You can also return to the ancestral land - Dragon Island.

Challenge the dragon king of this department.

Just like the silver dragon Gallup, if it wants, it can return to the dragon's ancestral land - Dragon Island, and is qualified to challenge the dragon king of the silver dragon family.

Once successful, it will become the new King of Silver Dragons.

Rule over all the silver dragons of the Endless Continent.

To be promoted to a demigod can also be regarded as a rebirth for the giant dragon family. Whether it is strength, identity, or status in the entire dragon clan, it is different.

Of course, that's not the most important thing right now.

For the dragons of the Dragon's Nest, the most important thing is to destroy the Castle of Angels.

Maintain the Dragon's Lair's dominion over the Dark Forest.

Although the dark forest does not have a ruler in the orthodox sense, it belongs to an area shared by all local forces, but the dragons of the dragon nest regard the dark forest as their own territory.

Because they are the most powerful forces in the Dark Forest.

Neither the kingdoms nor the former elf tribe and the Phoenix Sacred Mountain are enough to challenge the dominance of the Dragon Nest in the dark forest.


Angel Castle suddenly appeared.

Threatening the Dragon's Nest's **** of Darkwood 023.

The dragons were naturally furious and vowed to raze the Angel Castle to the ground.

"Master Patriarch!"

The golden dragon Lauders is more than 100 meters long.

He lowered his head to a middle-aged man in a silver robe.

It said respectfully: "The Castle of Angels has become more and more arrogant recently. After conquering the goblin kingdom, they have captured the dwarf kingdom, and even wiped out the tree people in the tree person canyon and the forest giant kingdom!"

"That's a cruel castle lord of another world!"

"The tree people in the canyon, and those giants with green skins, were slaughtered cleanly by his army."

"In recent days."

"He even sent his castle army to bloodbath the southwest area of ​​the dark forest, killing nearly one million wild monsters, and destroying more than two hundred large and small forces..."

"That human from another world brought disaster to the dark forest!"

"I implore the patriarch to assemble the giant dragon army and raze the castle to the ground! Let the lord of the castle in another world know that the dark forest is not a place where he can roam freely!"

"Here, is the territory belonging to our dragon clan!"


After the dragon language of the golden dragon Lauders fell.

The giant dragon in the hall roared again.

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time!

Can't wait to attack Angel Castle, kill the castle lord of the other world, and avenge the people who died in the hands of Angel Castle.

Their dragon nests can be said to be rampant in the dark forest.

For too long, no dragon has been killed by outside forces.


After the Angel Castle descended into the dark forest.

In less than a month, more than 30 dragons died in the hands of the castle lord.

What annoys them the most is.

The castle lord even enslaved their clansmen to serve his angel castle.

This is simply intolerable!

Before, they were afraid of the demigod power of Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree.

Now, their patriarchs are also promoted to demigods.

What are they afraid of?

The holy dragons in the hall roared excitedly and asked Gallup, the patriarch of the Dragon Nest, to issue a war order for the expedition to Angel Castle.

They can't wait.

This is the blind confidence brought about by the news lag.

If they knew, Angel Castle alone has more than 200 saint-level powerhouses, and the existence of demigods is not just Olivia, but three demigods.

They are afraid that they will be scared to directly indent into their own dragon cave, and dare not take the lead.


The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

He was wearing a silver robe and a golden crown on his head, and the aura he exuded was so powerful that it was terrifying, and there was a faint flow of divine might.

He is Gallup, the leader of the Dragon Nest!

After being promoted to a demigod, he perfectly mastered the transfiguration of the dragon lineage.

From head to toe, they can all be transformed into human appearances.

Even the real eye is difficult to see through his body. (cddh)

He can already use Transfiguration to sneak into the world of the human empire, learn the knowledge of human beings, and pursue the profound meaning of the true God.

Before that, though.

He has to get rid of Angel Castle.

Avenge his daughter, Princess Silver Dragon.

When he first came out of the customs, he saw the silver dragon princess whose dragon scales were cleanly ripped off. He was almost shocked to fall directly from the demigod realm back to the sanctuary level.

If this revenge is not repaid, I swear not to be a dragon!

Gallup is also a lag in news. He only learned some things about Angel Castle from the mouths of these holy dragons in front of him, such as conquering the Goblin Kingdom, the Dwarf Kingdom, the Forest Giant Kingdom...

As for the specific strength of Angel Castle, he is not clear.

However, he is confident.

Because he is now a demigod.

He felt that as long as he suppressed Olivia, who was also a demigod, his dragon breath would be enough to spray the Angel Castle into ruins.

"On the other hand, thanks to Angel Castle!"

"The lord of the castle in another world, helped me destroy the kingdom of dwarves and the kingdom of forest giants."

"If I, the Dragon Nest, do it myself, it will surely arouse the anger of the dwarves and the forest giants."

"The move of the Castle of Angels..."

"Indirectly help my Dragon Nest unify the dark forest!"

Leaving aside the question of Princess Silver Dragon.

Gallup is still in a pretty good mood.

He is even grateful for Angel Castle's contribution to the unification of the Dark Forest by the Dragon's Nest.

After all, although the giant dragon is a high-level intelligent race of the endless continent, it does not dare to destroy other dynasty-level forces unscrupulously, and it will encounter the wrath of the enemy race, the true god.

The Castle of Angels wiped out those dynasties.

Attract hatred away.

There is no pressure on the dragon's nest to rule the dark forest.

Anyway, those dynasties are not destroyed by their dragon nests, even if the true **** of the other party comes, it is not afraid.

"Pass my order!"

Gallup snorted.

"Assemble all the dragons above the ninth order of the Dragon Nest, form a dragon army, and expedition to the Angel Castle!"

"We want to make the lord of the castle in another world pay for what he did!"

"Follow your orders, the patriarch!"

The dragons in the hall became even more excited.

But also at this time.

The army of Angel Castle descended on Dragon Valley.

The terrifying magic power released in an instant shook the entire Dragon Valley and the Dragon King Hall for the first time.

Immediately after.

Light envelopes the world.

The roars of countless giant dragons resounded.

"what happened?"

"Dragon Valley shakes, qun dragon roars!"

"Is this an enemy invading our dragon nest?"

"Presumptuous! Who is so daring to attack my Dragon Nest?!"

Patriarch Gallup rushed out of the Dragon King Hall first.

Immediately, dozens of other holy dragons rushed out.

Soon, the scene that took place in the distant Dragon Valley made the holy dragons present, including the demigod Gallup, burning with rage, and their golden vertical pupils turned green.

Just because the Dragon Valley has become a tragic battlefield.

Countless dragon language magic is whistling.

There are even more dense dragons flying high in the sky, breathing dragon breath towards the enemy.

However, the senior members of the Dragon Nest could see at a glance that the giant dragons in the Dragon Valley were at a disadvantage, and the giant dragons were beheaded all the time, and the huge corpses fell from the sky like raindrops.

Just a few moments.

They saw hundreds of giant dragons fall.

The enemy, however, has firmly grasped the initiative in the battlefield.

"Those creatures with wings are the angels from Angel Castle!"

"There are also nature elves, Phoenix guards..."

"Even goblins and dwarves!"

"However, the weakest of them are all kings!"

"Damn! They're enemies from Angel's Castle!"

"The lord of the castle in another world sent his castle army to attack the Dragon Valley!"

The holy dragons of the Dragon Nest were all furious.

Their giant dragon army has not yet begun to assemble the expedition to Angel Castle, but the army of Angel Castle killed them first, and appeared directly in their core Dragon Valley, slaughtering their clansmen.

This is simply unbearable!

Immediately, a holy dragon flapped its wings and rose into the sky.

Want to go to Dragon Valley and kill enemies from Angel Castle.

Yet at this moment.

A terrifying breath descended from the sky.

In an instant, the holy-order giant dragons flying high in the sky were photographed.

at the same time.

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