Power stones and different crystals continue to be stored.

The food collected from the corpses of monsters in the wild is listed on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] as usual.

However, Lin Yi also reserved some food to meet the food needs of the Legion of Light.

Angels are divine beings, they are spiritual bodies, and they do not need to eat.

But the troops of the bright camp still have to eat, and the food that is stored is prepared for them.

As for the collected monster materials, as well as the blueprint of the middle-level magic equipment, they were all forwarded by Lin Yi to the little loli in the underground world, so that her dwarf could be made into equipment.

Everything is done.

Lin Yi also held a grand dinner in the castle.

After eating and drinking, Lin Yi was going to bid for the [Space Teleportation Magic Array Drawing].

at this time.

A gray shadow appeared from the void, the Angel of Death, Dale.

There was a pale color on her beautiful cheeks.

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Daier, are you injured?"

Angel of death Dai'er said respectfully, "My lord, don't worry, I'm fine. I was careless when I was peeping at the elf tribe. I was accidentally discovered by the elders of the elf tribe and suffered a little injury."

Nina, the angel of love on the side, shed a holy light, covering Dai Er's body.

Dale's cheeks suddenly turned red.

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Chapter 91 Angel Throne! The elves appear! A mighty elf tribe! Bombing the elves?

Angel of Death Dale's injuries were not serious.

He was healed quickly after being treated by a holy light from Nina, the angel of love.

Dai Er explained that after sneaking into the elf tribe, she was discovered by a holy elder of the elf tribe because of her carelessness. When the two sides were fighting against each other, she was slightly injured, and then quickly evacuated.

Lin Yi was a little surprised: "You were found hidden in the void?"

Traveling through the void is the talent of the angel of death, Dale.

When the angel of death, Dai Er, escaped into the void, the eight-winged angel of love Nina and the six-winged archangel Shirley, who were kings, were not aware of her existence at all.

It can be said that the void concealment ability of Angel of Death Dai Er is very powerful.

A born assassin!

"Yes, my lord!"

Angel of death Dai'er nodded and said, "That holy-rank elf elder is very sensitive and can detect very subtle magic fluctuations, even the spatial magic fluctuations can't hide it from her!"

A word.

Dai Er looked at Lin Yi cautiously.

Then he said: "After I investigated the population, strength, defense distribution and other intelligence information of the elf tribe, I did not leave immediately.

Instead, I want to sneak into the treasure house of the elf tribe and see if there are any treasures in it.

When I was walking in the void, I should have touched some kind of magic restriction outside the treasure house, and my deeds were discovered by the holy-order elf elder. "


Hear Dale's explanation.

Lin Yi suddenly looked at his angel of death with some surprise.

The angel of death, such a noble assassin, actually wanted to steal someone's treasure house, and was caught in the act?

He seemed to be able to sense what Lin Yi was thinking.

The beautiful cheeks of the death angel Dai'er were slightly flushed, but she quickly returned to her ruthlessness, like a ruthless killer, bowing her head towards Lin Yi: "Almighty Lord, please forgive me, Dai'er shouldn't make an assertion! "

"It's a good thing to know you're wrong."

Lin Yi waved his hand.

He was reluctant to punish his angel.

Especially the little angels are so loyal to him, and their beliefs are fanatical, and they are willing to die for him.

Where is he willing?

Lin Yi said: "This time is a lesson, be careful in the future! Even if you fall, I can revive you. But after resurrection, your rank will return to the initial rank, and your previous efforts will be in vain. "Nine-seven-seven" yes, the gains outweigh the losses."

"Praise you, Almighty Lord!"

The angel of death Dai Er respectfully said, "Dai Er will definitely not act recklessly in the future."

Lin Yi nodded.

His little angel is still very obedient.

Whether it is the death angel Dai Er, or the six-winged Archangel Shirley, or other little angels, they all regard his words as an oracle, and they will steadfastly abide by them and never violate them.

At this moment, his figure flickered.

He sat upright on the seat directly north of the castle hall.

Lin Yi's seat is quite extravagant.

Made of pure gold, it is inlaid with many purple, red, green, blue and other colored gemstones.

The carving is also very beautiful, fully showing the atmosphere of art.

However, this seat is not a trophy from a local power.

Instead, it was made for him by the six-winged archangel Shirley and several other high-ranking angels.

Gold is pure natural gold that was accidentally discovered by the Angel team when they were hunting outside.

The gems are from the treasure house collection of the goblin chieftain of the goblin tribe.

The little angels used the holy flame of angels to smelt and shape the gold into seats, inlaid and embellished dozens of gemstones of various colors, and then carefully carved and portrayed the angelic **** pattern...

His throne was born.

To be honest, this throne is very beautiful and luxurious.

The only downside is that it's a bit hard. After all, it's made of gold, and it will feel uncomfortable in the **** after sitting for a long time.

Of course, it's all little things.

Lin Yi looked at the death angel Dai Er who was standing in front of him respectfully: "Tell me about the situation of the elf tribe."

"Follow my orders, my lord~"

Angel of Death Dai Er said: "According to Dai Er's investigation, there are about 5,000 natural elves in the entire elf tribe, and they are all female elves.

In the elf tribe, the elders are respected, and there are seven in total, one saint and six kings. The Elf Tribe Guard Corps is composed of 2,000 adult natural elves, the lowest is the fifth order, the highest is the ninth order...

The remaining three thousand or so natural elves are all small elves, and their strength is very weak. "

"Five thousand natural elves?"

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

The magic map from the goblin Shamur shows that the number of natural elves in this elf tribe is only about 3,000. Now it has suddenly become five thousand. It seems that the information surveyed by the Goblin Kingdom is not accurate.

Of course, it's also possible that the magic map was made a long time ago.

In the passage of time, the elf tribes are also multiplying, and the population will increase.

At this time, Lin Yi had another doubt: "If they are all female elves, how do they reproduce races?"

Even in the angel family, there are male angels.

And there are a lot of them.

For example, the two-winged angels bred in the Reincarnation Pool are all male angels, who are mainly responsible for melee combat and charge.

The angel family does not need to consider the issue of breeding races.

Because angels are born directly from the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

As long as the number of angel reincarnation pools is large enough, the racial scale of the angel family will become larger and larger. The reincarnation pool is not destroyed, and the angel family is immortal.

Of course, this does not mean that angels do not have the ability to reproduce on their own.

If Lin Yi wants to, he can also find a few female angels to be his wives and have offspring.

The angel of death, Dai'er, replied respectfully, "Dai'er found out that the elf tribe attaches great importance to an ancient tree. It is located in the center of the tribe, and all elves live around the ancient tree."

"The elves regard the ancient tree as the holy tree of the elves, and are guarded day and night by a number of elves elders."

"Daier found that there are light clusters on the ancient trees, which contain a strong breath of life."

"So Dale speculates that the natural elves were born from that ancient tree."

"An ancient tree that can breed elves?!"

Lin Yi looked surprised and felt that he had learned a lot.

He was interested and wanted to see the elf mother tree in person.

Leaving that question aside.

Lin Yi frowned slightly and said to himself, "I didn't expect that just one elf tribe would have 2,000 elf warriors above the fifth rank, as well as six king rank and one holy rank, with extraordinary strength!"

It is indeed a high-level intelligent race of the endless continent.

A elf tribe is so strong.

How terrifying would the strength of the natural elf empire located in the endless continent and central area be?

I'm afraid there are even true gods.

As for the elves below the true god, it can also be described in one sentence - the demigods walk all over the place, and there are as many saints as dogs!

This is the endless continent!

All races in the world are flourishing and their strength is terrifying.

It is obviously not an easy task for the castle forces to conquer this world.

However, the development speed of the castle forces is also very terrifying.

Compared with the local forces, all castle lords have two natural advantages, one can recruit troops, and the other can achieve the purpose of rapid upgrade by killing the enemy.

This is an advantage that the local forces do not have.

Although the goblin Shamur told Lin Yi that their local forces could get some kind of mysterious reward by destroying the castle master's castle, they were still far from the advantages of the castle forces in this regard.

Therefore, as long as the Lord of the Castle is given time to develop.

The castle power will quickly expand and become very terrifying.

When the dynasties established by countless castle lords unite, it is not impossible to push the powerful native empires in the central area of ​​the endless continent.

At least Lin Yi is very confident.

What is God?

Which of the six-winged angels under his command is not the true god?

The eight-winged angel of love, Nina, has even reached the pinnacle of the next true god. Once you step into that realm, in terms of the high-ranking life form of an angel, the strength is not weaker than that of the average middle-ranking true god.

If he's lucky the big bang.

The eighteen-winged angel, the Holy Spirit, was born.

Then he is invincible!

Because the strength of the eighteen-winged archangel is as high as the level of the main god.

At this time, Nina, the angel of love standing beside Dai Er, said: "My lord, with the strength of our angel team, it is not easy to conquer the elf tribe."

Lin Yi nodded.

A holy rank, six king ranks, plus a legion composed of 2,000 natural elves above the fifth rank elite, is indeed not easy to defeat, or even impossible.

After all, the number of little angels in the Angel team is currently only 86 in total.

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