christine said, "I have something urgent to see your Majesty the King!"

Xue Lier said: "Today, the entire capital of the capital is blocked, and no outsiders are allowed to set foot! If Goddess Medusa wants to see my lord, please wait outside the capital!"

This is Lin Yi's order.

Shirley and other angels are faithfully executing.

Because, now is the critical moment for Anasta to be promoted to the Lord God.

Before Anasta's breakthrough was over, the Medusa Goddess Christine had to wait outside the capital.

After all, Christine believed in a god, and Lin Yi and she had only met once. The two sides had not established a basic relationship of trust, so he naturally couldn't be careless.

In case of any accident.

Affects Anasta's promotion.

That would be a big loss!

"The whole country is blocked?"

Goddess Medusa Christine frowned slightly.

It wasn't like that the last time she came.

At this moment, Christine seemed to sense something, her golden pupils suddenly enlarged, and she looked at the Holy King of Heaven behind Shirley and the others with a horrified expression.

"That is!!"

Christine's eyes widened.

Short of breath, unbelievable expressions on his beautiful cheeks.

She was frightened.

Shocked and speechless.

Because she could vaguely perceive that in the royal capital of the sacred heaven, the upper gods with the peak realm were being promoted to the main gods.

how can that be? !

When did the upper **** of the peak realm appear in the holy kingdom of heaven?

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