They basically don't have much contact.

After all, one is in the 'heaven' and the other is in the 'underground'.

Of course, these information all come from the records of the Almighty Lord in the "Seven-Day Creation of the World".

As for reality...

There is no **** realm of the Lord, and there is no plane world managed by the gods and angels of the zodiac.

Everything has to be free for Lin Yi to play.

In the future, even if he let the zodiac gods and angels manage the realm of the gods, and let the angels of the orthodox faction manage the plane world of the mortal universe, it is not impossible.

After all, he is the Lord.

It all depends on his decision.

"I only know now 々ˇ."

"The types of angels are really complicated enough!"

"But it seems to be normal, after all, it is a 'perfect' species..."

Lin Yi didn't think much about it.

Indicates that Abigail, the **** of Aries, can stand up.

Looking at Abigail's outfit, Lin Yi felt envious.

A dazzling golden armor, holding a golden gun, and a golden shield.


Of the other angels, which one can be as pompous as the zodiac angel?

Even the ten-wing-level Lord Angel Kadis couldn't compare, and now she only has a scepter.

Have to admit.

Among all the angels, Abigail, the **** of the Aries Palace, is the most eye-catching one. Her golden dress and her ruthless expression are enough to make the enemy timid before fighting.

She stood alone.

He raised his head slightly, revealing his snow-white neck.

There is a strong and noble aura all over him.

This caused other little angels to dare not approach her.

Only high-ranking angels like Ten-Winged Lord Angel Kadis, Eight-Winged Angel Angelia, and Love Angel Nina nodded to her as a greeting to her.

Abigail hesitated for a moment, then nodded in response.

Immediately, he raised his head slightly, and his eyes were always looking at Lin Yi frantically.

Lin Yi looked at the other angels and holy spirits that were conceived.

But he didn't find a little angel who could make him dazzling.

Perhaps it was Abigail, who was born as an eight-winged zodiac angel, and exhausted his luck, or perhaps it was related to the energy of the Reincarnation Pool.

Except for Abigail.

Of the forty-nine angels and holy spirits that were conceived, none of them were angels of the seraph.

All are four-winged angels and two-winged angels.

Among them, there are nine four-winged angels and forty two-winged angels.

Lin Yi was not disappointed.

Being able to give birth to Abigail, the **** of Aries, what else could he not be satisfied with?

Greed is the original sin!

As the Lord of the little angels' beliefs, he should be more open-minded.

Not urgent…

Wait until the level of [Angel Reincarnation Pool] is getting higher and higher.

There will naturally be more and more high-ranking angels under his command.

In the future, he can expect not only eight-winged angels, ten-winged angels, but also twelve-winged angels, fourteen-winged angels, and even sixteen-winged archangels...

In short.

Just raise the level of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

High angels will come.

His dream will come true too!

After that, Lin Yi came to the [Elf Mother Tree] again.

"Lord Lord~"

The big elf Erica, the elf elder Becky, and other big elves and little elves, all bowed respectfully to Lin Yi.

Especially those little elves, very courageous.

Surrounded by Lin Yi, he showed the most innocent and lovely side in front of him.

Lin Yi is also full of smiles.

The troops under his command, whether angels or elves, are very beautiful, and he likes them very much.

Only Little Flame, the future Queen of the Red Dragon, likes to rub his head against his trouser legs, like a puppy puppy, so annoying.

Lin Yi looked at Erica: "Why didn't you use the evolution blueprint?"

The great elf Erica said quickly: "Reporting to the lord, I want to wait for the mother to wake up. With her power, I hope to improve the success rate."

There is only one evolution blueprint given to her by the Lord.

Even if the success rate she sensed was as high as 80%, she would not dare to use it recklessly.

In case of failure, she would have to cry for three days in a row.


Lin Yi nodded in agreement.

Erica didn't use the unit evolution blueprint impatiently, and wanted to increase the success rate with Olivia's help, which was a good thing, and he had no reason to stop it.

Lin Yi asked, "Is Olivia still in retreat?"

Erica respectfully said, "Yes, Lord!"

Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

In his opinion, Olivia's retreat breakthrough was full of playfulness.

The spirit of the elf mother tree with the appearance of a girl, since coming to his castle, has been retreating every day, breaking through once a day, and every breakthrough will fail.

After the failure, Olivia did not have any depression.

Instead, he was happy, as if he was nothing.

"Don't care about her!"

Lin Yi shook his head.

Then choose to breed a new day's elf.

Soon, the trunk, branches, branches, leaves of the elf mother tree...

All bloomed with green light.

The beautiful elves around were also breathing in the rich natural magic power in the air.

It didn't take long.

Bright Poké Balls flew down from the tree.

Then they shattered.

A beautiful and lovely fairy appeared.

They all wore clothes and skirts woven from flowers, green vines and leaves, nothing special.

see this scene.

The great elf Erica suddenly sighed.

Elf elder Becky also showed a disappointed expression.

They looked forward to the appearance of the elemental elves and the ancient elves, but the thirty elves that were bred were all natural elves just like them.

Of course they didn't dislike the natural elves.

But because they desperately want their tribe to become stronger quickly.

To achieve this goal.

The core is the element elves and the ancient elves.

When a large number of elemental elves and ancient elves appear in the tribe, their tribe will naturally become very powerful.

At the time of introduction, the status of the elf tribe in the eyes of the lords will be correspondingly higher.

They can see it.

In the mind of the lord.

Those angels are the most important and the foundation of the castle.

They can't compare to the angels, but at least they can't be compared to the other factions of the castle. Neither the Legion of Light nor the newly-appeared flaming dragons could affect the position of their elf tribe in Angel Castle.

This is one of the reasons why they want to get stronger.

Lin Yi looked at Erica and Becky who were disappointed, and said with a smile: "¨々What should come will always come, I can't force it! Besides, even if there are no elemental elves, I will not ignore your elf tribe."

He was telling the truth.

[Elf Mother Tree] It is the troop building of his castle.

Elves can be bred every day.

This shows what?

It shows that the natural elves are destined to become the second major force in his castle, second only to the angel camp.

In the future, countless natural elves will be born in his castle.

This is not going to change!

So Erica and Becky don't have to worry about their natural elves being ignored by Lin Yi.

After speaking, Lin Yi ignored the two excited beautiful elves.

He opened the upgrade information prompt of the [Elf Mother Tree].

[Whether to upgrade the top troop building - Elf Mother Tree? 】



Accompanied by Lin Yi's low voice.

The huge elf mother tree trembled again.

A dazzling golden light appeared from the void, covering the entire elf mother tree.

Soon, the elf mother village began to grow taller and larger, the ground trembled, and the natural magic in the air became more intense, almost comparable to light and divine magic.

After all, the upgraded [Elf Mother Tree] and the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] are both level-5 units.

"Lord Lord~"

The big elf Erica said in surprise: "Are you upgrading your mother's body?"


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