
"It can really bounce back!"

"Damn! How can the defenses arranged by Lin Yi be so disgusting!"

"Horse, I received a message that I lost three king-rank troops!"

"Three king-rank troops are nothing! I directly killed a saint-rank unit, and that was my strongest and only saint-rank combat power!"

"It's a big loss!"

"If you lose, you will lose, and keep attacking!"

There are top castle lords shouting.

Others looked at the handsome young man and asked, "Brother, how do you know so clearly?"

Some people expressed dissatisfaction and said: "If you had said it earlier, my troops would not have died!"

"that is!"

"Remember to speak in advance next time, let's prepare early!"

Some of the top castle lords who lost their powerful troops were a little angry.

Blame the youth for not reminding them first.

The young man smiled and said, "Okay, next time something like this happens, I will definitely tell you in advance!"

At this time, a castle lord suddenly looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Brother, which alliance's top castle lord are you, I feel like I haven't seen you before!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The surrounding top castle lords also looked at them one after another.

His eyes fell on the young man.

Shaking his head at the same time.

Said that he had never seen this handsome young man before.

"Brother, you can show off!"

"Especially this piece of equipment, you can tell it's not ordinary at a glance!"

"It's definitely a king-level magic equipment, and it may be a suit!"

Some top castle masters looked at the silver suit on the youth with envious expressions.

The young man said with a smile: "This is not a king-level equipment, but a sacred-level suit, which not only adds to the charm, but also adds luck!"

"Fuck! Awesome!"

"The holy artifact-level suit is simply invincible!"

Some top castle masters said jealously: "I haven't exploded holy rank equipment until now, and even there are very few king rank equipment, you actually even have a holy artifact suit!"

"It's so lucky!"

"I have to admit, brother, your strength must be very strong!"

A top castle lord asked curiously, "What is your class?"

The young man smiled and said, "I have many types of troops, including angels, elves, humans, phoenix guards, dragons, dwarves, etc."


The surrounding top castle lords were suddenly stunned.

"Isn't the angel the only kind of soldier?"

"Brother, don't be joking!"

"I'm never a joke!"

The young man's expression is serious, and his whole body exudes a (cddh) convincing breath.

this moment.

The world was silent, and the air seemed to freeze.

Finally, the master of the top castle reacted, his eyes widened, he retreated dozens of steps, pointed at the young man with one finger, and was so frightened that he couldn't say a word.

The masters of other top castles also understood.

Fly back instantly.

Soon, with the youth as the center, there is no one within 100 meters around.

Many top castle owners were frightened.

His face was pale green.

"I-I-I... Slot!"

"Are you Lin Yi?!"

"How will you be here?!"

All the masters of the top castles expressed disbelief.

It's like seeing a ghost.

They were still discussing how to attack Angel Castle just now.

As a result, the owner of the castle appeared in their team without a word.

If it wasn't for Lin Yi taking the initiative to speak up, they would not have discovered it.

Of course, this is also normal.

After all, the top castle lords of the major alliances present, there are hundreds of people in total.

And basically never met offline.

During the siege of Angel Castle this time, many of their high-level officials knew each other for the first time.


It's okay to not know other people.

What's more, they have never seen what Lin Yi looks like.

There are rumors in the outside world that Lin Yi has three heads and six arms, and a snake tail is dragging behind him...

This is obviously bullshit.

Except for the little loli in the underground world, no one has seen Lin Yi.

It was normal for them not to recognize Lin Yi.

Moreover, no one would have thought that Lin Yi, the owner of Angel Castle, would appear alone in their rear command base camp.

So surprising!

Facing a jaw-dropping top castle lord.

Lin Yi was quite calm.

There was always a slight smile on his handsome cheeks.

Not to mention, from the hundreds of top castle lords present, there is really no one who can be more handsome than Lin Yi.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Didn't we just chat well?"

"To be honest, since coming to the Endless Continent to the present, this is the first time I have seen so many top-level castle masters."

"I am very happy to be able to have a friendly exchange with you!"


The masters of the top castles present were all dumbfounded.

Happy ghost!

They almost got scared to pee.

At this time, the master of a top castle came out, and some of them laughed and said: "Lin Yi, this is really a way to heaven, you don't want to go, there is no door to hell, you want to break through!"

"This is your own death, no wonder we!"


"Kill Lin Yi, explode the godhead!"

Hearing this, the other top castle lords also had red eyes.

Only then did they react.

Killing Lin Yi will definitely explode the godhead!


No second words.

Immediately, dozens of top castle owners joined forces to kill Lin Yi.

It seems that he is afraid that he will be taken away by others if he is one step too late.

"Isn't it a good chat just now?"

While speaking, Lin Yi waved his right hand.

Immediately, all the magic and combat skills that flew towards him shattered into the most primitive magic.

Even the dozens of top castle lords who took the lead in the shot were directly blown into a cloud of blood, and they died so thoroughly that it was too late to even scream.

see this scene.

The other top-level castle lords who were preparing to start were once again scared to retreat dozens of meters.

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

He said to himself, "I have just been promoted to a demigod, and some of them can't grasp the power, so I need to use it more."


When the master of the top castle heard the words, he turned around and ran away.

Demi god?

This is also playing with wool!

It is the right way to escape back to your own castle quickly!

But there are also top castle owners who don't believe it, and at the same time are reluctant to give up this golden opportunity.

The main lord Lin Yi is in front of him.

If it does not explode at this time, when will it explode?

However, they are not stupid, after all, they did not do it themselves.

Instead, he recruited the castle legion on the battlefield and besieged Lin Yi.

Golden Beamon, Flame Dragon, Naga, Dark Dragon, Elf Dragon, Death Knight, Paladin, Sky Swordsman, Yeti, Eternal Tree Guard, Bone Dragon…

Etc., etc.

All are top class.

The weakest are elites.

The most powerful ones have reached the king rank and the holy rank.

"kill him!"

"Come together, don't let him run away!"

"After killing Lin Yi, whoever grabs the explosive godhead will own it!"


In the roar of many top castle lords.

Tens of thousands of top troops surrounded Lin Yi.

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