She has completely descended!

"The real world!"

"I'm finally here!"

The eighteen-winged angel stretched out a perfect body showing the golden ratio.

Like holding a movement for a long time, the body is a little stiff.

Her voice was incomparably sweet, but at the same time filled with a terrifying majesty.

So much so that the superior angels, including the fourteen-winged seraph Kadis, the twelve-winged angel Angelia, the twelve-winged angel Irene, and the angel of love Nina, all kneeled on one knee respectfully.

Only the twelve-winged angel Xue Lier stood beside Lin Yi.

the reason is simple.

She is the Lord's Companion.

Even in the face of the eighteen-winged archangel, she didn't need to bow down on one knee.

The eyes of the eighteen-winged angel immediately fell on her.

As if seeing something.

Slightly nodded towards Shirley with a smile.

Then, she looked at Lin Yi again, her smile suddenly subsided and became extremely solemn.

Immediately afterwards, she walked slowly to Lin Yi's side, and saluted respectfully: "Praise you, Almighty Lord!"

"Thank you for taking me out of that illusory world!"

"Illusive world?"

Lin Yi had a puzzled look on his face.

The eighteen-winged angel respectfully said: "That is a world woven by faith and holy light, and it is still in an illusory space. Only the supreme you can make that world a reality!"

Lin Yi was stunned.

With a high probability, the illusory world is the angelic world in the minds of angels.

That's not real.

Even the angel family is not a real creature.

Except for Lin Yi, there are no angels in the thousands of planes.

This is the only weapon!

Compared to the other angels, the eighteen-winged angel in front of him seemed to know more clearly that the [Angel God Realm] was an illusory product and not real.

That's why she expects that Lin Yi can make fantasy into reality.

Let the angelic world come to the real world.

Lin Yi didn't think too much.

If it is possible, he will naturally create an Angel God Realm to rule thousands of planes.

His gaze fell on the body of the eighteen-winged angel.

Unlike other angels.

Her appearance is not a young angel, the Holy Spirit, but the appearance of an adult angel.

He is over 1.7 meters tall, wearing platinum armor, and behind him are three exaggerated pairs of snow-white angel wings and six pairs of energy light wings.

Angels are beautiful creatures in their own right.

Even the natural elves are slightly inferior when facing angels.

Every angel around Lin Yi is also flawless.

However, there is no most beautiful, only more beautiful.

The beauty of the eighteen-winged angel in front of her eyes is inferior to that of even the higher-ranking angels such as Shirley, Kadis, and Nina.

It's not all about the appearance, it's more about the temperament of the body.

Her aura was unmatched by any angel.

This adds to her beauty.

It seems that the whole world is centered on her, standing by her side, Shirley, Katis and the others have to be eclipsed.

Lin Yi is also unable to stop her beauty.

At this moment, the message of the eighteen-winged angel appeared in his field of vision.

This is what he is most concerned about.

Everything else is second.

【Eighteen Winged Angel Holy Spirit】

[Current growth status: Holy Spirit (God body)]

[Strength level: the initial stage of the median god]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete body - the eighteen-winged archangel of the pinnacle of the Lord God]


The message of the eighteen-winged angel is as simple as that of the other angels, the Holy Spirit.

But one is in the sky and the other is in the earth.

"¨々The initial stage of the median god!!"

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

It feels like the worldview is broken.

As soon as he was born, he was a median god, which was really terrifying.

As expected of the eighteen-winged archangel, the terrifying existence that all the angels respectfully called "His Majesty".

Only in the state of the Holy Spirit, its strength is as high as the level of the median god.

That is to say, even if a **** invades his angel castle, as long as it does not exceed the level of the median god, he will be suppressed by his eighteen-winged archangel.

There are eighteen winged angels.

Lin Yi didn't even need to use [Sky City].

As for her growth limit...

Not surprisingly, it has reached the level of the main god.

And it is the pinnacle of the Lord God.

It seems that one step further, it is the king of gods.

Lin Yi looked at the beautiful eighteen-winged angel in front of her, thought for a while, and said, "From now on, your name will be Anasta!"

"Praise you, my lord!"

The eighteen-winged angel Anasta respectfully said, "May the Holy Light always be there, and may the supreme you be immortal!"

Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

This was the angel's wish and prayer to him, and he was used to hearing similar words.

But from the mouth of the eighteen-winged angel Anasta, he sounded even more pleasant.

Lin Yi looked at the Angel Reincarnation Pond again.

The eighteen-winged angel statue had 'disappeared', which made him always feel that something was missing.

But that's not a big problem.

Because the eighteen-winged angel had already appeared beside him.

This is the most important!

Just at this time.

The eighteen-winged angel Anasta suddenly looked up at the dark night sky, and said to Lin Yi at the same time: "Lord, there are gods fighting in the outer world. Looking at the power of gods, it is the confrontation between the belief **** system and another **** system!"

Lin Yi looked surprised.

He can't feel anything.

But thinking about Anasta's mid-level god-level rank, it's relieved.

Lin Yi said: "It seems that the gods of faith can't wait to return to the endless continent! Do not hesitate to use a battle of gods to compete for the living space with the gods of truth in the endless continent."

The eighteen-winged angel Anasta's expression was suddenly indifferent, and she said, "A weak and weak deity dares to covet the Lord's domain! My Lord, rest assured, when Anasta recovers to her full body, they will be suppressed!"

Her complete body is the pinnacle of the main god.

qualified to say that.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Don't pay attention to them for now. What we have to do now is to work hard to develop the castle and improve our strength! When we become stronger, we can talk about everything!"

"Follow your oracle~!"

Eighteen-winged angel Anasta immediately withdrew her gaze.

At the same time, the divine power in her body was restrained, and even the fluctuation of divine power.

I don't want to attract the attention of the gods outside the realm because of my own existence, thus affecting the master's development plan.

Lin Yi has no choice.

If Anasta was born at the level of the main god, he would go to the extraterritorial world to join in the fun.

at this time.

An angel came to report that the battlefield outside the city had been cleaned up.

Lin Yi immediately put aside the affairs of the extraterritorial world. What he has to do next is to upgrade the Castle of Angels to the [King's Capital] and establish his own kingdom power - the Holy Kingdom of Heaven.

Eighteen-winged angels descended.

The kingdom of holy angels is also about to be established.

It can be said to be a double happiness!

Chapter 199 One hundred thousand drawings! Terrible harvest! Upgrade the capital! World announcement! (for automatic subscription

The holy white light enveloped the Angel Castle.

Even though the sky was dark and the blood moon was in the sky, the Castle of Angels was still as white as day.

View from above.

In the entire dark forest, only Angel Castle is the most dazzling.

It is like a bright star dotted in a black Wang Yang.

The battlefield outside the city has been cleaned up.

Millions of troops have continued to return to the castle.

The top troops went to the inner city to accompany the Legion of Light.

Intermediate and advanced arms live in the midtown area.

As for the low-level arms, they all live in the outer city, and they have the largest number, and the outer city has the widest range, which is suitable for them to settle down.

In a blink of an eye.

The population of the Castle of Angels has exceeded five million.

You must know that two days ago, the population of Angel Castle was less than 100,000.

this war.

Gives Angel Castle too many bonuses.

In particular, the 100 million army assembled by several alliances helped Lin Yi a lot, and indirectly improved the development of Angel Castle by a lot.

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