Let the power of light and faith envelop them.

At that time, the little angels under his command could use teleportation magic to come directly to the coordinates of the goblin army, and there was no need to waste time on the road.

The Goblin Kingdom is nearly 800 kilometers away from Angel Castle.

It is a distance that is neither far nor near.

Not much to angels, flaming dragons, and golden griffins.

However, for the Legion of Light and the Legion of Nature Elves, who generally have no flying ability and no flying mounts, it will take three or four days to arrive without relying on underground safe passages and magic rail cars.

A teleportation technique mastered by angels.

Then, the army of light and the army of natural elves can be instantly teleported to the vicinity of the goblin kingdom.

Even, he can go to see.

After all, if it can be passed in the past, it can also be passed back directly.

He wanted to appreciate the style of the goblin king.

At the beginning, His Majesty the King did not say a word and directly listed his Angel Castle as a [blacklist]. It wasn't until he conquered the elf tribe that the goblin king knew there were people he couldn't afford to offend.

The Goblin King is a very shrewd man.

Knowing that you can't do Angel Castle, you will try your best to improve your friendship with Angel Castle.

I hope Castle Angel doesn't bother him in the past.


The goblin king thinks too much.

In Lin Yi's view, friendship and hatred didn't play a big role, and this was only the attitude of the local forces towards his Angel Castle, which had nothing to do with him.

He couldn't change the war plan he had already made.

a new day.

The most important thing, of course, is the angelic Holy Spirit who conceives the new day.

Lin Yi came to the vicinity of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

After calling up the information prompt, I immediately chose to conceive.

Soon, the Reincarnation Pond was shrouded in a rich light.

Immediately afterwards, bright **** of light flew out from the light.

When the light **** were broken.

The angels and holy spirits, all fair and tender, appeared in front of Lin Yi.

As usual, Lin Yi looked at the wings behind the little angels.

In the end, Lin Yi's expression was as calm as ever, without the slightest excitement or disappointment.

Because, his luck today is not bad or bad.

"Two six-winged angels and holy spirits 々ˇ!"

"Thirteen four-winged angels and holy spirits."

"The remaining thirty-five angels, the Holy Spirit, are all two-winged angels."

Level 5 [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

There is a 30% probability of giving birth to multi-winged angels and special angels.

And this time the birth.

Among the fifty angels and the Holy Spirit, there are fifteen multi-winged angels, which is exactly a thirty percent probability.

So, his luck is not bad.

But there are only two Seraphim, and luck is obviously not very good.

【Six Winged Archangel Holy Spirit】

【Current growth status: Holy Spirit】

[Strength Level: Seventh Level]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete Body—Lower True God Six-Winged Archangel]

【Six Wings Angel Holy Spirit】

【Current growth status: Holy Spirit】

[Strength Level: Seventh Level]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete Body—Lower True God Six-Winged Angel]

Lin Yi thought for a while, and then named the two seraphs respectively.

Seraph, named Vina.

Seraph, named Abby.

They are all female angels, and naturally they are female names.

Lin Yi also felt a little strange.

The angel Holy Spirit that he gave birth to, and the upper angels of the six-wing level are all female angels. He doesn't understand why. Could it be that the 'game official' has pinpointed his preferences?

If so, he would be very grateful.

Because that's what he likes!

"Praise you, Almighty Lord~"

Vena and Abby looked excited and stared wildly.

If all the other angels are the same, they have an extremely firm and supreme belief in Lin Yi.

Being able to get the real name bestowed by the Lord naturally made them extremely excited and regarded it as an honor.

Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

Then let them lead other newly born angels and holy spirits into the angel team.

"After the birth of the Angel Holy Spirit yesterday."

"The number of angels under my command has reached three hundred and thirty-six!"

"In addition to the ten angelic holy spirits bred from the drawing of the number of arms, and the fifty holy spirits bred now... the total number is 396 angels!"

"It's four hundred short of four!"

"It's getting closer and closer to the formation of the Angel Legion!"

Lin Yi is looking forward to the number of his angels reaching a thousand.

When he is introduced, he will form an army of angels.

He has prepared the legion commander for the Angel Legion, the Ten-Winged Lord Angel Kadis.

Now, the number of angels is only a thousand.

Do the math.

Twelve days at most.

He will have a full army of angels.

If you can obtain the [Number of Arms Blueprint] during the period, or if the level of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] is raised to level 6, the time to form an Angel Legion can be shortened again.

All in all.

It won't be long.

Angel Legion can be formed!

Afterwards, Lin Yi came under the tree of the elf mother tree again.

As soon as he came, the silver-white little unicorns left their elf companions one after another, surrounded Lin Yi, crowded over from time to time, and rubbed their heads against Lin Yi's trouser legs.

This made the little flame in the distance angry and jealous.

From time to time, fiery flames spewed from the mouth and nose.

But she was angry, she didn't dare to attack those young unicorns.

She is smart enough to know that elves are precious baby unicorns.

If she dares to provoke the unicorn, she will be beaten by the elf demigod who protects the short. At that time, the flaming dragon Abra couldn't save her, and she was beaten together.

Therefore, she could only hold her head up.

Golden vertical pupils stared at Lin Yi's back.

The master hadn't tickled her for a long time.


[Life and nature are full of magic, do you breed natural elves? 】


Lin Yi immediately chose yes.

Immediately, the elf mother tree bloomed with green light.

Balls of light began to appear on the branches of the mother tree.

"It's a Poké Ball!"

"Lots of Poke Balls wow!"

"Each of them is a natural elves, there are too many!"

"Lord Lord is amazing. Since Mother came to Lord Lord's castle, many elves have been bred every day! Today's number is the largest~"

Around, there are elves cheering.

The grown-up nature elves were also very excited.

A total of 80 elf **** appeared on the tree of the elf mother tree.

It was the first time they had seen such a scene.

In the past, there were only a dozen Poké Balls bred by the Pokémon mother tree at most, and they did not mature at the same time.

Now, eighty full-fledged Poké Balls appear at one time.

Make them feel very happy.

Olivia was also stunned.

Immediately, he said in surprise: "Lord Lord, after my body has risen to level five, I can actually breed 80 elves at one time?"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "There's no need to be so surprised. When the elf mother tree reaches the ninth level, the number of elves that multiply at a time may directly exceed a thousand!"

Olivia took a deep breath.

"The power of another world is too powerful!"

She was deeply shocked.

Olivia knew that even the goddess tree of the natural elf empire would not be able to breed thousands of elves every day.

The reason why the population of the Elf Empire is so large is hundreds of millions.

It is entirely due to the credit of a large number of elves mother trees.

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