Its dragon breath is powerful enough to burn the holy artifact.


Candice waved her scepter.

A huge golden sword light was released, directly splitting Gallup's dragon breath.

"Lord, give life to the world, the world should be grateful!"

"betrayal, blasphemy, slander..."

"Will be punished!"

With Kadis' soft voice.

Another piece of holy light descended, covering the body of Gallup, the patriarch of the Dragon Nest.

This is also a divine technique that contains the power of the law—【Divine Retribution】!

Suddenly, Gallup let out an earth-shattering roar of pain.

The damage of divine punishment does not affect the enemy's body, but directly attacks the enemy's spiritual consciousness and soul.

The divine art [Holy Retribution] of the power of the law has been added, and its power is even more terrifying.

Almost ripped Gallup's soul to shreds.

This kind of pain was simply not something Gaplow could endure.

It hurts the soul after all!

On the other side, Olivia and the twelve-winged angel Irene also shot.

It is also to release the power of the law, form a chain, and entangle and bind Gallup's dragon body.

In a word.

Gallup wanted to escape, it was impossible!

After all, if the three demigods joined forces, Gallup could escape, and they would have no face to face Lin Yi.

Just at this time.

The twelve-winged angel Irene raised the holy sword in her hand.

Behind him, an eighteen-winged angel with a height of dozens of meters appeared.

"Almighty Lord, create angels, maintain order in all worlds..."

"Angel, the sword of the Lord, punish all heretics!"

"The heretics who blaspheme the Lord should be punished by the sword of angels!"

"Angel Judgment!!"

Swish! !

The void was smashed by the sword of the twelve-winged angel Irene.

The terrifying sword light slashed straight towards Gallup's dragon body.

this moment.

Gallup finally sensed a fatal crisis.

It is hard for him to imagine what kind of race the angel is, and it has a variety of powerful and terrifying racial magic (divine magic)!

These magics are enough to threaten his life.

Even his silver dragon demigod body couldn't resist.

"This is an evil and terrifying alien race!"

Gallup was shivering with chills.

He twisted the dragon's body and tried his best to break the chains of laws tied to him.

But there are too many chains of laws on him.

After all, it is the blessing of the law from the three demigods.

How could he be able to break it all?

At this moment, the Sword of Angel's Judgment has been cut off, even if he desperately releases the power of the law and shapes the shield of the law to resist it, it is of no use at all.

A loud bang.

Gallup's Shield of Law is slashed.

the next moment.

The Sword of Angel's Judgment slashed at him.

Abruptly cut through his scale armor, including his proud silver dragon body.

A wound more than 100 meters long was left directly on his body.

Bone is visible deep in the wound.

Even through the wound, his internal organs can be seen.

The sword of the twelve-winged angel Irene almost split the Dragon Nest Dragon Gallup in half from top to bottom.

Although unsuccessful, it also hit Gallup hard.

"Damn another world creature!!"

"I, Gallup, will never fall here!"

Gallup growled angrily.

The double pain of soul and body made him almost faint.

Dark red blood ran down his back.

The broken dragon scales fell towards the ground like raindrops.

The severe pain caused him to enter a violent state on the spot.

He opened his ferocious mouth covered with countless teeth, and frantically exhaled dragon breath towards the twelve-winged angel Irene.

The dragon language magic was released again.

A large number of meteorites were summoned to fall from the sky.

As for the densely packed meteorites larger than houses...

Whether it will destroy the Dragon Valley below.

Will it endanger the dragons on the battlefield?

He doesn't care anymore.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

He's going to die, who cares what those do?

He even felt that it could create an opportunity for him to escape.

As a demigod dragon, the wound on his back was not enough to kill him. As long as he can escape this battlefield, with the recovery speed of the demigod body, he will soon be able to recover.

His only thought now is to run away.

To this end, he did not hesitate to release the dragon language magic at the first level of the forbidden spell to help him.

"Sure enough, it is an evil heresy!"

Fourteen-winged seraph Kadis said coldly.

Then waved the scepter in his hand.

In an instant, a sacred law shield was arranged, covering the entire dragon nest.

At the same time, Olivia also released the forbidden spell-level defense magic of the natural elves to protect the entire dragon nest. Not only the Dragon Valley, but also the Sanctuary-level battlefield near the Dragon King's Hall, also sheltered together.

Because the power of the dragon language magic released by Gallup is too powerful.

It also contains the power of law.

Once the thousands of meteorites fall on the battlefield, it is enough to cause a devastating blow to both the enemy and the enemy on the battlefield.

Even the saint-level powerhouse can't resist.

It will be instantly killed by the power of the violent law.


boom boom boom boom...

The densely packed meteorites fell.

All fell on the shield arranged by Candice and Olivia.

After persevering for a long time and resisting thousands of huge meteorites, the magical defense shield of the nature elves arranged by Olivia took the lead in disintegrating.

Immediately after.

The meteorites that fell later all hit the divine law shield arranged by Kadis.

The terrifying meteorite smashed the shield to tremble.

Every meteorite that collided with the shield of the divine law shattered in an instant, turning into dazzling fireworks, and even set the mountains around the shield on fire.

Soon, the entire Dragon Nest area.

Except for the Dragon Valley and Dragon King Hall, which are sheltered by the shield of divine law.

All other areas were engulfed in flames.

It was as if the whole world was in a sea of ​​fire.

With a rumbling sound.

The meteorites that fell from the sky are still falling down.


That scene is like doomsday!

The dragons on the battlefield were so frightened that they shivered, for fear that the shield would disappear and a meteorite would fall on them.

They can clearly perceive the terrifying power contained in those meteorites.

Don't talk about being hit head on.

Even swept away by the aftermath of an explosion, they would be torn to shreds.

The demigod-level law, forbidden magic, is a doomsday disaster for them.

But in the end.

They still took a sip.

Because the shield exuding holy light finally resisted the last wave of meteorites.

"This is the forbidden spell magic of my dragon family!"

"It must have been released by the patriarch, he actually ignored our life and death!"

"Impossible! The patriarch is just...just to help us..."


Such discussions did not last long.

Because the war has never stopped.

The army of Angel Castle is frantically slaughtering the dragons in the Dragon Valley.

Any dragon flying in the sky is the target of the army.

Only those dragons that landed on the ground, obediently crawling on the ground, survived.

Near the Dragon King's Hall.

Sanctuary-level war has also evolved into a white-hot.

Thirty holy dragons were killed until only a dozen remained.

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