The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 995: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (33)

  Chapter 995 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (33)

  Xu Yin threw back 60,000 US dollars and withdrew.

  Flick your clothes and go.

   She has to catch the early morning boat tomorrow to do business, but she doesn't have so much free time to chat with the hero's mother. If she has this time, she might as well recharge her energy and get a full sleep.

  Xu Yin left, but Lu Fengying was still sitting.

  She was really confused.

   This woman... this woman...

  She had absolutely no idea what to say.

  In future generations, Xu Yin's set of operations is roughly called "magic defeats magic" - it completely blocked the tricks that Lu Fengying was going to use.


  Lin Rongluo sat across from her at some point, looking at the six stacks of dollars in front of her with a gloomy expression.

Lu Fengying was startled, and forced a smile calmly: "Luo Luo, why are you here? Lan Xin called you? By the way, why didn't you tell me that Lan Xin was pregnant? You Child! Such a big matter is kept from the family, if not..."

   "Mum, Xu Yin left the money, right? Why did she give you the money?"

   "Did you see her?"

  As soon as Lu Fengying said those words, she wished she could slap herself.

   Isn't there no silver three hundred taels here?

  She still wanted to keep her son from knowing about the woman's return.

  Lin Rongluo didn't know what to think, and laughed at himself: "It's at the door, I come in, she goes out."

  Even though they were caught off guard and unhappy when they separated at the beginning, the two have been together after all. Just passing by the door, he recognized her at a glance, but what about her? Looking at him was like looking at a stranger.

   "I just stood outside for a while." Lin Rongluo raised his chin towards the French window on one side, "I saw that she gave you money."

  He calmly waited for Ms. Lu to explain.

  After four years, the ex-girlfriend suddenly came to the door and dumped a wad of money, which was strange anyway.

  Lu Fengying gritted her teeth, looking at the wad of money on the table was an eyesore.

   That woman!

  She threw down the money unexpectedly and ran away, making it too late for her to throw it back. Now it's all right, she was caught by her son, and she couldn't tell the pain.

   "This money..." Lu Fengying quickly went through it in her mind, "It's like this, four years ago, she came to me and said that something happened to her family, and begged me to lend her a million."

   "Mom, what you mean is that you borrowed one million from her, and you are here to pay it back today?"


   "Then when I searched all over Taiwan and couldn't find her, why didn't you tell me about it?"


  Lu Fengying said with difficulty: "She won't let me say it."

  Lin Rongluo looked down at the six stacks of US dollars on the table, suddenly sneered, got up and said, "You all treat me as a fool!"

   After finishing speaking, he strode out of the coffee shop.


  Lu Fengying was in a hurry, worried that her son would go to find Xu Yin.

  Quickly put the dollars on the table into the handbag, and hurriedly chased them out after paying the bill.

   In my heart, Xu Yin was scolded bloody, and it was all her fault! Since I have been in New Zealand for four years, why come back?

  Seeing that the relationship between the son and daughter-in-law has finally warmed up, and they have a child again, if something happens, how will the in-laws explain it?

  Lin Rongluo was really impulsive and wanted to go to Xu Yin, and wanted to find out what happened back then, what happened to make her leave quietly without telling him, his real boyfriend?

  But when the night wind blows, he wakes up instantly.

  He is no longer the brat he used to be. He has a lifelong companion who is pregnant with his child. What position does he have to ask Xu Yin?

  Thinking of this, he pursed his lips and punched the telephone pole on the street.


  Lu Fengying was clutching her handbag, stepping on her high heels and panting after her.

   "Mom, don't meddle in my affairs from now on."


  Lu Fengying choked for a moment, and replied tremblingly: "...OK."

   "Uncle Wang is here to pick you up, please go back."

   "What about you? Lan Xin is in the old house..."

   "I'm going back to Xinghejingyuan to pack my luggage."

  Lu Fengying was overjoyed: "Okay, okay, go and pack your luggage, and accompany Lan Xin back to the old house to live for a while."

  As long as her son is willing to live a good life with his daughter-in-law and give her a big fat grandson, she can do nothing.

  Xu Yin didn't know the game between the hero and his mother after she left. She fell asleep until the alarm clock rang, and when she saw that it was half past five, she checked out of the room and took the MRT to the ferry terminal to catch the early boat.

Pingfu City is also one of the flood-affected areas. However, compared with other provinces and cities in East China, Pingfu’s disaster situation is generally relatively light. It’s just that the mountains in the mountainous area have suffered more serious crimes because of the mountain torrents. Destroyed by mudslides.

  The mountain people were taken to the town by the disaster relief workers and placed in the town hall.

  One tent per household, the elderly, children, men and women are all crowded together. In front of the tent is the coal stove of each family for boiling water and cooking; behind the tent is the spittoon and toilet of each family.

   For the elderly or young children with handicapped legs and feet, it is too strenuous to go to the toilet and run to the public toilet behind the Great Hall, which is all solved here.

  The smoke from cooking and boiling water can be blown out along the exhaust duct of the Great Hall, but the smell of the spittoon and toilet is not so easy to eliminate.

  Eat, drink, and scatter all at one point. After more than a week, one can imagine how dirty and smelly it is.

  Xu Yin followed the address given by Zhou Lan, and when she asked here, she had a certain understanding of the current environment of Yuanshen's father.

  The original father's name was Xu Qishan, from Shuangyangshan Village, Hongmuchang Town, Hong'an County, Pingfu City.

  Twelve years ago, his wife took his daughter back to her natal home to visit relatives and never came back. It was said that she went to Taiwan Island with her natal cousin who was doing business in Taiwan Island.

  The two did not get a marriage certificate when they got married, so there is no need to apply for a divorce certificate for divorce.

  The wife ran away, and the marriage ceased to exist.

  In the first two years, he was in a daze, he couldn't do anything, he always felt that a big man couldn't even keep his wife and children, he was so useless to the extreme. Later, he was woken up by his old mother, who told him to work hard and save money, and then went to Taiwan Island to bring back the blood of the old Xu family.

yes! The wife ran away, and the child belonged to him after all.

  Thinking of the child, he is full of energy, but can he save enough money to go to Taiwan to see and pick up his daughter in a poor mountain village?

  So he went to the construction site in the city to work as a coolie, moving bricks and mixing sand, thinking that if he saved enough money, he would go to Taiwan to see his daughter, and if she was not doing well, he would pick her up.

   I didn’t want to earn money, so I broke my leg first.

  Because it was not a work-related injury, the construction site refused to pay, but sent him to the hospital as a humanitarian effort. After he was discharged from the hospital, he was penniless and went back to the small mountain village with a limp.

  His old lady scolded him a lot for this, why did he run out? Don't blame the government for their hard lives. People in the mountains rely on the mountains for their lives. Those who can't figure it out will compete with the people in the city for work. It's all right now, I didn't get the job, I broke my leg!

  Once Mrs. Xu finished talking, she wanted to find him a wife.

  He thought that if he had a wife, his heart should stay at home, and he wouldn't be thinking about going out and grabbing jobs with the people in the city all day long.

  (end of this chapter)

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