More importantly.

Due to the low level of troop buildings.

As a result, the number of troops under their command is not as many as Lin Yi's angels.

The strength is not enough, the number is still small...

This is the worst.

However, when Lin Yi saw the need for the next level upgrade of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool], the fire in his heart was instantly doused by a basin of cold water.

To upgrade the Angel Reincarnation Pool to level 6 requires 100,000 energy stones and 1,000 different crystals.

Now, the Angel Reincarnation Pool has just entered the sixth level.

Ready to level up.

But it needs a million power stones and 10,000 different crystals.

The upgrade conditions are ten times higher than when the fifth level was upgraded to the sixth level.

Just talking about power stones...

In addition to the upgrade consumption just now, he now has less than 20,000 energy stones. Compared with the upgrade requirement of one million, it can really be said that even a fraction is not enough.

"Level 6 to level 7, one million power stones 々"!"

"It's increased tenfold again!"

"Could it be that 10 million power stones will be needed after the seventh level to the eighth level. And if it reaches the ninth level, a full 100 million will be needed??"

thought here.

Lin Yi's eyelids also jumped a few times.

This upgrade condition is getting more and more terrifying.

Any castle lord would feel the scalp tingling, including him.


"I still have three arms buildings!"

Lin Yi's mouth twitched//twitched.

Will the elf mother tree be upgraded?

It is definitely necessary, after all, it is a top-level arm building, which can breed top arms such as natural elves. If you are lucky, elemental elves and ancient elves can also be bred.

Is the Monastery of Light to be built?

of course yes!

Not only to build, but also to upgrade.

Recruit more bright troops.

This is very crucial for Lin Yi to use the **** of faith and harvest the power of faith in the future.

Another point, if Lin Yi rules one plane world after another in the future, then the people who manage the plane world will be these bright troops.

After all, how can an angel, a sacred creature with the lowest complete body and a demigod level, be used to manage the mortal plane world?

At the beginning, when the light armies just appeared.

Many ideas popped up in Lin Yi's mind.

But the precondition for these ideas is that the size of the Legion of Light must be expanded.

He even considered killing all the goblin followers of the goblin tribe and forcibly transformed them into light troops... but in the end he gave up this seemingly extremely cruel idea.

All in all.

The size of the Legion of Light is to be expanded.

He has already made plans. When the number of Light Arms reaches a certain level, he will form the [Divine Retribution Legion], [Legion of Zealots], [Bright Crusade] and so on.

These legions~

fight in time of war.

When there is no war, spread beliefs to him and manage the mortal plane world.


The Monastery of Light must be built.

So here it is.

In addition to the elf mother tree and the angel's reincarnation pool, he has a full three arms buildings.

Putting it on other castle lords, they might be so excited that they couldn't sleep for three days and two nights, but when it was put on Lin Yi's place, he was having a headache and energy stones and different crystals were too useless.

Even if he now has 100 million energy stones and different crystals.

He can use it all up.

And it's not enough.

Because if you want to upgrade all three arms buildings to level 9, you need more than 300 million power stones. As for the different crystals, I am afraid it will take several million.

Arms buildings belong to the proper gold-swallowing beasts.

The key is that Lin Yi also has three gold swallowing beasts.

It really made Lin Yi feel that he couldn't afford it.

"Of course, all three arms buildings are upgraded to nine levels, just the goal."

"It can't be done overnight!"

"You have to come one by one."

"As long as the strength of my castle continues to increase, and the surrounding local forces continue to be captured, and the sphere of influence expands, Jie Shi will harvest more and more power stones and different crystals."

"One day, the dream will come true!"

Lin Yi's character is still quite optimistic.

Afterwards, he looked at the probability that the sixth-level [Angel Reincarnation Pond] breeds multi-winged angels and special angels.

"Forty percent!"

"The probability has increased again!"

"this is a good news!"

The higher the probability, the greater the chance of giving birth to winged angels and special angels.


After staying away from the vicinity of the Angel's Reincarnation Pool, Lin Yi found a suitable open space in the castle territory, and took out the architectural drawings of the units of the Bright Monastery.

[Do you choose to build a top-level troop building in the current area - Bright Monastery? 】



Lin Yi responded.

The bright nuns, bright priests, and bright knights recruited from the bright monastery are all the growth potential of the king rank.

The king-rank arms can be called high-level arms, or it can be called the next-level top arms.

In addition to the bright nuns and other king-rank troops.

[Bright Monastery] There is also a chance to recruit Paladins, Bishops, Holy Light Pegasus and other arms that have the potential of the Holy Order and belong to the real top arms.

Therefore, the "official game" listed the Bright Monastery as a top class building.


A dazzling golden light appeared in front of Lin Yi.

In the golden light, a building similar to a church could be faintly seen.

About a few minutes passed.

The golden light disappeared.

The top class building [Bright Monastery] can be considered to be settled in Lin Yi's Angel Castle.

Lin Yi looked up, and a frame of information appeared in his field of vision.

【Bright Monastery】

[Alignment: Bright, Good, Lawful]

[Initial level: Level 1]

[You can recruit five bright troops every day (randomly summon bright nuns, bright priests, bright knights, etc.)]

[Required for upgrade: 100 Power Stones, 1 Different Crystal]

[Special reminder: The first-level arm building Bright Monastery has a very low probability of being able to summon top holy-level arms such as Paladins, Bishops, and Holy Light Pegasus]


"You can recruit five troops every day!"

"not bad!"

"My Angel Reincarnation Pond can only breed two angels and holy spirits at the first level. When the elves' mother tree is at the first level, it can breed three natural elves every day!"

"Although Guangming Monastery is also a top-level military building."

"But strictly speaking, it is one level lower than the top troop buildings like the elf mother tree."

"So at the first level, the number of bright troops recruited every day is five!"

without hesitation.

Lin Yi directly opened the upgrade information prompt for [Bright Monastery].

[Whether to upgrade the top troop building - Bright Monastery? 】



The voice fell, and the Guangming Monastery was once again enveloped by a golden light.


in the next time.

The same golden light appeared three times in a row in the Monastery of Light.

Its level was directly raised to level five by Lin Yi.

【Bright Monastery】

[Alignment: Bright, Good, Lawful]

【Current level: Level 5】

[One hundred and twenty bright troops can be recruited every day (randomly summons bright nuns, bright priests, bright knights, etc.)]

[Required for upgrade: 100,000 power stones, 1,000 different crystals]

[Special reminder: The five-level arms building the Bright Monastery has a medium-low probability of being able to summon top holy-rank arms such as Paladins, Bishops, and Holy Light Pegasus]


"¨々 The fifth-level light monastery recruits one hundred and twenty light troops every day!"

"This wave of consumption is worth it!"

Lin Yi grinned.

The upgrade cost of the troop buildings is the same.

To level up to the second level, it consumes 100 Energy Stones and 1 Different Crystal.

Level 3, consumes 500 energy stones and 5 different crystals.

Level 4, consumes 1,000 energy stones and 10 different crystals.

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