Soon, the information prompt responded—

[The initial loyalty of a unit is directly related to the building of the unit of the castle lord. The current castle's troop building, the elf mother tree, is transformed from the native elf mother tree, and has intelligence. 】

[During the transformation process, the spiritual wisdom of the elf mother tree has changed. 】

[Loyalty to the Lord of the Castle has been greatly improved, reaching a peak of 100 points. 】

[The elf is a unit bred from the elf mother tree, and its loyalty is directly affected by the wisdom, and the initial loyalty is increased...]

After listening to the explanation of 'Information Prompt'.

Lin Yi understood.

In general, the key point of the core is still in Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree.

Olivia's loyalty to him, because of the transformation, has directly reached one hundred points from the original eighty points.

Then, the elf bred by her also has 100 points of loyalty to Lin Yi.

Without Olivia.

In other words, there is no spiritual wisdom in the elf mother tree.

Then even if he converts the elf mother tree into a troop building belonging to his castle power, the elf bred will only have an initial loyalty of about 80 points, not 100 points.

It's Olivia.

It directly affects the bred elves. twenty three


"It's all a good thing!"

After Lin Yi figured out the reason, the smile on his face became brighter.

Olivia, who looked like a young and beautiful girl in front of her eyes, also made him more and more satisfied.

With Olivia here, Lin Yi no longer has to worry about the loyalty of the elf troops under her command.

"Lord Lord?"

Olivia, like an elf girl, blinked her beautiful eyes.

She didn't understand why the lord looked straight at her, she was a little embarrassed.

Her tree age, although more than three thousand years.

But in the family of the elf mother tree, she is just a girl!


Lin Yi shifted his gaze.

Check out other Pokemon's info.

【Nature Spirit】

[Current growth status: juvenile]

[Strength Level: Second-Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Limit of Growth Potential: Peak of Holy Order]


Lin Yi checked the information of the fifteen elves one by one.

What they have in common is that they are all juveniles of natural elves.

The difference is that their growth potential limit is divided into two types, some are the peak of the holy order, and some are the latter stage of the holy order. Among them, the elves with the potential of the late stage of the Holy Order are mostly, accounting for about 80%.


Lin Yi has some regrets.

Fifteen elves, none of them are elemental elves, or ancient elves.

Although the natural elves are already standing at the pinnacle of the top arms, comparable to the dragon and the titan arms, Lin Yi still expects to breed super-top element elves and ancient elves.


This time, all natural elves are bred.

He was slightly disappointed.

"But there are quite a few elves!"

"A third-level elf mother tree can breed fifteen elf!"

Lin Yi had to admit one thing.

The lower the level of the troop building, the more troop that can be bred and recruited.

The elf mother tree breeds three elves at the first level, eight at the second level, and fifteen at the third level.

And Lin Yi's initial weapon building [Angel Reincarnation Pool], can only breed two Angel Holy Spirits at the first level, five at the second level, and ten at the third level. Now that it has reached the fourth level, the number of angels and holy spirits conceived is only twenty.

Lin Yi has no doubts.

Among all castle troop buildings.

At the same level, his [Angel Reincarnation Pool] has the least number of units.

And the reason why he has so many angels is that he has more troops than most top castle lords...

There is more than one reason.

First of all, he used the rare [Branch Quantity Drawing] twice, once bred twenty angelic holy spirits, and once gave birth to ten angelic holy spirits, adding up to 30 angelic holy spirits for free.

Secondly, his [Angel Reincarnation Pool] level is very high.

When many castle lords were only level 2 and 3, he had already upgraded the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] to level 4, and he was able to breed twenty angels and holy spirits every day.

In the end, his angel has not been lost since he came to the present.

Three factors add up.

The number of angels under his command is naturally quite large.

Today, he has a total of one hundred and six angelic holy spirits.

And it was also divided into two teams by Lin Yi.

An old-fashioned team, led by Seraph Angel Kadis.

A freshman team, led by Seraph Angel Hailan Winnie.

Compared to Kadis' veteran Angel team, the new team led by Hailan Winnie was much weaker, and the average rank was not comparable to Kadis's team.

Of course this is just a small problem.

Lin Yi believed that Hailan Winnie's team of angels would soon be able to raise their ranks.

Two angel teams consisting of fifty little angels.

Plus three special angels that are independent of the angel team - the angel of love Nina, the angel of death Dale, and the guardian angel Mia.

This is Lin Yi's current state of the angel camp.

"Lord Lord!"

At this time, the girl Olivia suddenly spoke up.

She looked at the [Angel Zhuanchisheng] and the statue of the eighteen-winged angel in the distance, and then glanced at the high-end building [Holy Hall] that glowed faintly on the other side...

"I sense the power of faith!"


Lin Yi nodded and did not hide it.

"The angels and the Legion of Light in the castle are all my believers! In the future, I will also become a **** with faith, and become the evil **** of faith in the mouths of all races of your endless continent!"

Olivia froze.

He didn't speak for a long time.

Finally, she finally said: "Lord Lord, the divine power of the God of Faith is not strong, and it is directly related to the number of beliefs and the level of belief!"

Lin Yi looked at her in surprise: "You know the God of Faith very well!"

"The elf mother tree inherits the memory from the ancient war of gods!"

Olivia pointed to her head.

Then he said: "At that time, our elves were also believers, loyal to the great elf goddess! Under the protection of the goddess, our elves are very strong, and they are the main force for all ethnic groups to resist the dimensional demons!"


Olivia seemed to sigh softly.

"The belief system of the Endless Continent has been defeated!"

"The great elf goddess, Her Majesty, was also severely injured by the abyss demon god. When she was about to die, Her Majesty the Goddess arranged a super-god-level defensive magic circle to protect us. She fell into a deep sleep and declared herself in an unknown dimension world."

"Until now, tens of thousands of years have passed."

"Your Majesty the Elf Goddess also failed to return to the Endless Continent."

"What the goddess doesn't know is that the continent's ten thousand races did not evacuate this world, but completely united, chasing the power of truth, and finally expelled the dimensional demons from the endless continent!"

"The natural elf empire was also established in that turbulent era."

Lin Yi said, "Listening to your words, you don't seem to hate the elf goddess!"

Olivia wondered: "Lord Lord, why do I hate the goddess?"

Lin Yi said: "The two-headed demons, goblins, and goblins I have met all call the **** of faith the evil **** of faith! I thought that the races of the endless continent hated the **** of faith."

"It's not like that!"

Olivia smiled and said, "Double-headed demons, goblins, goblins... The reason why these races hate the **** of faith is because the gods they believe in have turned their backs on them!"

"After the defeat of the ancient gods."

"Many believe in gods, ignoring the desperate prayers of believers and fleeing the Endless Continent."

"Let the dimensional demons slaughter the world and slaughter their followers."

"This is the fundamental reason why they are spurned and hated!"

"And the goddess of our elves family..."

Olivia said: "Even in the state of collapse of divine power and on the verge of falling, Her Majesty the Goddess still protects us!"

"After the failure of the battle of the gods, the goddess was severely injured, but she did not escape. Instead, she used the core power of the broken godhead to set up a super god-level magic circle - the blessing of the goddess to protect our elves."

"The capital of the natural elf empire."

"The current position is at the core of that divine formation!"

Olivia looked at Lin Yi, and said with a slightly melancholy voice: "The great elf goddess protects us with life, how can we hate the goddess?"


Lin Yi suddenly thought of a question.

"If the elf goddess recovers and returns to the Endless Continent, will your elf family continue to believe in the elf goddess?"

"This, depends on the decision of Her Majesty the Queen of the Empire!"

Olivia said: "Now, the elves are loyal to the queen of the empire and have established a new racial system. The power of the clan is even comparable to the era of the goddess of beauty!"

Lin Yi heard the hidden meaning.

If the elf goddess returns, I am afraid that the elves will not become her followers again.

After all, there is a new system.

And the power of the elves is still so powerful now.

It doesn't matter whether there is the protection of the elf goddess or not.

This is not ingratitude, this is the development of the times, and some things will eventually be eliminated.

Lin Yi said: "In the Endless Continent, are there still races, or forces, that look forward to the return of the God of Faith?"

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