The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 963: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (1)

  Chapter 963 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (1)

   "Ma'am! Ma'am!"

  Someone has been pushing her.

  Hears are swollen and uncomfortable, but the noise is so loud that Xu Yin can't sleep well even if she wants to sleep.

  She opened her heavy eyelids to meet the concerned gaze of a blond-haired, blue-eyed stewardess.

   "This flight has safely arrived at Christchurch Airport, it's time for the lady to get off the plane."

  Xu Yin finally realized that the stewardess spoke English to her.

  At a glance, most of the passengers on the plane are foreigners. At the moment, carrying luggage and carrying bags, they are standing in line in the aisle and getting off the plane one by one.

  Her seat was in the last row, and the passenger next to her had already got up and left, so the flight attendant came to shake her awake.

  Xu Yin glanced at the name tag pinned on the chest of the stewardess, a string of English letters.

   Obviously, this is on an international flight.

  She clutched the army green canvas schoolbag in her arms, and stood up calmly.

   "Ma'am, don't forget your luggage."


  Xu Yin took the brown suitcase that the stewardess helped her take off from the upper luggage rack. It was of an old style, without a telescopic rod, without universal wheels, and without a bag buckle.

  It is said to be a suitcase, but it is actually artificial leather. There are two belts at the opening and closing. There is no combination lock, and a small lock is hung on one of the belts.

   Such a suitcase, in her impression, is a product of the 1980s and 1990s.

Xu Yin lowered her eyes and looked at her clothes: her shoulder-length hair was draped fluffy on her shoulders, and there seemed to be a headband on her head, which made her temples swell; Shirt, a red skirt with a large swing down to the calf, a pair of black leather shoes with laces on the feet, and a quartz watch with a small oval dial and a brown **** the left wrist.

  If she remembers correctly, this brand has been discontinued in the late 1990s.


  The stewardess at the back saw her standing still, and asked suspiciously, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"no thanks."

  She replied in English.

   Stop thinking about things, find a place to receive the plot left by the system, don't you know where you are.

  She put her canvas schoolbag upside down on her chest, carrying a heavy suitcase, and queued up to get off the plane.

  As soon as I got out of the cabin, I was shivered by a gust of cold wind.

  The passenger walking in front of her had already taken out a thick coat and put it on.

It is late summer and early autumn in China, but New Zealand in the southern hemisphere is late winter and early spring. An island country with an oceanic climate, the temperature in winter and spring is much warmer than that in China, but the short-sleeved dress with exposed arms and smooth calves is still quite cold .

  Xu Yin immediately went to a local officer and asked where the nearest restroom was. She needed to change into thick clothes.

Follow the direction pointed by the ground crew, turn left and right, and finally find the toilet in the airport. After entering, she quickly finds an empty cubicle, puts the suitcase on the toilet seat, sits on the suitcase, and accepts the plot .

  This time she transmigrated into a Taiwanese novel that was very popular among middle and high school girls in the early 1990s. She had forgotten why she read such an outdated Taiwanese novel.

  The story background of the novel is Taiwan Island in the 1980s and 1990s.

  Of course, what she wears is not the protagonist, but the white lotus cannon fodder that adds to the protagonist's embarrassment.

  Yuan Shen, who has just turned eighteen, is the first love of the original male protagonist who has been dating for two years.

  But the two families are very different—

  The male protagonist has a wealthy family and is the only son in the family. His father is a politician and his mother is from a wealthy family. He is a family of business and government marriages. He has placed high hopes on him since he was a child, and it is impossible for him to mess around with his temperament in life.

  The original parents divorced, and she came to Taiwan to live with her remarried mother. Her biological father is from mainland China, and her ancestral home is also on the opposite shore. The object of her mother's second marriage was just an ordinary worker.

  The hostess, who is trying to find a well-matched daughter-in-law, of course cannot agree to this marriage.

   No, he asked Yuanshen out in private, gave her a check for one million, and promised to send her to study abroad.

"It is impossible for you and my family Rong Luo to be together. His wife will only be chosen from a well-matched business and political family. I don't know what promise Rong Luo has made to you, but he can't decide the marriage. If I were you , just take this check, go abroad to study, and give yourself a good future. Unless you are willing to be his mistress and live in the darkness of darkness all your life."

  The original person grew up with his remarried mother to survive in a reorganized family, so he naturally understood the meaning of the hero's mother's words.

  If she insists on being with Lin Rongluo, the best result is to be his mistress.

  Since that’s the case, why bother with money?

  She likes Lin Rongluo, that's right, he is handsome, and he has been a school girl for three years in high school; he spends a lot of money, and being with him, she doesn't need to spend a penny, and she can often receive gifts.

   But it is limited to liking, the relationship is not deep enough to be willing to fight for him with the powerful Lin family who opposes their being together.

  The original body immediately chose to obey the arrangement of the heroine's mother—received the check and agreed to go abroad.

  The heroine’s mother helped her contact the school, arrange accommodation, apply for a visa to go abroad, and said that she contacted a friend over there to pick her up at the airport.

  The condition is that she can't reveal anything, even her mother and stepfather must keep it a secret, and promise not to return to China during college.

  Yuanben agreed, and before going abroad, he converted the check into US dollars and took it out of the bank.

  One million Taiwan dollars sounds like a lot, but it’s actually not that much when converted into US dollars.

   Ten thousand and one stacks, about six stacks, were exchanged for New Zealand dollars. The complete six stacks were sewn into the inner layer of the schoolbag and the mezzanine of the suitcase, and boarded the flight to New Zealand.

  But she underestimated the ruthlessness of the male protagonist's mother. The plane ticket she bought for Yuanshen was not to Auckland, but to the South Island, which was backward and chaotic than the North Island.

  After getting off the plane, the original body who can only speak dumb English, stumbled in spoken English, did not wait for the pick-up person, but was robbed of luggage by local hooligans.

  She was penniless, so she had to find a temporary job in the local area to raise travel expenses to Oakland.

  But working part-time is really hard, and I am often harassed by the opposite sex. It happened that the farmer's son liked her, so he agreed to the proposal.

   It’s just that it’s not cannon fodder.

  Four years later, the farmer died of cancer. His son was not good at managing the business. Yuan himself persuaded her husband to sell the farm, then stole the money from the sale and rushed back to Taiwan Island before the visa expired.

  When she went back, the male protagonist had already let go of the unforgettable first love and the ex-girlfriend who took the check to go abroad, and had feelings for the married wife who was forced to marry back home, that is, the female protagonist.

  As soon as the original body came back, she cried to the male lead about what she had to do back then. She cried until she was exhausted and fainted in the male lead's arms. She happened to be bumped into by the female lead, which caused her to misunderstand that the male lead was obsessed with his first love. Even though she was pregnant, she insisted on divorce.

  The heroine's mother appeared again, ordering Yuanshen to leave, not to destroy her son's marriage.

  Yuan asked for five million yuan, but was heard by the male protagonist, and thus learned the truth about her going abroad, and lost even the last trace of sympathy for this first love.

The relationship between the hero and the heroine warmed up, and Yuanshen was unwilling to reconcile and wanted to destroy them. Her New Zealand husband came to the door and exposed the fact that she was married and stole the family property. What made Yuanshen painful was the way the hero looked at her, It was so cold and disgusting, she rushed out in shame and indignation, and with a "bang", there was a car accident...

  The cannon fodder received the lunch box, Xu Yin shuddered, and hurried out of the system warehouse with a set of unremarkable smoky gray overalls.

  The small leather shoes were also replaced with comfortable and wear-resistant military shoes.

After dressing warmly, she found the key to the lock of the suitcase in the fabric wallet in the inner pocket of the canvas schoolbag, and transferred all the valuables such as dollars and dollars in the suitcase and schoolbag to the system warehouse, leaving some change in the schoolbag, and the suitcase The clothes in the house were replaced by their own, and some daily necessities were added.

  Since she has gone abroad, she has no plan to go back in a short time.

  The life of the reorganized family is not so satisfactory.

  However, Yuanshen's mother didn't know about her going abroad yet, so she had to write her a letter to report her safety.

  Xu Yin found the post office window at the airport, wrote a letter home on the spot, bought stamps, pasted them on, and mailed them out.

  (end of this chapter)

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