Worship is worship, admiration is admiration.

This is based on the premise that there is no conflict of interest.

Once a conflict of interest arises...

For example, now, he has become the world's big boss who will explode the godhead, instantly causing countless castle masters to go crazy, from sheep to wild wolf, all want to come up to bite him.

If you get a godhead, you will make a lot of money.

If you nibble on the architectural drawings of the units of the Angel Reincarnation Pool, it will be even more developed.

Whether it is a godhead or a drawing.

As long as they get one of them, they can change their fate.

The appearance of the World Announcement also made Lin Yi directly become a 'public enemy of the world'. Ordinary castle lords have ideas for him, and the top castle lords of the major alliances are extremely jealous.

Almost all leagues have boiled over.

One after another, the masters of the top castles began to sharpen their knives.

【We have a month! 】

[During this period of time, the blueprint of the space teleportation magic array must be exploded, and then use the teleportation array to descend to the dark forest! 】

3.7 [Don't be afraid of Lin Yi's Sky City, no matter how powerful that thing is, it can still kill tens of millions of troops? 】

[Kill Lin Yi, burst out the godhead! 】

[Destroy the Angel Castle and reveal the blueprint of the Angel Reincarnation Pool! 】

【Whoever grabs it is whoever gets it! 】

[However, we need to be as fast as possible! Lin Yi's development speed is faster than ours. The longer it takes, the stronger his strength will be, and the harder it will be to kill him! 】

[Lin Yi dares to label us as a hostile force, his doom is here! 】

['Game Official' gave us a chance! 】

[This time, it's Lin Yi's death! 】

[Speaking of which, as the masters of the top castles, isn't it destined to become gods? Why do you have to grab Lin Yi's godhead? 】

【What do you know? 】

[At our current speed, can we become a **** in a year or two? 】

[That godhead can be used after a month, and become a **** so long in advance, do you know what this means? Means our destiny has been changed! 】

[The most important thing is that Lin Yian cannot be allowed to become a **** safely! 】

[He is already so strong, wait for him to become a god, there is still a way for us such a top castle lord to survive? 】

【by that time……】

[The castle power has really become Lin Yi's world! 】

[So, even if we can't get Godhead, we have to push Lin Yi down from the altar, and we can't make him more awesome! 】

【understood! 】

[Don't talk nonsense, quickly send troops out to explode the blueprint of the teleportation array! 】

【We must seize this opportunity! 】


Angel Castle -

Lin Yi looked at the message from Feng Qing.

"Lin Yi, you are in big trouble!"

Are you in trouble?

Lin Yi felt that there was indeed a point.

However, it is only a little bit.

Those red-eyed castle masters are far from aware of how terrible the castle of the angel family [Sky City] is.

An army of tens of millions of troops?

Lin Yi sneered.

As long as he provides enough energy stones to the city of the sky, let alone an army of tens of millions, even if an army of hundreds of millions comes, it is just cannon fodder to give him heads and experience!

after all.

Sky City is a weapon of war used to attack the plane world!

Chapter 152 How many come, how many kills! Fengqing worry! Unofficial Official Event! It's a carnival! (for automatic booking

"Let them go..."

"How much will come, how much will I kill!"

This is Lin Yi's reply to Feng Qing.

Want to assemble to besiege his Angel Castle again?

With [Sky City] there, he is not afraid of gathering at all.

Especially at the current stage of the castle lord, the strength of the troops under his command is not high, and at most it is probably in the middle and late stages of the king rank.

Such a powerful force...

He didn't even need to use the Holy Fel Cannon.

You only need to activate a large and medium-sized ordinary magic cannon, and you can bombard a large area with one shot.

What's more, he also has Olivia, the demigod-level elf mother tree spirit, and nearly 20 saint-level powerhouses.

Even if those castle lords gather now.

He is not false!

As soon as the law of demigods is opened, nearly 20 holy-rank fields are shrouded, and it is absolutely possible to kill the castle army to collapse in a short period of time.

He did not believe that those castle lords were not afraid of death.

Ah! !

An army of tens of millions of castles.

Sounds intimidating.

In fact, it's just a piece of loose sand.

He could smash the plate with one fist and send the sand flying.

This is definitely not exaggerated confidence.

After all, those castle lords have not undergone rigorous training, how can they regard death as their home?

When those castle masters thought that their strength could suppress Angel Castle, they must all be like jackals, fierce and greedy.

But as long as he kills some of the castle lords in seconds with the momentum of thunder, other castle lords will understand what fear of death is, and the camp of the castle army will collapse accordingly.

In fact, not to mention the temporary formation of the castle army.

Even if it is the regular army of the local empire in the central area, Lin Yi believes that as long as he strikes hard enough and kills enough, the regular army of the empire will also collapse.


Lin Yi was not at all afraid of their so-called mass siege.

As for the God-killing Alliance, God-destroying Alliance, and God-Slaughtering Alliance that frequently pop up in the world chat channel...

It doesn't even matter at all.

However, Feng Qing did not think so.

When she heard that there might be a large army of tens of millions of castles to gather and besiege Lin Yi's Angel Castle, she was horrified.

You know, that's an army of thousands!

In comparison, what was the 100,000 army of the Anti-Angel Alliance that was destroyed by Lin Yi before?

Tens of thousands of troops, it is really like a tsunami.

Wherever you go, the mountains will be leveled.

I am afraid that even those local forces in the dark forest, such as the kingdom of dwarves, the kingdom of forest giants, and even the dragon's nest, have to retreat.

Not to mention Angel Castle?

Feng Qing was very worried about Lin Yi's safety.

"Lin Yi, don't be careless!"

"It's not easy. Those anonymous people who took the lead in the world chat channel are likely to have a lot of backgrounds, and they can't keep all 23 as the masters of top castles!"

"Their purpose is clear."

"It is to incite other castle lords to gather and besiege your Angel Castle!"

"Because you've put too much pressure on them, making those top castle lords go crazy. They want to take this opportunity to destroy your Angel Castle in one fell swoop!"

"You don't need to think about it."

"Those people from the Alliance of the Gods also participated. Other powerful alliances, such as the Kingdom of the Sea and the Paradise of the Prairie... must also have the chief of the top castles."

"You're not dealing with an anti-angel alliance."

"It's the major alliances, and a huge number of top castle lords!"

"In addition, there may be too many ordinary castle forces to count..."


"Really, my scalp feels numb just thinking about it!"


Lin Yi: "I'm not numb, why are you numb?"

Feng Qing: "Angry (expression)! I'm worried about you!!"

Lin Yi: "No need..."

Feng Qing: "Really, don't take it too seriously! I just got news from the Holy Light Alliance, and within a few minutes, more people have exploded the space teleportation magic circle blueprint!"

"Do you know what that means?"

"It means that the extremely rare blueprints like the Space Teleportation Magic Array will soon flood!"

"There will be countless castle masters who will build a teleportation array!"


"People from the Anti-Angel Alliance gather to expedition your castle, and they have to form a special army of flying troops. It will take several days and thousands of kilometers to reach their destination..."

"But not now!"

"As long as someone moves the castle near your sphere of influence and sets up a teleportation array, countless castle masters and their armies will teleport over!"

"This is the most terrifying thing!"

Fengqing, who is far away in the Karami Prairie, can't help but tremble when he speaks here.

I only feel that the wind on the grassland is chilly.

If it was her, there was absolutely no way to resist such an attack.

Her words were definitely not alarmist.

Just like her, once someone wants to gather and besiege her castle [Golden City], there is no need for a long-distance raid. Just send out a few castle masters, place the heart of the castle around her castle, rebuild the castle, set up a teleportation array, and you can directly teleport the army behind.

Then, with lightning speed, she captured her golden city.

In a trance, Feng Qing's expression suddenly changed drastically.

Because she thought of another question.

After the drawings of the space teleportation magic circle are flooded, the fate of these top castle lords seems to become rough.

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