If you want to reach the demigod realm from the later stage of the holy order, even if you have an amazing talent, it will take hundreds of years.

For example, Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree, had entered the peak of the holy rank as early as a hundred years ago, but she had never been able to successfully ignite the divine fire and become a demigod.

If not with Lin Yi's help.

Transform her body [elf mother tree] into a troop building.

Raised to level five, Olivia gained unimaginable benefits.

It is also impossible for Olivia to be promoted to a demigod so quickly.

It can be said that it is very difficult for the native intelligent creatures to ignite the divine fire and become demigods.

This level can also be said to be the most difficult level on the road to becoming a god.

But for a castle lord like Lin Yi.

It's not at all difficult.

As long as the number of enemies killed and the strength are strong enough, it is very simple to advance to a demigod.

After all, the Lord of the Castle has no realm.

You don't even need to practice.

Just keep fighting, fighting, fighting...

His own rank naturally went up.

Especially Lin Yi, the most powerful castle lord among the castle forces, his troops are extremely powerful, and they have captured one super-large force after another, killing the ninth-rank lords and the king-rank powerhouses, countless.

Today, even the Saint-level domain-level powerhouses are dying one after another at the hands of his arms.

His strength, of course, is rising fast.

Not surprisingly.

So far, there should be no castle lord with holy rank troops.

As for the strength of the castle lord, it is already very good to be able to reach the king rank.

And Lin Yi, has now entered the late stage of the Holy Order.

It is conceivable how big the gap between those castle lords and him is.

It is also because Lin Yi put too much pressure on them, so as soon as the 'event' to kill Lin Yi and destroy the godhead came out, a large number of top castle owners stood up.

Establish alliances such as killing gods, slaughtering gods, destroying gods, killing gods, etc.

Non-stop income, expansion of alliance power.

After all the members have the teleportation array, they will attack the dark forest and destroy Lin Yi's castle.

They are afraid that Lin Yi will become stronger.

I am even more afraid that Lin Yi will become a **** in a month.

That way, they would be even more unable to turn over and would be trampled underfoot by Lin Yi all the time.

Lin Yi also somewhat understood the actions of those top castle lords.

Replace it with him.

I am afraid that I will also find ways to push down the mountain that is pressing on my head.

After all, the 'game official' has already said that there is only one throne of the God King, and the authority of the Supreme God belongs to only one person.

Don't start now, eliminate Lin Yi~

It will be even more difficult when Lin Yi has established a dynasty power, or even an imperial power.


To understand is to understand.

If those castle lords really dare to come, he will not show any mercy.

As long as the Lord of the Castle appears in the dark forest with such a purpose, he must kill as much as he wants, and he will never be soft-hearted.

Because, this is not a game, this is war.

In war, either you die or I die!

Just like what the angel of peace Alice said - heresy, only after experiencing war and being purified by the Holy Light can they understand the meaning of peace.

No wars and killings.

Where will there be peace?


When the magic in the body has calmed down.

Lin Yi glanced at his personal information panel.

[Lord of the Castle: Lin Yi]

[Strength: Late Saint Stage]

[Castle Level: Primary Main City]

[Castle Arms: Angel (Unique Arms), Phoenix Guard, Flame Dragon, Golden Griffon, Natural Elf, Light Arms...]

[Castle buildings: Angel Reincarnation Pool, Elf Mother Tree, Holy Light Temple, Faith Altar...]

[Equipment: Ring of Forest Giants, Blessing of Nature Spirits (Saint Artifact Set), Holy Glorious Ring (Holy Artifact), Heart of Dynasty (Divine Artifact), Sky City (War Fortress of Angel Clan)...]

[Energy Stone: 930530 pieces]

[Isomorphic: None]

"No perception error."

"It is indeed promoted to the late Saint Rank!"

With a wave of Lin Yi's right hand, the air in front of him was instantly blown up by his punch, and the void trembled.

This is a powerful to terrifying force!

Lin Yi even believed that if he used all his strength to combine his domain power with the magic in his body, then his punch would be enough to blow up a mountain.

Holy rank is so strong.

What about demigods and true gods?

In the later stage, he is afraid that, as described in the myth, he will be powerful enough to pick the stars and take the moon, and punch the heart of the earth...


"Even gods are not ignorant!"

"The lifespan of gods is infinite, but they will also be killed by people!"

"In the age of ancient gods, I don't know how many gods of faith and dimension demon gods have fallen into this world!"

"So, the stronger you are, the more secure you will be!"

Lin Yi reminded herself like this.

As for him, he's actually quite a man.

Some castle lords also go out hunting with their troops.

For example, Fengqing in the Golden City often charges with her Golden Lion Army.

Lin Yi never went.

Even though he had been promoted to the holy rank earlier, he still did not go with his angels this time to attack the Phoenix Sacred Mountain.

Just out of fear of being in danger.

Even if the two guardian angel sisters, Mia and Mila, have mastered the resurrection technique, even if he dies, he can be resurrected, but he also does not want to experience such a thing.

"If I'm not surprised."

"In the future, it is likely that the Quartet forces will fight!"

"The castle power, the **** of truth, the **** of faith, plus the dimensional demon who has made a comeback!"

"Once the battle of gods begins..."

"Gods must die!"

"I have to improve my strength to a safe enough point before the gods fight!"

"What is the holy order?"

"At that time, the demigods and true gods will probably be flying all over the sky!"

thought here.

Lin Yi suddenly felt that it was nothing to be promoted to the late Saint Rank.

In the later stages of the Holy Order, there is no way to sweep the dark forest, let alone the vast and endless continent.

He needs to get stronger!

Of course, this has to start with expanding the scale of the castle armies.

The stronger the castle arm, the faster his own strength will naturally improve.


Nothing to do.

Lin Yi glanced at the world chat channel.

In the channel, there are still people discussing about him upgrading the main city and getting the Godhead reward.

After all, there are still world announcements about him hanging on it.

Golden characters, dazzling!

It's impossible not to get noticed.

In addition, Lin Yi also found that anonymous castle lords are constantly sending messages like—

'The Alliance of God Killers only accepts castle lords who share common ideals and goals'.

'The Slaughtering God Alliance is recruiting a lot of people, and I will teach you the blueprint of the teleportation array.'

'The Slaughtering God Alliance is recruiting, a high-end alliance, the master of a castle with a teleportation array, and the minimum requirement is to have a king-rank arm.'

etc. information.

Apparently, some castle lords are crazy.

Also very enthusiastic.

So much so that these new major alliances are recruiting people crazily, trying to form an astonishingly large alliance force and push his Angel Castle horizontally within a month.

After all, these alliances won't let him use that non-attribute godhead easily.

This war is bound to happen.

And the scale will be amazing!

Far from being comparable to the 100,000 army of the [Anti-Angel Alliance].

However, Lin Yi is not afraid.

He has reserved more than 900,000 power stones.

Just waiting for these alliance forces to come with a vast army to give him heads and experience.

Lin Yi has even pinned the hope of establishing a dynasty on these alliance forces.

There is really an army of tens of millions to come to besiege his Angel Castle.

Then he is prosperous!

Power stones, different crystals, and blueprints are enough to make him crazy.

"I have a hunch!"

"After I get the army of these alliance forces, I can build a dynasty force!"

Lin Yi was looking forward to the arrival of those people.

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