The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 984: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (22)

  Chapter 984 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (22)

  New Zealand may not be considered as being close to the high latitude, but it’s really not that cold in winter.

  In the coldest days, the daytime temperature is also five or six degrees, and the night is relatively cold, but there are very few days when the temperature exceeds zero.

   But for the locals, the season of snow on the mountains is already very cold.

  There is a lot of rain in winter, and when it rains, it will last for several rainy days, sometimes with snow particles, making people feel uncomfortable, and the sheep are unwilling to go out for activities, and they huddle together in the sheepfold to keep warm.

  People have nothing to do, they all stay at home, making snacks, warming themselves by the fire, knitting scarves and socks.

  Xu Yin learned several weaving methods from Mrs. Hunter and the cook. Now she can not only knit sweaters, gloves, scarves, but also socks and hats.

  Knit two pairs of cashmere socks for myself, which are very warm to wear.

  But in the long winter, you can’t knit clothes and socks every day, right?

  She couldn’t stay idle, and after the rain stopped, she rode a motorcycle to Christchurch, visited several hardware stores, bought parts and materials for improved electric wool pushers, and had something to do when she came back.

  Winter is coming to an end, and the pastures are beginning to prepare for shearing.

  This year, because of the electric wool pusher 2.0 developed by Xu Yin, Old George was busy alone, and Mr. Hunter did not hire any more shearers.

  Xu Yin nested in a small single room, working **** 3.0.

  After spring, sheep farms begin to shear sheep, and Hunter Ranch is no exception.

  After a winter of feeding and nourishing, the wool on the flock is thick and fluffy.

Old George held the 2.0 version of the electric wool pusher, and easily pushed the sheep's wool. While shearing, he praised: "This electric clipper is really good! Such thick wool, no matter how you push it, it doesn't get hot, and it's very sharp. , there is no need to stop and lubricate halfway.”

   Several young people in Oliva squatted next to him and watched: "The speed is indeed much faster! Is this really invented by Sean?"

   "Does Sean feel too tired for shearing? It is said that inventors invent new things because they are lazy."

   "That's wrong, I think you're pretty lazy too, why didn't I see you invent something useful?"

   "I'm pure lazy, Sean is smart and lazy."


   "What are you talking about? So happy." Xu Yin came in holding the newly improved version 3.0, and said to Old George, "Let me help you for a while."

   As soon as the words fell, the thorn-headed sheep that was crushed and sheared by Xu Yin in early spring last year lay down obediently in front of her.

  Xu Yin laughed: "Are you so conscious?"

  Old George was busy with the work at hand, without raising his head: "They are waiting for you to massage them."


  Massage aside, she wants to try to see if the 3.0 version has improved.

  The thorn-headed sheep squinted his eyes, letting Xu Yin manipulate him without saying anything, and seemed to enjoy it a lot.

  Oliva wondered: "Is shearing comfortable? Look at how it is enjoying itself."

  Looking at Old George’s sheep again, although they don’t resist and struggle as much as in previous years, they don’t enjoy it so much either.

  In less than a minute, Xu Yin finished shearing the thorn-headed sheep.

   This is a big adult sheep, and it has a lot of wool when it is completely sheared. Sean actually finished shearing it in less than a minute?

  Xu Yin handed the 3.0 hair pusher to old George: "You try this."

   "Does this make a difference?"

  Old George took it and looked at it several times, but he didn't see any difference.

   "I changed a few parts and materials, it is easier to push, and the speed is faster. Let's treat it as an upgraded version of 2.0."


What? ? ?

  Spring has just come, 2.0 has not been warmed up, and a 3.0 has been created? Will it be too fast?

yes! Will it be too fast?

  Walfe, who rushed over from Beidao after receiving the news, looked at Xu Yin with a bit of unspeakable resentment.

   "Miss Sean, we just bought an advertisement for half a year."

  The new electric wool pusher was launched last fall, but it really opened up the market after spring, when sheep farms around the world began to prepare for shearing, TV advertisements were placed in thousands of households, and the sales of the 2.0 version of the wool pusher increased day by day.

  I was very happy when I suddenly received a call from the mayor of Cook Town, saying that Ms. Xiao En had developed a version 3.0 that pushes hair faster.

  He can't complain!

  Xu Yin rubbed her nose: "Mr. Valf, don't worry, the difference between 3.0 and 2.0 doesn't seem to be that big, but the replacement materials are all imported, relatively expensive, and customers may not be able to accept them."

  She reported the price of those few materials, and Walf was relieved, that's all!

   If there is no difference in price, who will buy version 2.0?

  As usual, Valf bought out the technology transfer fee for version 3.0. This time, he brought a check directly. He discussed it with his partner before setting off. No matter how expensive it is, he must get the upgraded version.

  But Xu Yin did not open her mouth like a lion, and still only charged 300,000 New Zealand dollars.

   In a few years, after the import and export trade is fully opened, she will launch a version 4.0 that shears a sheep within 30 seconds. However, she intends to put the crucial core parts in the motherland for production, so as to generate some foreign exchange income for the motherland. So now I won't try my best to squeeze the wool on Valf, lest I will not be happy with the future cooperation if I get bald.

  Xu Yin signed the contract, accepted the check, and sent off Valf who was in a hurry.

  Now that spring is just beginning, if version 3.0 is put into production immediately, it will still be able to catch up with this year's peak sales season.

  With this money, Xu Yin will no longer be tied down in the next big business of spring planting.

  In mid-September, when the weather got warmer, she began to sow pasture seeds soaked in spiritual fog on the 85-hectare pasture and the grass slopes on the mountain.

  These seeds are mainly alfalfa, followed by ryegrass and sweet elephant grass. Occasionally, some blind box pasture seeds bought with the help of Mr. Tohunt are sown.

  Replanting pasture grass is a big project for nearly 100 hectares of land. She bought a newest seeder, hired a worker to sow seeds, and divided the pasture at the foot of the mountain into sections for sowing in turn.

  The 100-acre land closest to the cattle and sheep pen was sown first, and another piece was sown after sowing. After all the pastures at the foot of the mountain were replanted with grass, the rancher in the south sent her a calf.

   And the alfalfa grass in the first field is also ripe.

  Angus beef cattle settled in the central region for the first time, attracting many surrounding ranchers.

  Xu Yin asked Wei Lai to deal with it. The master has something to do for the apprentice, and she still has a lot of things to do.

  The farm has just recruited a group of short-term workers.

No way, foreigners tend to be free and easy. Domestic people prefer stable formal jobs, but foreigners like unrestricted short-term temporary jobs. After a season of earning money, they may travel smartly or change places to do part-time jobs. . Unless he feels satisfied working with you, he will continue season after season.

  However, it may also be that in this era, social insurance and housing benefits and other security benefits have not been implemented, and the difference in salary between long-term workers and short-term workers is not as great as in later generations.

  But whether they are long-term or short-term workers, as long as they come to work with her, Xu Yin has the same requirements for them: work carefully.

  (end of this chapter)

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