[I have to admit that Lin Yi put too much pressure on us! He is invincible to any of our top castle lords. 】

[Fortunately, he is always alone, and there is no alliance behind him! 】

[Didn't Feng Qing establish a Holy Light Alliance? The core purpose is to take Lin Yi as the center. 】

[Heh...Lin Yi is too confident, he doesn't look down on the Holy Light 3.7 Alliance at all! This is his arrogance as the lord of the strongest castle, but at the same time, it is also a breakthrough for us to defeat him! 】

[It's Lin Yi, who gave us a chance to eliminate him! 】

【We must grasp it! 】

The members of the Alliance of Gods, the more they talk, the more excited they are.

They seem to have foreseen the picture of themselves standing on the ruins of Angel Castle.

[Lin Yi has captured so many dynasty-level forces, and there must be a huge amount of supplies in the castle! 】

[His Angel Castle, I am afraid it will soon be upgraded to an intermediate main city! 】

[Such an upgrade speed is simply terrifying! 】

[It seems that apart from Lin Yi, no one of us has a main city, not even a primary main city. 】

【So say it...】

[If I don't kill Lin Yi, I can't sleep well! 】

[I always feel that I will die at his hands when competing for the throne of the God King in the future! 】

[Don't worry, this time, he is dead! 】

[Even the gods can't resist our army of 100 million! 】

【Ha ha……】


Angel Castle.

The dazzling golden light completely enveloped Lin Yi's castle.

Not only the buildings in the castle, but also the directly affiliated territory with a diameter of 200 kilometers, all shrouded in golden light.

After the birth of the troops.

Lin Yi started to upgrade Angel Castle.

Don't know how long it took.

The dazzling golden light finally dissipated.

The upgraded Angel Castle also appeared in Lin Yi's field of vision.

At the same time, a message prompt appears.

【Congratulations, Lord of the Castle! 】

[Your Angel Castle has been upgraded to a high-level main city, the territory directly under the castle has been expanded to 500 kilometers, and the sphere of influence of the castle has been increased to 2,000 kilometers! 】

[The defense value of the heart of the castle has increased tenfold! 】

[Your Angel Castle has greatly increased its influence and prestige in the endless continent! 】

[Special reminder: Dragon Nest has greatly increased the hatred of your Angel Castle! 】


"The castle has been upgraded to a high-level main city!"

"It's only one step away from the capital!"

"As long as I have the capital, I can build a dynasty [Holy Kingdom]!"

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Chapter 182 Lin Yi's Giant City! Two days later! Hunt day spree! Dwarf Airship! News from Dragon's Nest! (for automatic booking

"A direct territory with a diameter of 500 kilometers!"

Lin Yi took a deep breath when he looked at the castle he had just upgraded.

This area is really huge!

There is only one city, with a diameter of 500 kilometers.

Converted to area, that is about 196,000 square kilometers.

In such a large city, it is not a problem to live in hundreds of millions of people.

What's more, after the Castle of Angels was upgraded to [Advanced Main City], its sphere of influence expanded to 2,000 kilometers.

That is, the castle is the center.

The area within a radius of one thousand kilometers belongs to the sphere of influence of Angel Castle.

This is horrible!

Moreover, Lin Yi has reason to believe.

When his castle was upgraded to a royal capital.

The dark forest with a diameter of thousands of kilometers will all be included in his castle's sphere of influence.

"I used to think..."

"After having a population of more than 50,000, my castle finally got some life."

"But now, after upgrading to a high-level main city, the castle's territory has become even more empty. At first glance, there are blank areas everywhere, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is uninhabited for ten miles!"

Lin Yi stood above Angel Castle.

Olivia was still by his side.

Both of them looked down at the Angel Castle below.

The most eye-catching is naturally Lin Yi's core main castle, which is two hundred meters high. The whole body is made of white jade and exudes a holy light.

It is the brightest star in the dark forest, day or night.

Followed by [Angel Reincarnation Pool], [Elf Mother Tree], [Holy Light Temple], [Altar of Faith] and other castle buildings.

They are located in the core area of ​​the castle.

The importance cannot be overstated.

The second most eye-catching is the four walls of the Castle of Angels.

From the inside to the outside, the entire castle's direct territory is divided into four areas.

After Lin Yi upgraded Angel Castle to a high-level main city, the four city walls have also undergone tremendous changes, becoming taller, wider and more majestic.

rough estimate.

They are now about 300 meters in height.

Like the walls of the city of God.

Gives a feeling of being unattainable.

And, they don't just get taller and wider, their defenses are also greatly enhanced.

As far as the outermost main city wall is concerned, it is also mixed with a large amount of special metals, and at the same time, it is densely covered with various anti-magic runes, which makes its defense very terrifying.

The city wall of the intermediate main city is difficult for the strong kings to break.


It evolved into the wall of the high-level main city.

It is not an easy task for even a saint-level powerhouse to destroy it.

It can be said that as long as Lin Yi closes all the city gates, it will be difficult for the 100 million army of those alliances to enter.

Flying units can rely on their flying ability to get into his castle.

However, the troops on the land, I am afraid that they can only climb up by relying on the 23 wall tactics.

The upgrade of Angel Castle has many benefits.

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

It's just that the direct territory has become too large.

With Lin Yi's current castle population, it is completely impossible to fully defend a territory with a diameter of 500 kilometers. Even those goblins and dwarves are struggling to build various defensive buildings and erect them on the city wall, which is very difficult.


Olivia looked at the upgraded Angel Castle.

After a long silence, he also said: "Lord Lord, your castle must have a population of at least one million in order to defend the outermost city wall in all directions."

At this moment, in Olivia's emerald green eyes.

Full of shock.

Compared to today's Angel Castle.

The elf tribe before them was really pitifully small.

Even their elven tribal settlements no longer exist after the Angel Castle was upgraded to a [Advanced Main City].

the reason is simple.

Before, the elf tribe was about 180 kilometers away from the Angel Castle.

And now.

The direct territory of Angel Castle has a radius of 250 kilometers.

In other words, the outermost city wall of the castle has been pushed horizontally to the original residence of the elf tribe, and countless trees, rocks, lakes, and even mountains have disappeared directly along the way.

Everything within this range has become a flat ground made of bluestone slabs.

The same is true of the original residence of the Elf tribe.

has disappeared.

The area where it used to be has become part of the direct territory of Angel Castle.

"Your castle..."

"A giant city comparable to the elf empire!"

Olivia sighed.

Of course, she was referring to the size of the Castle of Angels.

If you talk about the prosperity of the city, Angel Castle is definitely not as good as a horse.

The main reason is that the population is too small.

This is a problem that needs to be solved!

Originally, Lin Yi thought that the migration of tens of thousands of goblins and dwarves could temporarily make up for the small population of Angel Castle. But he realized only now that he was still too naive.

After upgrading the advanced main city and expanding the area dozens of times.

Not to mention tens of thousands of people, even hundreds of thousands or millions of people cannot fill the entire castle.

Lin Yi is very clear.

The direct reason for this problem is that his upgrade speed is too fast.

The population growth rate is not the same as the castle upgrade rate.

In exchange for those castle lords who upgrade slowly, they have more time to recruit troops, conquer local forces, and plunder the population.

And Lin Yi.

Leveling up too quickly, he lacked time to expand his population.

Lin Yi said: "The problem of population will be solved later. After all, there is no way to do it now. Even if hundreds of thousands of troops are added out of thin air, after the castle is upgraded to a royal capital, this situation will still occur again."

"Angel Castle's number one priority now."

"It is to destroy the dragon nest and establish a dynasty."

"After the Holy Kingdom is established, find a way to replenish the population of the castle!"

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