Its ability is to teleport!

Thick beams swept across.

Wherever he passed, all that was left was his shadow.

Angels, elves, goblins, humans, treants, dwarves...

High in the sky, there are also a huge number of phoenix guards, giant dragons, and golden griffins.

There is even an elf powerhouse riding a unicorn!

The enemy is coming!

They did not attack from outside, but from heaven.

No wonder the kingdom of dwarves fell so quickly!

For the enemy who mastered the Legion's teleportation magic, how could the general defensive line be able to hold it.


Why are there so many dwarven warriors in the camp of the enemy army?

The crowned dwarf, isn't the dwarf king Thors?

Many forest giants do not understand.

However, without waiting for them to think about it, the army of the castle sent to the destination by the city in the sky instantly killed the surrounding forest giants.

The war broke out in an instant!

The arms of the two camps add up to 50,000.

And each of the arms is not weak, but powerful.

In an instant, the war was in full swing.

Whether it was the units under Lin Yi's command, or the forest giants of the kingdom, they all abandoned other ideas and just tried their best to kill the enemy in front of them.

"The Lord said 々 "~"

"The world needs light, so there is light!"

Immediately, the holy light shone.

Illuminated the entire forest giant kingdom.

Thousands of angel legions of the angel legion gathered together and swept directly towards the core legion of the forest giant kingdom. Wherever they passed, all the forest giants were strangled by holy swords and divine arts.

"Almighty Lord, create angels, maintain order in all worlds..."

"Angel, the sword of the Lord, punish all heretics!"

"The heretics who blaspheme the Lord should be punished by the sword of angels!"

"Angel Judgment!!"

Several six-wing-level force angels rushed into the enemy camp.

The powerful angel combat skills were directly released, and behind them stood the phantom of the eighteen-winged archangel, which made the power of their combat skills [Angel Judgment] extremely terrifying.

The light of the holy sword swept across.

The tall forest giants fell in pieces.


"War Trample!!"

Many forest giants of the royal class were roaring and roaring.

Their giant bodies of more than ten meters jumped high, and then fell heavily.


The earth trembled, and the yellow halo centered on them, rippling toward the surroundings.

Every angel who was hit by the halo was stunned involuntarily.

Just when the king-rank forest giants were about to harvest the lives of these angels, a dazzling holy light appeared on all the dazed angels, and they instantly regained consciousness.

"Here of the forest giant kingdom!"

"Can the holy creatures created by the Lord be intimidated by you?"


"The heretics who refuse to surrender are not worthy of the Lord's redemption!"

"Purify their bodies and destroy their souls!"

"The destination of heresy is death!"


The densely packed angels flapped their snow-white wings and rushed into the main army camp of the forest giant kingdom, and a large number of forest giants were immediately beheaded.

Even the forest giants of the king class could not resist.

The combat skills and divine skills mastered by the angels are far more powerful than their racial combat skills and magic.

It is not a problem for a king-level angel to face off against three or five king-level forest giants.

Especially those melee angels who charge into the formation are almost killing people.

At the end of the fight, even the angel wings behind them were dyed red.

at the same time.

Other castle legions are also frantically attacking the camp of the forest giant kingdom.

Phoenix Guard Corps, Nature Elf Corps, Light Corps, Dwarf Corps...

From the sky to the ground, all are their figures.

With the help of angelic magic, they instantly killed the giant army of the forest and retreated.

The will of the Titans can't help the forest giant at all.

It is impossible for them to win the war.

This is the suppression of war power!


The top of the mountain was also attacked.

The majestic giant's palace was blown up in the first place.

turned into megalithic ruins.

Nearly twenty forest giants of the holy order rushed out of the ruins.

They are extremely defensive and can be said to be unscathed.

But their situation is quite dangerous.

Because there are many times more than their number of enemies, surrounded them.

There are more than forty angels of the holy rank, more than a dozen natural elves of the holy rank, and a few dwarves of the holy rank, adding up to more than sixty strong men of the holy rank.

Besiege the giant king of the forest and the upper echelons of the kingdom.

"Here of the forest giant clan!"

"Before you die, you have a chance to redeem yourself!"

The twelve-winged main angel Kadis flew over, holding a scepter and staring coldly at the forest giant king and the saint-level powerhouses beside him.

For Cathy.

The end of this war is already doomed.

Even without the help of the holy-rank powerhouses of other races such as elves, dwarves, etc., just relying on the holy-rank powerhouses in their angel army is enough to destroy all the holy-rank powerhouses in the forest giant kingdom.

There are less than twenty saint-level combat powers in the forest giant kingdom.

And there are more than forty angels with holy rank.

Forty-five to be exact!

Originally, Angel Castle only had thirty-six holy order angels.

The nine extra holy angels were promoted in the process of conquering the dwarf kingdom.

Attack the forest giant kingdom this time.

I think there will be more peak king rank angels who will be promoted to the holy rank.

"No one can make the forest giants surrender!"

The giant king of the forest was more than twenty meters tall, holding an exaggerated black giant axe, and gave a cold look at the twelve-winged main angel Kadis.

Then, his eyes fell on a few holy dwarves.

It was Thors, the king of dwarves, who was concerned about him.

The king of the forest giant shrank his pupils and sneered: "The dwarves who believed in the Titan gods surrendered to the castle lord of another world. This is really a joke of the Titan gods, and it is a shame for the orthodox dwarves!"

The dwarves in ancient times were a multi-faith race.

Some dwarves believe in Titan gods.

Some dwarves believe in the **** of blacksmithing.

Some also believe in the goddess of luck, **** of war and so on.

The dwarf king Thors looked up, not angry, but said: "Our dwarf kingdom has lost the protection of the **** of faith, and now it is an honor for the dwarf kingdom to be able to return to the embrace of the **** of faith!"

"Surrender, Your Majesty Balk!"

"Allegiance to Angel Castle, believe in my Lord, and your forest giant kingdom will be passed on forever!"


The giant king of the forest heard this.

Suddenly there is a feeling of coldness.

He originally thought that the dwarf kingdom surrendered because of defeat.

Unexpectedly, the dwarf kingdom not only surrendered, but also their king and a group of high-level officials became followers of the lord of the castle in another world.

It just makes me feel cold!

Is this the power of a foreign evil god?

Simply horrible!

The forest giant king roared: "¨々Tors, wake up, you are a pure-blood dwarf, you are the ruler of the kingdom! How can you kneel at the feet of the evil **** of another world?"

Thors, the king of dwarves, said reverently: "My lord is the leader of the Holy Light, the supreme and omnipotent creation god, not the evil god! Balke, don't use words to blaspheme my lord, or you will lose the chance of redemption. !"

"You've gone crazy!"

The giant king of the forest took a deep breath.

The saint-level powerhouses of the forest giant kingdom around him also felt horrified.

The Lord of the Castle from another world, the demagogic power is too terrifying.

How long does it take?

The kingdom of dwarves that was only captured today.

Their Majesty the King, a group of high-level officials, and a large number of elite dwarf warriors forgot their hatred and became followers of the Lord of the Otherworld Castle.

It made them terrifying.

It feels amazing again.

The giant king of the forest said in a deep voice, "Tors, even if I die, I hope I can die by your hands!"

After a moment of silence, Thors, the king of dwarves, said, "Balk, have you stopped thinking about it? For your kingdom and your people, you can put down your guard and become a believer of our Lord!"


The king of the forest giant said: "No forest giant will kneel at the feet of the evil god. This is the will of war passed on to us by the Titans! To be able to sacrifice on the battlefield is the glory of our forest giants!"

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