Soon, all the dragons were covered by a rain of light.

Their golden vertical pupils became confused, and finally returned to clarity.

Nina, the angel of love, whispered, "Believe in the Lord and have eternal life!"

More than 2,000 giant dragons also shouted enthusiastically: "The holy light is always there, my lord is eternal!"

"very good!"

Nina, the angel of love, said: "The glory of the Lord covers you, and you will fight for the Lord without fear! Follow the oracle of the Lord, and kill all the enemies who invaded the dark forest!"

"This forest belongs to the Almighty Lord!"


Suddenly, more than two thousand dragons raised their heads and roared.

Then they slapped the huge dragon wings and soared into the sky.

Directly roaring to kill the Alliance army on the battlefield.

Under the influence of the power of faith, they are really fearless, and their morale has climbed to the peak (the effect of the altar of faith).

boom boom boom...

Just joined the battlefield.

More than 2,000 giant dragons began to frantically exhale dragon breath.

Dragon's breath.

Everything turned to ashes.

Whether it is the flying troops in the sky, or the land troops on the ground, they are the targets of their attacks.

It's completely out of the crowd.

Where there are many enemies, they breathe fire.

In a moment, more than 100,000 troops died under their dragon breath.

The dragon breath of these giant dragons is not very useful to the troops of Angel Castle, because Lin Yi's troops are very powerful and fast, so they can't be sprayed at all.

Like Lin Yi's angel.

In the face of the dragon's breath, he just doesn't care at all.

But the armies of the Alliance Army are different.

Generally below the king rank, the strength is weak.

The number is as large as Wang Yang.

This makes the destructive power of the dragon's breath fully reflected.

More than 2,000 giant dragons flapped their wings and spit out fiery dragon breath in the sky, which was like a catastrophe for the Lord of the Castle of the God-destroying Alliance and the God-Slaughtering Alliance.

lost heavily!

"Damn! Why did so many dragons suddenly appear?"

"Lin Yi's Angel Castle, isn't there a building that can recruit dragons?"

"No! They are the dragons of the Dragon's Nest, and under the suppression of the army of Angel Castle, they surrendered!"

"Damn it! How hard is it to drop troops in one qun?"

"This is the power of faith!"

"Lin Yi's angels are a natural race of faith! There must be some angels who used some kind of magic to convert these surrendered dragons into Lin Yi's followers!"

"Lin Yi took the road of the God of Faith one step faster than us!"

"You are nonsense!"

"Lin Yi's initial troop is an angel. He set foot on the road of the **** of faith a long time ago! Unlike us castle lords, most of the troop only have loyalty, and no faith has appeared yet."

"No matter which aspect, Lin Yi is ahead of us!"

"So he must die!"

"Besiege those giant dragons, don't let them breathe fire! If you spray more, the army will be sprayed by them!"

"That's dragon breath, not fire!"


The war quickly became intensified.

The troops of both camps are frantically attacking the enemy in front of them.

Every moment a large number of troops fall.

However, it seems that the dead are the arms of the God-destroying Alliance and the God-Slaughtering Alliance.

None of the troops in Angel Castle fell.

After all, every hunting team has the domain protection of Saint-level powerhouses, and it is not easy to kill them.

And as the war continued.

More and more armies of the Union army died.

The strength of Angel Castle's arms is 040 is getting stronger and stronger.

They have gained huge experience in killing enemies, and many arms have been promoted to higher ranks.

There were even angels and elves at the peak of the king rank who were directly promoted to the holy rank during the battle, and their strength skyrocketed.

Even those giant dragons who surrendered also received arms benefits.

The combat power has been greatly improved!

The army of Angel Castle is getting stronger and stronger with the war.

The army of the Castle Alliance is getting weaker with the war.

This led to some castle lords who could see the form clearly beckoning their troops on the battlefield to retreat.

The end of this war is obviously doomed!


City in the sky, above the city walls.

The golden light of promotion has disappeared, and Shenhuo has also merged into Lin Yi's body.

"not easy!"

"Finally promoted to demigod!"

Lin Yi got up slowly, followed by a long sigh of relief.

If a castle lord heard his sigh, he would have rolled his eyes.

To know at this stage.

There are not many castle masters who have been promoted to the holy rank.

Only a very small number of top castle masters have barely been promoted to the holy rank, such as Fengqing of the [Golden City], the early holy rank.

The common castle lord, his own rank is only below the king rank.

A few have reached the rank of kings.

And what about Lin Yi?

Already a demigod!

The promotion speed is countless times faster than them.

In this way, Lin Yi was still sighing, not being a human being.

Lin Yi immediately opened his personal information.

[Lord of the Castle: Lin Yi]

[Strength: Early Demigods]

[Castle Level: Advanced Main City]

[Castle arms: Angels (unique arms), Phoenix guards, giant dragons, natural elves, light arms, pure-blooded dwarves...]

[Castle buildings: Angel Reincarnation Pool, Elf Mother Tree, Bright Monastery, Holy Light Temple, Faith Altar...]

[Equipment: Blessing of the Nature Spirit (sacred artifact set), Holy Glorious Ring (sacred artifact), Heart of the Dynasty (divine artifact), Sky City (war fortress of the angel family)...]

[Energy Stone: 1,120,578]

[Isomorphic: 12874 pieces]


"Now, I am also a demigod!"

"Master the power of the law!"

"Because there are four effects in my previous holy rank domain, annihilation, holy purification, gravity, and restraint! This also makes my law power more powerful!"

"On the power of the law alone."

"Olivia is probably not as good as me!"

Thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly smiled.

Immediately, his mind moved.

In an instant, eight figures appeared out of thin air on the city wall of the Sky City.

It was the eight demigods under his command.

Olivia, Kadis, Shirley, Erin, Angelia, Dale, Nina, and the great elf Erica.

Eight demigods, six angels, and two elves.

All of them are powerful, with beautiful faces and stature.

The fourteen-winged seraph Kadis revered and said, "Congratulations to the Almighty Lord for being promoted to the realm of demigods!"


Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

Then he said: "The castle has been caught in a war, and the scale of the enemy army is even larger. There is the main battlefield! Erica, Angelia, you two stay here and help the castle army disappear."

"The others follow me back to the castle!"

"Destroy the lord of the castle driven by desire!"

"Follow your orders, Almighty Lord (Lord Lord)!"

All the women saluted respectfully.

Immediately, Erica and Angelia left the Sky City and descended on the battlefield below the Dragon Nest with the power of a demigod.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, brought six demigods.

Activate the war fortress [Sky City] and fly towards the direction of the castle at high speed.

He did not know.

With the advent of war.

The whole world chat channel is boiling.

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Chapter 188 Crazy World Chat Channel! Lin Yi is too cruel! Eighty million troops besiege Angel Castle! Shocked! (asking yourself

There are too many castle lords involved in this war.

All major leagues combined.

At least two hundred thousand.

Naturally, there will be castle lords who will send the situation of the war to the world chat channel.

For a time, it also attracted the attention of countless castle owners and rangers.

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