The danger on land does not put too much pressure on the troops flying in the sky.

As long as the castle lord of the Anti-Angel Alliance uses the guidance of the magic map to avoid those dangerous areas, it is really not a big problem to gather near the Twin Mountains within the time limit.

That is to say.

The top castle masters of the Anti-Angel Alliance claimed that they would besiege the Angel Castle within a week, and they were not just talking about it. They were sure of it.

"You have to be careful!"

In the friend column, Feng Qing sent a message.

"I heard that in the Anti-Angel Alliance, there is a castle lord with the top class [Eternal Treant Guard], who won the top 100 rewards in the beast tide event. A random magic scroll can be used to check and balance the king's rank. Peak powerhouse!"

Lin Yi: "How do you know so clearly?"

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Feng Qingliu raised her eyebrows, her charming eyes smiling.

"I have a wide range of friends! So far, there are five top castle lords in the Anti-Angel Alliance, and one of them is my friend. When I chatted with me this morning, something was revealed."

"I don't like to be with people who betray friends!"

Seeing Lin Yi's reply, the smile on Feng Qing's face suddenly stiffened.

There was a hint of resentment in the slightly charming eyes.

For whom did she betray her 'friend'?

Lin Yi: "However, I don't think that person should be considered your friend."

Feng Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Worried that Lin Yi would find an excuse, she deleted her again.

Feng Qing replied: "The last time, I was abrupt."

Lin Yi: "You and I don't owe each other."

Feng Qing: "What about this time? I helped you a lot!"

Lin Yi: "It's not a help, it's just a reminder! Because even if I was kept in the dark and killed by the castle masters of the Anti-Angel Alliance, they would have only one death."

Feng Qing: "Surprised (expression), if there are hundreds of castle lords united, you are not afraid? Once your eight-winged angel of the royal rank is imprisoned by the magic scroll, your angel castle is likely to be in danger!"

Lin Yi: "Want to hear my secrets again?"

Feng Qing: "No such intention! I just hope you can be vigilant and don't underestimate the Anti-Angel Alliance."

Lin Yi: "If there is nothing else, let's do it!"

"Wait a moment!"

Feng Qing hurriedly replied: "No matter what I said, I brought you news, don't delete me this time! It's really not easy to add you!"

It's not just easy to be a friend of Jialinyi, it's simply difficult.

Up to now, she has applied for Jia Linyi's friend no less than twenty or thirty times, and almost all of them have been rejected by Lin Yi.

It was added with great difficulty before, but Lin Yi turned his head and deleted it.

Feng Qing didn't want to be deleted by Lin Yi again.

Feng Qing: "One more friend is always good! I have a wide range of friends, and I'm also one of the founders of the Alliance of the Gods. I can often get some important information, which is also helpful to you."

Lin Yi: "What do you want to do?"

Feng Qing: "Nothing else, I just want to make friends with you!"

"To be honest, your Angel Castle power has unlimited future prospects. It is bound to become a dynasty overlord in one area. I don't want to become an enemy with you. In the future, we may be able to cooperate and besiege other top castle strengths together!"

This is Fengqing's heart.

It is also one of her goals of Galinyi.

Lin Yi is the lord of the strongest castle recognized by the 'game official', [ranked on the top of all living beings].

If not necessary, no castle lord wants to be an enemy of Lin Yi.

As for the castle masters of the Anti-Angel Alliance, why did they attack the Angel Castle?

It is entirely due to geographical factors.

Like Lin Yi, they are in the same dark forest. Everyone wants to rule this vast and resource-rich forest, and no one wants to quit.

If that's the case, then we can only fight.

If Lin Yi didn't die, they had to die.

Only by destroying Lin Yi's Angel Castle can the anti-angel alliance they established be able to dominate this area.

Because Lin Yi's Angel Castle force grows too fast.

Last night, when someone broke the news that Lin Yi had an eight-winged angel of the king rank, it shocked several top castle masters of the Anti-Angel Alliance, making their scalps feel numb.

They dare not let Lin Yi's Angel Castle continue to develop wildly.

Otherwise, they will be the ones who will eventually be expelled from the Dark Forest, or even killed outright.

They were apprehensive, apprehensive, and fearful.

Therefore, they made up their minds to concentrate the power of the Anti-Angel Alliance in the near future and completely eliminate Lin Yi's Angel Castle forces. In this way, they have no worries and can develop their forces with peace of mind.

Lin Yi: "I'll talk about making friends later. I don't have many friends!"

Feng Qing: "Leave the future to fate!"

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Feng Qing waved the long sword in his hand and cut out a sword light several meters long.

The sword light passed, and several elite-level orcs died instantly.

This is the end of a small hunting operation.

Looking at the news in the friends column, Feng Qingliu raised her eyebrows slightly, and the corner of her mouth smiled. She felt that her reply was quite good.

Leave the future to fate.

What will the future be like.

She and Lin Yi are enemies or friends, or some other relationship.

It's up to fate.

After a long time, Feng Qing did not receive a reply from Lin Yi.

Feng Qing silently rolled her eyes.

Sure enough, a straight man of steel!

"However, it's the first step after all!"

"The most difficult problem has been overcome, and the next road is easy to go!"

As if thinking of something, Feng Qing's mood became quite good.

At this time, another friend message was sent.

Fengqing opened it quickly.

But I saw that the person who sent the message was not Lin Yi, but one of the nine members of the Alliance of Gods, the castle lord from [Black Dragon Castle].

The Lord of Black Dragon Castle: "Goddess, is the blueprint of the number of troops still with you? I will buy it at a high price!"

Feng Qing was inexplicably disgusted.

Number of troops drawings?

She had already sold half of it and gave it to Lin Yi.

Even if she didn't give it to Lin Yi, she couldn't sell it to others. Is she really a foolish goddess?

Feng Qing: "Give it to Lin Yi."

Lord of the Black Dragon Castle: "Shocked (expression), have you added Lin Yi as a friend?"

Fengqing: "Yeah."

The Lord of Black Dragon Castle: "Sure enough, the goddess is the goddess! Exactly, you should tell Lin Yi about Zhou Xuan. He was one of the members of our alliance. Come up with an explanation!"

Feng Qing: "Zhou Xuan's matter has passed!"

Lord of the Black Dragon Castle: "You have to give other alliance members an explanation, right?"

"What do you want to explain?"

Feng Qing: "Castle hegemony, either you die or I die!"

"Zhou Xuan was unlucky himself, the castle came near Lin Yi, and it's no wonder that others died at Lin Yi's hands."

"Besides, do you think people like Lin Yi will bow their heads to our alliance of the gods and give us an explanation? What explanation do you want? Let Lin Yi say sorry, killed the wrong person?"

The Lord of Black Dragon Castle: "Ehhh... Goddess, don't be angry, I just mention it a little. Since the goddess has said so, then forget it. Zhou Xuan's matter, let it pass."

Feng Qing directly turned off the friend column.

She felt no need to reply.

The proposal of the Lord of the Black Dragon Castle made her feel very impatient.

What kind of personality is Lin Yi, she still can't know?

After all, she also had the experience of being deleted by Lin Yi.

If she asked Lin Yi to give an explanation about Zhou Xuan's matter in a questioning tone, she would have no doubt that Lin Yi would turn her head and delete her again.

She finally eased her relationship with Lin Yi.

How could he offend Lin Yi because of a dead and unfamiliar alliance member.

This approach is really mentally handicapped!

The Lord of the Black Dragon Castle is stupid enough.

In other words, after becoming a member of the Alliance of the Gods, people's hearts have also become arrogant and arrogant.

The strength of the Alliance of the Gods is indeed very strong, and it can be called the most powerful alliance among the castle forces. After all, it is also an alliance composed of hundreds of top castle masters.

But just based on this, you want to force Lin Yi to step back?

To put it directly, it is whimsical!

She wouldn't be foolish enough to wipe out the friends she had finally added.

"The whole team obeys!"

"Attack the target, the kobold tribe seven kilometers away!"

"Clear this field!"


Dozens of mighty golden lions raised their heads and roared.

Led by Feng Qing, the Golden Lions team quickly disappeared into the distance.



In the forest near the Black Dragon Castle.

The young man sitting on the back of a dark dragon roared angrily.

"It's Lin Yi again!"

"Why are you always against me?"

"Not to mention the first place in the standings, but also the blueprint of the number of units that the goddess was going to give me. Now, because of you, the goddess is still angry with me!"

The young man's face turned red with anger.

He had already reacted and understood why Feng Qing was angry.

It is impossible for a person like Lin Yi to stand above the heads of all the castle lords to give them face for the alliance of the gods.

He asked Feng Qing to ask Lin Yi to give them an explanation for the alliance of the gods, didn't he indirectly let Feng Qing offend Lin Yi?

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