The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 987: The first love of Xiaocao who took the check and went abroad (25)

  Chapter 987 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (25)

  The mayor is now convinced that she is really planning to take the grain to Beidao to try her luck.

   "Sean, how sure are you?"

  Xu Yin was lying under the car and was doing maintenance on her big truck.

  She kept moving her hands, turning the nut swiftly and said, "I'm not sure, but if I don't try, there will be zero chance."

   It would be best if the grains that were about to mature in the future were shipped out and sold. If they couldn’t be sold, she would have to find an opportunity when she received them from the system warehouse.

   Otherwise, wouldn’t it be too scary if hundreds of tons of grain disappeared?

   "Then try pulling a cart first." The mayor said after thinking, "There are several large food companies in the North Island. If it is really not good, we will sell it to the food company at a low price."

  Food companies generally purchase raw materials from long-term suppliers, but if the price is very low, they will definitely be tempted.

  Xu Yin responded one by one.

  After autumn, the crops on the farm gradually matured, and the workers drove the harvesters and were busy on the vast farm all day long.

  Xu Yin has also devoted herself to work, and there is no time to go to the mountains, so it is important to find a market.

  She loaded the first batch of grain collected into the truck compartment, and took advantage of the busy season in various places, so she went to Beidao to try her luck first.

  The mayor's family, the Hunters, Old William, and other farmers in the town all came to see him off.

The mayor's wife made a box full of salmon roe cheese rolls for Xu Yin, worrying that she would miss the time to eat fruit on the way, and squeezed a large pot of fresh juice; A jug of honey water; Old William gave her a bag of dried mutton and a jug of goat milk; other farms sent some fruit and some dry food, and the passenger seat of the large truck was filled up in no time.

  Xu Yin nodded to everyone: "Everyone go back, I will try my best to find a market for our town's grain."

"be careful on the road!"

   "Remember to find a reliable motel to rest at night, don't drive tired!"

   "Master, don't you really need me to go with you?"

  Wei Lai squeezed into the seeing-off crowd, staring at Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin shook her head: "When I'm not here, I still need you to help me look after the farm and pasture. Angus beef cattle are raised in the first year, and there can be no mistakes."

  I thought that if this silly boy followed, would she still have freedom?

   Without further ado, she jumped into the driver's seat, started the car and set off.

  Everyone watched her leave at a high speed with car exhaust fumes on their faces. Go back until you can't see the shadow of the car.

   "Sean is really amazing! In such a short time, he got a driver's license for a large truck."

   "She is really a smart baby, she can learn everything quickly!"

   "The international agency is disgusting. Such a smart child is deceived. If he hadn't been fooled, Sean might have studied in some country by now."

  Everyone held a few complaints for Xu Yin, and at the same time hoped that her trip to the North Island would go smoothly.

  Xu Yin drove out of Cook Town, found a secluded road, and put the grain in the carriage into the system warehouse. Traveling with an empty car is definitely the most fuel-efficient.

   For the food in the passenger seat, only some durable ones are left outside, such as freshly squeezed juice and fresh goat milk, which are easy to perish, are all put into the system warehouse.

  After that, I drove day and night, and I didn't find a motel at all.

When you are sleepy, drive out of the road, lock the windows of the car in the corner of the ranch, take out the solid wood bathtub and hot water, take a bath in the rear compartment to relieve fatigue, then sleep for five or six hours, and give yourself a drink to refresh your mind Linglushui, eat something you want and continue on your way.

This saves money, time, and worry. After all, it’s not ancient times. She can be seen as a woman no matter how she dresses up. The motel is full of fish and dragons. Although her force is not afraid of those messy moths, it’s better to have more than one thing. One less thing.

  Three days later, Xu Yin drove a large truck to the largest grain and oil company in North Island.

  She thought she was relatively active, and set off for Beidao as soon as she collected a load of food, and there was almost no waste on the way.

   Unexpectedly, there was already a long queue at the entrance of the grain and oil company. There were farmers from the South Island like her, and there were also grain purchasers from all over the world, all of whom wanted to sell their grain as soon as possible.

  Seeing the situation, Xu Yin thought something was wrong.

  With so many people, each of them might have hundreds of tons of grain in their hands. When it's her turn, the grain and oil company is not saturated?

never mind!

  She decisively left the team, turned around and left.

  There is more than one grain and oil company in North Island.

  However, according to the map given by the mayor, I found several other houses, but the phenomenon of queuing was the same.

  One of the small grain and oil companies put up a sign saying "today's grain and oil purchases are saturated" when she went there.

  Xu Yin frowned, looked down at the map for a while, and suddenly had a plan.

  She stopped looking for a grain and oil company, and found a local food company with a medium scale, a good reputation, and occasional orders for foreign trade.

  In the hotel where she stayed, she changed into a strong woman's attire. She wore a decent suit, her long hair was tied into a bun, and she was meticulous. With a briefcase under her arm, she knocked on the door of the food company.

   "Ma'am, I heard from Manager Pete that you have several novel food recipes in your hand, but you don’t sell them for money, you only sell them for food?"

  The first person to receive Xu Yin was the sales manager of the food company. He thought that Xu Yin was here to buy food, but after hearing what he wanted to do, it was not his domain, so he quickly invited the factory manager.

Xu Yinchao, the director of the factory, nodded: "I have two novel snack recipes of wheat, oats, and potatoes. I can give them to your company for free. There is only one requirement: your company must purchase the raw materials from me first when producing these kinds of foods. .But you can rest assured that the price is still in accordance with your usual purchase price."

  After hearing this, the factory director seemed a little embarrassed: "We have a stable supplier for the procurement of raw materials..."

  Xu Yin didn't wait for him to finish, and said with a light smile: "So I just want to provide the raw materials for the formula to increase production."

   After a pause, she got up and said, "Well, I'll make the dim sum first, and you can decide whether you want to cooperate with me after you taste it."

  The factory manager also wanted to see how novel the dim sum recipe she mentioned was, so he immediately asked the sales manager to take her to the canteen in the factory.

  Borrowing her handbag, Xu Yin took out some ingredients and used wheat flour, oat flour, and potatoes to make two snacks suitable for mass production and packaged sales:

  Donut biscuits, milky steamed buns, oatmeal eight-treasure porridge, chocolate oatmeal crisps, spiked potatoes, cheese crisps.

  When she was stewing and baking in the canteen kitchen, the aroma lingered over the factory area.

  The workshop workers could hardly sit still: What delicious food is the cafeteria doing today? Why is it so fragrant!

  Looking at the wall clock on the wall, why is it not time for work?

   This kind of sweet snack doesn't smell good, even if you don't like sweets, you will feel hungry when you smell the aroma of wheat, milk, and sweetness.

  At first, the factory director was still sitting in the office drinking coffee and working, until the rich sweet fragrance wafted in, he couldn't sit still, followed the fragrance to the cafeteria, and happened to meet the chocolate oatmeal crispy from the oven.

  The director of Tangtang Foods Company swallowed his saliva when he was so greedy for a dim sum. If he said it, he would be laughed out of his mouth.

  (end of this chapter)

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