The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 972: The first love of Xiaocao who took the check and went abroad (10)

  Chapter 972 The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (10)

  In that room, eight warriors including Xu Yin who succeeded in the challenge came to the stage to accept the award and took a group photo.

  After the end, I was retained by the manager of the bungee jumping center, saying that he wanted to ask them to buy the bungee jumping photos, which would be enlarged as publicity photos and posted at the entrance of the scenic spot and used for advertising.

  Xu Yin raised her eyebrows, isn't this the print advertising fee?

  A photo costs 500 New Zealand dollars, and she has six photos selected, and she received a total of 3,000 New Zealand dollars, which is an unexpected little extra money.

  Some of the others got one card, some got two cards, and got 500 or 1,000 New Zealand dollars.

  Everyone is very happy.

  Before leaving, Xu Yin asked the manager: "Mr. Luo Fu, I want to buy a set of photos of myself, how much will it cost?"

  She wanted to take it back to show Mrs. Hunter and the others.

  The manager's eyes lit up, isn't this an indirect advertisement? What money do you want! for free!

   Not only Xu Yinyou, but also gave every bounty bidder a set of bungee jumping photos of themselves.

  Xu Yin walked out of the bungee jumping center with Oliva and Lucas with a lot of harvest.

  Wei Lai and Yila couldn't wait to greet them: "Sean, have you really received the bonus?"

   "Really." Xu Yin said with a smile, "Let's go! I'll treat you tonight. Let's go to Queenstown to have a good meal."

  From going out yesterday morning to now, it’s time to reward myself with a meal of dry food.

  Oliva and Lucas just now recovered from their trance, and they really earned a reward of 10,000!

  Looked at each other with a silly smile, and chased after the first three people:

   "We want a treat too!"

   "Sean, I also want to give you a gift! You can pick it yourself later!"

   "That's right! If it wasn't for Sean, I wouldn't dare to dance today."

  The group went to Queenstown to look for food, talking and laughing. At the same time, the media from various countries who came to the canyon to interview with their cameras on their backs sent the news back to China overnight.

  The next day, newspapers around the world published a piece of overseas news, successively broadcasting the grand opening of the World Bungee Center in Kawarau Canyon, South Island, New Zealand yesterday.

   "Mommy, Daddy, do you see the sister in this news photo?"

  Xu Yin's half-brother ran in with a newspaper:

   "Didn't my sister write to say that she is in New Zealand? A bungee jumping center opened in New Zealand yesterday. The person in the photo looks like my sister!"

  When Zhou Lan heard the words, she subconsciously looked at her second husband, Gu Mingguang.

  Last month, she received a letter from overseas, and only then did she know that her eldest daughter, who had run away from home, had gone to New Zealand.

  The letter did not say why she went abroad, nor did she say where the money for going abroad came from. It only said that she was in New Zealand, so that the family did not have to worry about it.

  My husband was angry about this for several days, because he had already agreed with his colleagues that as soon as his stepdaughter graduated from high school, she would go to work in the factory of her colleague’s relatives.

There is also another reason that is not easy to say: a relative of a colleague is looking for a partner for his son recently. I heard that the young man likes pure and beautiful mainland girls. Isn’t his stepdaughter the type? Send her to work there , Maybe it can turn her sparrow into a phoenix. The eldest son's job is also easy to solve.

  Unexpectedly, she played the trick of running away from home, which not only failed her plan, but also caused him to become a person who went back on his word, and treated his colleagues to an expensive western meal to let this matter go.

  Zhou Lan dare not mention anything about her daughter in front of her husband.

  Unexpectedly, my daughter went bungee jumping.

  She immediately recognized the person in the photo as Xu Yin. After raising her for so many years, can a mother still not recognize her daughter?

   But when did she become so courageous? dare to participate in such a dangerous activity.

Gu Mingguang was eating breakfast, glanced at the "Lianhe Zaobao" brought in by his son, and said in a calm tone: "You are such a big man, and you always do things that worry the family. If you are a mother, don't discipline yourself well. Something will happen sooner or later."

  Zhou Lan resentfully replied: "Yes, when she comes back, I will definitely say her."

   "Oh." Gu Mingguang snorted lightly.

  At this time, the youngest son exclaimed again: "Wow! The bungee jumping center gave a bonus of 10,000 yuan to the bungee jumpers on the day of opening, so wouldn't my sister get rich?"

   Gu Mingguang paused slightly with his hand holding the chopsticks, and automatically converted it into Taiwan dollars in his heart, his pupils shrank slightly.

  However, if Ren Ye doesn't come back outside, even if he really has 10,000 New Zealand dollars, he can't spend it at home.

  Zhou Lan was thinking about whether to write a letter to her daughter. If it was her in the photo, it would be unsafe to hold 10,000 New Zealand dollars in her hand. She might as well send half of it instead of sending it all. Will the youngest son be able to enroll in a few more interest classes next semester?

  Thinking of this, she stood up in high spirits, and planned to go back to the bedroom to look for the letter. She probably didn't lose it. It seemed to be stuffed in a drawer at the time.

  Just moved the chair away, and suddenly froze, the daughter didn't seem to leave a return address.

  Zhou Lan: "..."

  At this moment, I feel like a duck has flown from its mouth.

   At the same time, Lu Fengying, the heroine's mother, also saw the news in the newspaper, recognized the girl in the photo who stretched her arms and soared wildly, and almost knocked over the coffee in hand in shock.

  She quickly rolled up the newspaper and threw it into the trash can. After thinking about it, she picked it out and tore it to pieces.

   "If the young master asks about today's newspaper, he will say that he was bitten by a dog." She ordered the servant.


   As soon as the voice finished speaking, Lin Rongluo was seen walking slowly downstairs from upstairs.

   "Lolo, your Uncle Lu's house is holding a banquet tonight, will you go?"


  Lin Rongluo has been looking like this ever since his first love girlfriend quietly left him to go abroad. Lu Fengying took a few deep breaths and scolded Xu Yin in her heart.

   Blame this gold digger for torturing her good son into such a state.

Three months ago, she called a friend who worked in Auckland, and heard from her friend that the gold digger never reported to the University of Auckland. She thought it was unlucky as she wished. Trouble, just spend money to eliminate disasters.

   Unexpectedly, not only was she not unlucky, she even went bungee jumping.

   Sure enough, it’s the oil bottle from the other side. Seeing the money, he went abroad for 1 million Taiwan dollars, but now he runs to take risks for 10,000 New Zealand dollars. There is no ladylike temperament.

   Such a person, she would never let her into Lin's house.

  Lu Fengying really wanted to tell her son: That woman is not worth his life or death at all, she is a gold digger and only has money in her eyes.

   But she was worried that her son hadn't come out yet, wouldn't telling him let him know the whereabouts of the woman? What should I do if I chase after him?

no! Absolutely not!

   Be sure to keep it a secret!

  Unfortunately, how come that gold digger is not unlucky? Isn't the law and order in Christchurch quite chaotic?

   Xu Yin, who was far away in New Zealand, sneezed several times that day.

  She thought it was because the temperature in Queenstown was lower than that in Cooktown, and she was a little unaccustomed to the temperature difference here. When shopping, she wanted to buy a thin cashmere shawl for herself, and put it on her shoulders in the morning, which is both warm and beautiful.

  New Zealand's cashmere wool products are really cheap, and the quality is very high. They are all made of pure natural wool, which is soft and feels good.

  She remembers that in the 1980s, when she traveled to the grasslands, she bought a lot of high-quality woolen yarns and sweaters, which were more expensive than here after the exchange rate conversion, but how much was the per capita income in China at this time?

  Xu Yin instantly regained her spirits, buy it!

  (end of this chapter)

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