The five sacred phoenix guards peeped at each other.

In the end, they had the same mind, and lowered their heads in unison.

"Lord, have mercy on you!"

Ten-winged main angel Kadis nodded slightly, expressing her satisfaction.

Then he turned his attention to the two holy dragons.

The two holy dragons were very stiff and said with their heads held high: "We are willing to accept the fact of defeat, but we will never believe in your Lord! You should imprison us and wait for the Dragon Nest to come and redeem us."

They think very simply.

Think that the defeated have a chance to be redeemed.

In the central area of ​​the endless continent, many losers of wars have returned to their homes in this way.

So, they think they can too.

Unfortunately, they think too much.

Accompanied by two dazzling golden lights flashed away.

The two holy dragons were also beheaded directly by the eight-winged angel Irene.

Do not hesitate!

As for their souls, they were very skillfully caught and imprisoned by the angel of death, Dale.

The souls of the other dead holy phoenix guards did not escape either.

The Lord says that the Holy Spirit is useful.

The Angel of Death, Dale, remembered every word of the Lord.


see this scene.

The five surrendered holy phoenix guards shivered even more.

Even if the light of faith from the angel of love Nina melted into their bodies, they did not dare to resist.

3.7 In the end, Nina, the angel of love, used the magic of faith to forcibly transform her into a follower of Lin Yi.

Belief in magic is the basis for success.

It is for the subject not to resist, not to resist the light of faith.

If you resist, the effect of faith magic will be greatly reduced.

The stronger the subject's strength, the more able it is to resist the magic of belief.


These five holy-rank Phoenix guards have been killed by the cruel methods of the angels.

If they refuse again, not only will they die, they even worry that the entire Phoenix Sacred Mountain will be razed.

Their people will also be slaughtered.

So they dare not resist.

Let the light of faith melt into their bodies and souls...


"Is it over so soon?"

Olivia flew over slowly with a refreshing expression on her face.

As for the female silver dragon, no one knows what its ending will be.

Ten-winged main angel Kadis said: "A dragon at the peak of the holy order escaped!"

Olivia said with a smile: "Don't worry, it can't escape! The entire Phoenix Sacred Mountain has been imprisoned by the power of my law, and it is now hiding more than 30 kilometers to the north."


Ten-winged main angel Kadis immediately took everyone to kill them.

Look at their backs.

Olivia's smile grew even brighter.

She did not participate in this holy battle.

Because she has been promoted to the demigod realm, once she starts to kill those holy phoenix guards and giant dragons, she will get a lot of special energy.

Correspondingly, Katis and the others will get very little special energy.

This is not conducive to their rapid growth.

So Olivia didn't get involved.

However, when she was beating Mother Yinlong violently, she also kept an eye on the situation on the battlefield.

Once someone is in crisis, she will teleport to rescue.

Fortunately, this did not happen.

Lord Lord's angel, powerful beyond her imagination.

At the same level, the element elves with the highest combat power in the natural elves may not be the opponents of angels, let alone those phoenix guards and ordinary dragons.

She didn't think any more.

With a wave of his hand, the terrifying demigod power swept past.

Within the range of the Phoenix Sacred Mountain, more than 2,000 remaining Phoenix guards were all suppressed by her.


"You don't have to die if you surrender!"

"It is also your honor to be able to follow the lord!"

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Chapter 157 New Angel! protect the world's peace! The treasure has no attribute godhead! Luck is mysterious! Rank soaring! (custom

Angel Castle.

After the twelve-winged angel Angelia and other castle saint-level powerhouses teleported away.

Lin Yi came to the vicinity of the Angel's Reincarnation Pool.

Prepare to conceive the angelic spirit of the new day.

Too much has happened today.

He got up early in the morning, upgraded Angel Castle to [Main City], and unexpectedly received a godhead reward, and then a world announcement appeared, shaking the entire castle power.

Then a large number of castle lords united.

Establish various alliances such as slaughtering gods, destroying gods, killing gods, killing gods, etc.

Prepare to besiege him within a month.

This matter has not yet passed, the giant dragon Jerome came again, and brought a piece of 'bad news', Olivia was trapped by the design, and he immediately dispatched the castle's holy-level combat power to come to the rescue.

In short, a lot has happened today.

As a result, he didn't even spare his hands to nurture the Angel Holy Spirit of a new day.

Seeing that the information prompts that the Phoenix guards were killed kept appearing, Lin Yi was relieved.

Eighteen holy-rank powerhouses joined forces, and three of them were at the peak of the holy-rank.

The probability of failure is low.

Lin Yi has great confidence in Angelia and Nina.

As long as Olivia can be rescued as soon as possible, then the ending is doomed.

He didn't think about it anymore.

Put your mind on the birth of the arms of the new day.

First of all, it is naturally conceived by angels.

Now, the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] has risen to the sixth level, which can breed a hundred angels and holy spirits every day.

It was the first time that Lin Yi had conceived so many angels and holy spirits.

He was in a very uneasy mood.

However, when he approached the Reincarnation Pond, the holy light from the eighteen-winged angel statue would envelope him, and his heart quickly calmed down, and the whole person felt much more comfortable.

[The Angel Reincarnation Pool is full of energy, does it breed the Angel Holy Spirit? 】



Lin Yi immediately selected [Yes].

The next moment, the reincarnation pool with a diameter of 100 meters burst into an unprecedented dazzling light, so dazzling that it was like the sun, making the angels, elves, dragons, and bright troops in the castle unable to open their eyes.

Only Lin Yi.

Able to look directly at the Holy Light.

Not long after, the **** of light flew out of the reincarnation pool.

In the end, a hundred **** of light flew out of the reincarnation pool, suspended in mid-air, densely packed, and the scene was spectacular.

Another moment passed.

One hundred light spheres collapsed at the same time.

In an instant, a hundred fair-skinned angels and holy spirits appeared in Lin Yi's field of vision.

Seeing Lin Yi has a dazzling feeling.

Back then, when he first came to the Endless Continent, the first-level angel reincarnation pool could only breed two angelic holy spirits every day, how pathetic.

Now, one hundred angels and holy spirits at a time.

The difference is really not that big.


As usual, Lin Yi looked at the wings behind the holy spirits of these angels.

23 Soon, his eyes lit up.

His eyes fell on the Holy Spirit, an angel with four pairs of eight wings.

Now, there are quite a few eight-winged angels under his command, even ten-winged angels and twelve-winged angels.

However, with the eight-winged angel that was born directly...

There are only two in total.

One is the eight-winged angel Angelia, and the other is the eight-winged Zodiac Aries God Angel Abigail.

The other eight-winged angels were pushed up with the help of the army evolution blueprint.

Including Angelia, being able to be promoted from an eight-winged angel to a twelve-winged wise angel also used the power of the evolution blueprint of the arms.


Lin Yi was very happy to be able to give birth to an eight-winged angel this time.

It didn't take long.

Again he found an eight-winged angel, the Holy Spirit.

Two at a time?

Lin Yi was quite excited.

Unfortunately, the eight-winged angel, the Holy Spirit, did not appear again after that.

However, there are also quite a few seraphs, there are seven in total, and there are more than twenty four-winged angel holy spirits.

That is to say.

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