Then calmly faced the attack from the abyss demon army.

Lin Yi didn't want his kingdom and his angels, elves and other troops to become victims in the battle of gods. What he wants is to repel the army of the abyss demons, suppress the gods of faith and the gods of truth, and rule the endless continent.

Finally, win the [Throne of God King] and become the supreme god!


[The Reincarnation Pool of Arms Building Angels is full of energy, do you choose to nurture the Angel Holy Spirit? 】


On a new day, the Reincarnation Pool regained its energy.

The same is true for several other arms buildings, which can recruit a new day's arms.

However, Lin Yi still prefers to give birth to angels.

Hope to have a good luck!


Lin Yi decisively chose infertility.

He now has hundreds of thousands of crystals of divine power, and naturally it is impossible to nurture angels and holy spirits, and slowly cultivate them, which is a waste of time.

[Please choose whether to conceive an adult angel with a complete body? 】


"Greed up!"

Lin Yi did not hesitate and chose [Yes].

Besides, [Angel Reincarnation Pond] didn't give him any other choice.

Since the angels and the Holy Spirit are not conceived, only 23 can conceive adult angels, choose one of the two.

With Lin Yi's confirmation.

In an instant, the [Angel Reincarnation Pond] in front of him shone with dazzling light, accompanied by melodious chants, and countless little angels the size of slaps dancing in the holy light.

Such a scene is very beautiful.

Feng Qing on the side was also lost.

It was the first time she saw Lin Yi give birth to an angel.

It was such a beautiful scene that made her tremble.

However, Lin Yi didn't have the heart to appreciate it.

He had seen such a scene so many times that it was hard to be attracted.

What's more, he focused on the gestation time of these adult angels.

The length of the gestation time is related to the quality of these adult angels.

The longer the time, the more high-ranking angels and those with powerful divine power appeared in this batch of adult angels.

On the contrary, it is the same.

According to the standard provided to him by the 'game official' before.

If the gestation time is about half a month, it is blood mold.

Because the adult angels bred during this time period are generally only weak two-winged angels and four-winged angels, and the six-winged angels who have entered the level of true gods will be pitiful.

Not to mention the desire to appear fourteen-winged angels and sixteen-winged archangels.

Totally impossible!

Adult angels with more than 12 wings may appear only if the gestation time exceeds 30 days.

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

Turns on the gestational time info prompt.

Soon, he frowned slightly, slightly disappointed.

"The gestation time is twenty-eight days and six hours. It seems that the luck is a bit bad this time."

Less than 30 days of gestation time.

It would be nice to have one or two twelve-winged angels.

As for the fourteen wings and sixteen wings, there is basically no need to fantasize.

"But after all, luck is not the worst!"

"At least not to the point where there is a wave of birth, only six-winged and eight-winged angels appear."

Lin Yi comforted herself.

Immediately, he took out a pile of divine power crystals and put them into the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

Immediately, the energy in the reincarnation pool tumbled, and the rays of light were even brighter.

He consumed more than 300 divine power crystals and directly shortened the gestation time to zero.

After a moment.

Huge **** of light flew out from the Angel's Reincarnation Pool.

Each one is as bright as a star in the night sky.

"His Majesty!"

Feng Qing said with a face full of surprise: "Is this the birthing process of an angel?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "It's similar to recruiting arms from other arms buildings. The only difference is that the Angel Reincarnation Pool can directly breed angels in their heyday, and they don't need to grow."

"Angel in its prime?"

Feng Qing looked at Lin Yi in confusion.

Lin Yi explained: "Angels have different growth potential limits. For every pair of wings on their bodies, their growth potential will increase a lot. And the adult angels that are born will have the rank of the growth potential limit as soon as they are born. Initial troops, initial level!"

Hear this.

Feng Qing suddenly exclaimed: "This is too terrifying!"

In her arms building [Golden War Lion Home], the golden war lions recruited are all young, but the adult golden war lions have never been recruited.

At this moment.

Feng Qing finally understood why there were so many god-level angels under Lin Yi's command.

It is not cultivated 'from childhood' at all, but is directly nurtured.

No wonder the divine kingdom is so powerful!

This alone is enough to crush the entire castle power.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Didn't I tell you before? It takes a very long time to conceive an adult angel, as short as half a month, as long as three or five months, this is the price!"

"If I hadn't possessed the crystals of divine power, I could shorten the gestation time of adult angels."

"I wouldn't do it either!"

"After all, for our castle master, time is money! Even half a month's time is precious."

"That's true!"

Feng Qing nodded in agreement.

If it was her, it might not have taken so long to breed troops.

After all, in case of 'bad luck' and the gestation time is as long as several months, will her castle power still develop?

Can't breed troops for a few months.

The loss will be huge!

It may even be directly surpassed by other castle forces.

Can't make it.

That is, Lin Yi, exchanged a large number of different crystals from the 'game official' to a large number of divine power crystals, and this is the confidence to breed adult angels.

Instead, it is the lord of another castle.

Even if their arm building has the ability to recruit adult arms, there is no capital to recruit.

Because they are so poor.

This kind of breeding method, among the billions of castle owners, only Lin Yi can afford it.

It is like the more than 300 divine power crystals he consumed just now.

Converted into energy stones, it is more than three billion.

Besides Lin Yi, which castle lord can get it?

Not even those middlemen who are used to doing business!


not long time.

A thousand dazzling light **** shattered and dissipated in Feng Qing's shocked expression.

Immediately, a thousand adult angels appeared in the air.

According to the probability of the ninth-level angel reincarnation pool, 70% of them are multi-winged angels and special angels, and only 30% are the weakest two-winged angels.

Lin Yi simply swept away with his divine sense.

There is nothing wrong with this probability.

The number of adult angels, multi-winged angels and special angels born in this wave has reached 673, and the probability is indeed close to 70%.

Then, Lin Yi checked the wings on their backs.

"One twelve-winged angel, nine ten-winged angels, thirteen eight-winged angels, and twenty six-winged angels. These are the number of true god-level angels!"

"Forty-three in total!"

"In other words, this wave gave birth to forty-three true gods!"

"The remaining angels are all four-winged angels and two-winged angels at the demigod level!"

"Not too bad luck!"

"It's not very good though."

"I only hope that the second angel reincarnation pool can breed fourteen-winged angels or sixteen-winged archangels of the upper **** level!"

Lin Yi then walked to another [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

[The Reincarnation Pool of Arms Building Angels is full of energy, do you choose to nurture the Angel Holy Spirit? 】



Lin Yi chose [No] as usual.

After another operation, this Angel Reincarnation Pond also shone dazzlingly.

Lin Yi also opened its gestational time information prompt.

[Pregnancy time of the current full adult angel: fifty-six days, nine hours and thirty-five minutes]

"Nearly two months!"

Lin Yi's eyes lit up.

I have to say, this time he was very lucky.

Although it hasn't reached the "achievement" of the last 80-odd days, it's already pretty good!

"Do the math."

"Fifty-six days, plus nearly ten hours..."

"This requires six hundred and seventy-seven divine power crystals, twice as many as before!"


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