The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 982: The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (20)

  Chapter 982 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (20)

  Xu Yin drove all day and arrived in Queenstown in the evening.

In Queenstown in winter, the streets are relatively deserted. Xu Yin found a hotel facing the street. After settling in, she took a hot bath comfortably, changed into mature clothes, and deliberately dressed like a capable strong woman , before going out to inquire about nearby pastures.

  The farms and pastures in Queenstown are in the countryside, and there is still a long way from the town.

  She found a steaming beef restaurant, ordered a set meal of pepper beef soup with oatmeal bread, chatted with the owner while eating.

   During the chat, I found out the address of one or two largest ranches, and my stomach was full, so I went back to the hotel.

  The next morning, instead of going out to eat, I took a seafood porridge from the system warehouse.

  Speaking of which, this is obviously an island, but because the transportation is not as convenient as later generations, it is not easy to buy fresh seafood in a town surrounded by mountains like Cook Town, either dry or frozen.

   Thinking that Queenstown is close to the sea, I went for a walk after finishing business.

   After having a full breakfast, I drove to the ranch.

  The ranchers here are a bit arrogant, probably relying on Angus cattle, they are much richer than ranchers in other areas, and they are much more arrogant than the residents of Cook Town.

  Xu Yin didn't mind their attitude, as long as she was willing to sell her calves, she didn't intend to be relatives or friends with them.

  As long as you sell her a batch of calves, both male and female, or male calves with calving cows, you don’t need to ask them to buy again.

  She hasn’t raised cattle by herself, can she not raise pigs by herself? In the 1960s, she was a professional pig farmer who was rated as a national model worker!

  Breeding techniques are ever-changing.

   I really can't figure it out. If I spend a lot of energy to buy a booklet to study, I don't believe that I can't breed high-quality calves.

  These ranchers were initially reluctant to do the business.

   This is an Angus cattle, not an ordinary beef cattle. Since it was introduced from Scotland, it has been bred in the south and sold to ranchers in the central part. What if the central part does not ask the south to purchase beef cattle? Then can they still make money like they are now?

  But Xu Yinkai's high price made them more or less tempted.

Their wives said: "It is still unknown whether the Angus cattle can be raised well in the central part. What are you afraid of! Make a fortune now, and when the Angus cattle can't be raised in the central part next year, you can't come to our south as usual. purchase?"

  As soon as the rancher heard that it made sense, he raised his arrogant chin and made the deal with Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin ordered 50 calves from these two large ranches respectively, a total of 100 calves.

  For the first year, she plans to play it safe.

   It is almost enough to raise three hundred meat goats and one hundred beef cattle, and she is afraid that she will not be able to manage any more.

   But having said that, low-density grazing is the real ecological farming.

  She either does not raise them, or raises high-quality meat, beef, and sheep.

   But because the rancher refused to sell her calving cows, out of the hundred calves, 20 were female calves born in autumn, which were older than the male calves. After all, some of the bull calves she ordered were still inside the cows.

  Eighty bull calves, raised in spring, ready for slaughter in winter. But she didn't plan to sell all of them, and she wanted to save a few cows to breed with the cows, and the twenty cow calves were reserved for breeding.

  Of course, milk can also be harvested during the brooding period.

  It is said that the milk production of Angus cattle is quite high, and they can produce seven to eight hundred kilograms of milk during lactation.

   At that time, find a dairy factory to process it into milk powder and cheese.

  The quality of the milk produced by the cows raised by myself is much better than that bought from outside.

   After ordering the calf, Xu Yin's trip to the south will be considered complete.

  But she was not in a hurry to go back, she came all the time, and wanted to see if there were any good pasture seeds and oat seeds in the south. If the price was right, she could start to prepare them, after all, they would be planted in the beginning of spring.

  The rancher just received a deposit, and his attitude towards Xu Yin has improved a lot.

  Hearing that she wanted to buy some forage seeds, I introduced to her the alfalfa, rye and sweet elephant grass grown on my pasture.

   "These are the favorites of Angus cattle. If you want, I can buy some for you and bring them to you when I deliver the calves in spring."

  He buys a lot at one time, and the price can be negotiated even lower. Not only does he not suffer a loss when he helps the purchasing agent, he also earns a profit.

  Xu Yin asked the prices of these types of forage, and she agreed, "Yes."

  The grass has to be replanted every year. If Mr. Hunter buys it for her, these will be kept for next year.

  After that, she asked the rancher where to buy the seeds of the crops grown on the farm in Queenstown.

   "What do you want to buy? A farmer I know grows wheat, oats and potatoes."

  Xu Yin heard that she wanted to grow these too.

  Although her farm has 50 hectares, she doesn't plan to use all of it to grow crops. 10 hectares of wheat, oats, and potatoes are enough, and the remaining 20 hectares are going to be planted with grapes and kiwis that need trellising.

   Apples, cherries, blueberries and other fruits that do not need to be put on the shelf are planted on the grassy slopes by the lake on the mountain.

   In the few acres of land around the farm warehouse, she plans to grow spices. When a mutton restaurant opens in the town, she needs a continuous supply of dry ingredients.

  Ms. Haiqiong hasn't taken care of the farm and ranch in the past three years. One is because of her health, and the other is that she is really not in the mood.

  The pasture was not grazing, and the farm was not well managed. Ten workers were hired to grow wheat, and machines were used for sowing and harvesting.

  There are few manpower, and there is no time to pick up the fallen wheat ears in the wheat field, which leads to the mixed growth of wild wheat and wheat sown in spring, and the quality of the final harvested wheat is uneven.

  The workers probably saw that Mrs. Haiqiong didn't bother much, and they were sloppy and lazy in their work. The wheat that was left for seed was not carefully screened at all, and they just packed a few bags and stored it in the farm warehouse.

   Year after year, it is no wonder that the harvest of wheat planted is good.

  When Xu Yin went to take over the farm, she discovered this problem, and immediately resigned those workers. She planned to recruit a group of workers in the spring and give them pre-job training in person.

  The wheat seeds in the warehouse are personally screened by her, and the seeds with the most plump grains are selected. The rest are shelled and ground, and saved for making dumplings and rolling noodles.

  So, if you only plant 10 hectares, it is enough not to buy wheat seeds for the time being, but you need to buy oats and potatoes.

  New Zealand potatoes are the kind that are large in size and have smooth skins. After the purchasers collect them, they are basically sold to factories for processing into mashed potatoes. Big potatoes have a lot of water, so they are easy to stew, and they taste very good when made into mashed potatoes.

  Xu Yin plans to contact a reliable processing factory through the purchaser and stock up on canned mashed potatoes with different flavors.

  Thinking of Grandpa Ken’s Mashed Potatoes with Chicken Sauce, which is popular among children in later generations, I feel a little greedy at this moment.

  How old is she? With all the small worlds she has traveled through, she might be an old monster. She can't laugh or cry when she wants to take a bite of mashed potatoes from a fried chicken shop.

  (end of this chapter)

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