In his standing reward, it includes equipment reward.

Random equipment rewards, the lowest is the holy artifact, the highest is the true artifact.

It's just that he didn't choose the equipment reward at that time, and finally he won the exclusive building war fortress of the angel family [Sky City].

"Many of the top 100 in the standings are the masters of the top castles of the undead system."

"The most dazzling is the country of death knights, which won the third place in the standings!"

"The bidder is most likely to be the lord of the castle!"

"The third place, the holy artifact reward, should be lucky!"

"It's a pity that the draw is the holy artifact of the bright camp!"

Lin Yi was a little embarrassed.

If he had chosen the equipment reward back then, in case he had also drawn equipment from the evil, dark, and undead camps, even if it was a true artifact, he would be so angry that he vomited blood.

Well hung in the end has no choice.

At the same time, his eyes fell on the ring emitting white light.

[Saint Shining Ring (full of magic power)]

[Grade: Holy Artifact]

[Effect 1: Greatly increase the loyalty of the troops of the light camp]

[Effect 2: When the magic power is abundant, you can release the holy magic once - the sword of great brilliance. 】

[Effect 3: In the case of abundant magic power, three times of king-level magic can be released - the revival of light. 】

[Effect 4: There is a high probability of attracting soldiers from the light camp to take the initiative. 】

[Special reminder: This is a treasure belonging to the Endless Continent—the Holy Church. Wearing it, you will be hostile to the Holy Church, and there is a chance of being attacked by the Holy Church! 】

Holy Shining Ring!

Its great power cannot be denied.

Just relying on the built-in holy-level magic [Great Brilliant Sword] is enough to explain its value.

What's more, it also has the king-level magic [Revival of Light], which is a powerful healing magic, and can be released three times in a row when the magic power is sufficient.

However, Lin Yi looked puzzled.

"Isn't the Endless Continent a world that hates faith and pursues truth?"

"How can there be such an organization as the church?"

According to Lin Yi's understanding.

Churches generally have something to do with faith.

He was a little puzzled, curious about what type of organization the Holy Church was, and even expected members of the Holy Church to appear in front of him.

Just at this time.

Angel of death Dale returned to the castle with a goblin.

Dai'er said to Lin Yi very respectfully: "Almighty Lord, I have found the trace of the Goblin Kingdom!"

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Chapter 88 Player = natural disaster! Magic map! Mighty Goblin Kingdom! The elf in front of you!

"The Goblin Kingdom?"

Lin Yi pondered for a long time.

He is no stranger to this kingdom.

The first contact was when the goblin tribe of the underground world was captured. Under the influence of the magic of Nina, the angel of love, the goblins of the tribe took refuge in Angel Castle and became his followers.

That time, the Goblin Kingdom appeared in the information prompt.

As soon as it appeared, it directly blacklisted Lin Yi and his Angel Castle, and the hatred value was extremely high.

With the continuous development, influence and prestige value of Angel Castle later, in almost every event, there is a figure of the Goblin Kingdom. There were constant messages prompting him that the goblin kingdom's hatred of his castle power was increasing.

It can be said.

The Goblin Kingdom quite hates the Castle of Angels.

The goblins of the kingdom and the castle of angels have also reached the point of immortality.

Between the two sides, the only possibility is war, and it is difficult to make peace.

Only when one side is defeated can the dispute be stopped.

Lin Yi raised her eyes to look at the angel of death, Dai Er, and said, "Details!"

Angel of death Dai Er respectfully said: "Reporting to my lord, when I was searching for local forces and monster gathering places around the castle, I stumbled upon a team of goblins..."

In the words, Dai Er also mentioned those rangers.

"They were captured by goblins and taken to the goblin kingdom."

"The reason why I didn't save them was because when they were caught by the goblins, in order to beg for mercy, they exposed the location of Angel's Castle! That's a heresy that doesn't deserve redemption..."

"You did the right thing!"

Lin Yi nodded in appreciation to the angel of death, Dai Er.

He didn't expect that a ranger would appear near Angel Castle so soon.

Not so much a run away.

It would be better to say that they want to rely on him, the towering tree, and use the resources of Angel Castle to improve their own strength.

Of course, the fact that the Ranger takes refuge in the castle force is itself a relationship of mutual use.

No one is bound to suffer.

However, Lin Yi didn't want a ranger to appear in his castle.

Although this is a real world, many castle lords and rangers see themselves as players who have descended into another world.

Are 'players' loyal?

From the fact that the rangers were caught and immediately transferred the firepower to Angel Castle, it can be seen that the 'player' is unreliable, after all, it is a natural disaster-level creature.

Even Lin Yi himself is self-centered.

It is a very difficult thing to want other players to be loyal to him and work hard for his castle power. It takes a lot of energy and resources to cultivate a group of rangers who are loyal to the castle forces.

For Lin Yi, it wasn't worth it.

Instead of spending a lot of money, build a group of ranger forces loyal to Angel Castle.

It's better to use resources elsewhere, such as upgrading castles, upgrading arms buildings, purchasing various architectural blueprints, expanding the scale of the troops under your command, and enhancing the power of the castle.

Arms are absolutely loyal to Lin Yi.

The ‘player’ is full of various uncertainties.

So Lin Yi didn't want to spend time and energy on them.

At least at this stage, Lin Yi doesn't want to have too much contact with the Ranger.

Perhaps in the future, after Lin Yi established the Angel Dynasty and a kingdom, he would allow rangers to appear in the ruling area of ​​the dynasty, allowing them to live in his kingdom under the constraints of the kingdom system.

As for now...

Lin Yi said to Angel of Death Dale: "Tell Candice to send angels to patrol the border of the castle's forces. No ranger is allowed to enter the territory of my castle, expel those who don't listen, kill!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The angel of death, Dale, respectfully answered the order.

In her eyes that were like black gems, there was clearly an aura of murder and death.

She didn't like to see those rangers either.

Then, she pointed to the goblins who were kneeling on the ground.

"My lord."

"These goblins are from the goblin kingdom!"

"Now, under the guidance of Nina, the angel of love, they have realized their faith, escaped the darkness, and become your believers!"

When Lin Yi's eyes fell on the goblins.

They immediately crawled down and said reverently, "Praise you, Almighty Lord!"

It can be seen that they are very excited.

As believers, they can see the **** of their beliefs with their own eyes, which is enough to make them extremely excited, and it also indirectly affects their belief in Lin Yi, making them more pious.

Lin Yi said, "Who sent you here? The king of the goblin kingdom?"

The ninth-order goblin lord headed by him said in fear: "Almighty Lord, please forgive your believers..."

Lin Yi waved his hand and interrupted him: "Ask you to answer anything! As my believers, I will not punish you because of your past, as long as your faith is as firm as ever!"

"Praise you, gracious Lord~"

The ninth-order goblin lord said quickly: "The great elder of the kingdom used the power of the sanctuary to predict the affairs of the goblin tribe and sent us here to inquire about the situation."


Lin Yi frowned and said, "There are saint-level powerhouses in the Goblin Kingdom?"

The ninth-order goblin lord nodded and said: "There is only one elder, he is the pillar of the kingdom and the most powerful goblin in the history of the dark forest goblin clan 々ˇ!"

The clan of goblins spread throughout the endless continent.

Not just in the dark forest, there are goblins in many places.

There is more than one goblin kingdom.

Basically a region, a kingdom, a dominion.

The goblin kingdom, where the ninth-order goblin lord is located, rules the dark forest.

There are many races like the goblin family.

There are only a few powerful races, and there is only one ruling system on the endless continent, such as the natural elf empire. Except for the core of the elf empire, the elves in other places are just branches and are not allowed to hold the authority of the kingdom.

Goblin is different.

There are too many people from all over the world.

So many regions have independent goblin kingdoms.

"Elder of the Holy Order Goblin!"

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

The strength of the saint-level powerhouse is beyond doubt.

He thought that when the angel of love Nina and the six-winged archangel Shirley were promoted to the king rank, they would be able to sweep the entire goblin kingdom. Now it seems that it is not as safe as he imagined.

To destroy and conquer the goblin kingdom.

We must get rid of that holy rank goblin elder.

Lin Yi said, "Where is the specific location of the Goblin Kingdom, and how far is it from my castle?"

"Almighty Lord, I have a magic map!"

The ninth-order goblin lord took out a pale golden scroll-like thing from his arms.

He stood up cautiously and handed the scroll to the Angel of Death, Dale.

Then he hurriedly returned to his original place, continued to kneel on the ground, and said respectfully, "This is a map of the entire territory of the dark forest, which marks the location of various forces, including the location of the goblin kingdom."

"The underground capital of the Goblin Kingdom is about 800 kilometers away from your castle."

Lin Yi took the magic map handed over by Angel of Death Dale.

After spreading it out, the whole area of ​​the dark forest is impressively displayed.

The entire map is drawn with a thin black pen. The map has large and small continuous mountains, lakes, forests, power distribution markers, and mineral resource markers...

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