The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 958: Selfish vanity female supporting role (54)

  Chapter 958 The selfish and vanity female supporting role (54)

  Wang Cuihua was so jealous that she built a big villa from Xu Mingkang's family.

She is about the same age as Zhang Caitao, and she married into the Xu family. When people in the village talk about the Xu family, they always compare their two concubines. Beautiful and smooth, no wonder Mingkang loves him so much; Mingfu's daughter-in-law looks like a big **** and a good childbirth, but unfortunately her appearance is a bit ugly...

  Comparing is a habit, no matter how many years have passed, Wang Cuihua still likes to compete with Zhang Caitao in everything.

  The conditions of the two companies are similar at the beginning.

  However, eight years ago, her family tore down the broken house and built three brick houses. The location is good. There is a river in front of the door, and the village road turns left, so it is very convenient to enter and exit the village;

  Zhang Caitao lives at the foot of the mountain. The homestead is large, but he has no ability to build a new house. I don’t know how many years he has lived in the dilapidated mud-tiled house.

   She also won the childbirth: she gave birth to Xu Mingfu a son and a daughter, and Zhang Caitao conceived three years later, and only gave birth to a daughter.

  She got a boy in one fell swoop, but Zhang Caitao couldn't give birth to a son, which made Wang Cuihua proud until now.

Besides, her two children are more promising, especially her daughter, who first passed the undergraduate entrance examination and then became a civil servant after graduation. Zhang Caitao's daughter's college entrance examination score was 200 points lower than her daughter's. Work and have to go home to eat the old.

  When Wang Cuihua heard that Xu Yin owed a huge amount of foreign debt, Wang Cuihua felt very happy. Zhang Caitao, a sister-in-law, is beautiful, what's the use? Life is destined not to be comfortable for her.

   It’s just why it was suddenly overtaken later, and the gap between the two companies even widened?

  Xu Mingkang’s family first built a big villa. The big homestead that once made her jealous was surrounded by a two-meter-high wall. According to villagers who often visited, they not only raised a large group of chickens, but also raised pigs. The chickens are still tender, and the pigs are booked by customers before they are slaughtered, and the deposit alone is thousands of dollars.

What's more, Xu Mingkang actually contracted the open space behind the house extending to the foot of the mountain, and planted mountain watermelons. The seeds are improved melon seeds bought by his daughter from Anshi. They are thin-skinned and red-fleshed. More than ten catties.

That dead girl Xu Yin didn't know where she learned a technique of grafting. The grafted fruit became a best-seller, and she didn't have to worry about selling. She also got on the line with Lvheng Biology and became the owner of Lvheng Ecological Orchard. Technical Adviser.

  Wang Cuihua became more and more jealous the more she heard it. She had been looking forward to such a day for a long time. How could it be so cheap for Zhang Caitao, a mountain native!

  Until she heard that Xu Mingkang opened a mutton restaurant at the foot of the Lvheng Ecological Orchard and could easily earn thousands of dollars a day, her eyes turned red with envy.


   You can't just look at it and stop doing it!

If things continue like this, the gap between the two families will widen and widen. When she thinks of Zhang Caitao wearing gold and silver, and eating hot and spicy food, but she still stays in the three bungalows worrying about her son's marriage, just thinking about that picture will drive her crazy .

   Xu Mingkang’s family built a four-story villa with two rooms, and hers built a big villa with three floors and three rooms! Must overwhelm the opponent!

  Where did the money to build the house come from?

  Daughter's dowry gift was 188,000 to death, not even a cent less!

   Then there is Xu Mingkang's business, isn't it just a mutton restaurant, isn't it just a roasted whole lamb, as if someone can't roast!

  Wang Cuihua immediately decided: Her family also opened a shop! Also opened a mutton restaurant!

   "What? Opening a mutton restaurant? Are you crazy?"

  Xu Mingfu just came back from the orchard when he was told by his mother-in-law that he was going to open a mutton restaurant in the town.

"Do you think the family has a lot of money or something? I figured it out. Mingkang opened a mutton restaurant. The mutton he roasted was delicious, and there was no rent for the store. That's why I went. Our family has no technology. If you don’t have a storefront, how can you make money?”

Not only Xu Mingfu objected, but Xu Tianli also disagreed: "Mom, it's not that easy to open a mutton restaurant. It costs a lot of money just to buy goods, and Uncle Mingkang's store doesn't require rent. We don't have such a good thing. Renting a store in the town is easy. It is paid every six months or once a year. If the business is not good, wouldn’t the money be wasted?”

  Wang Cuihua thinks that Xu Mingkang can make money, and her husband and son are not stupid, on the contrary, they are very smart, how could they be in vain!

  The financial power of the family has always been in her hands. She insisted on opening it, and no one objected.

   Soon, her family rented a shop in the town and opened a mutton restaurant, also called "Xu's Mutton Restaurant".

  At first, people in the town thought it was a branch of the mutton restaurant in the ecological orchard. That business was really good. It opened for two months, and there were people queuing up every day. Especially when the roasted whole lamb comes out of the oven, the aroma is so fragrant that it makes people not want to work.

  The fruit buyer who travels to and from Xiangcheng is also a must-order roast lamb series of Xu's Mutton Restaurant every time he comes.

  The mutton is delicious, the boss has a good service attitude, and when you buy the mutton, you will get free heat-clearing chrysanthemum tea... Everything is really good, but the queue is a headache.

   Now that there is a branch in the town, there should not be so many people queuing up, right?

Even if they still have to line up, they live in the town, and they have an advantage-they can't help it, let the elderly in the family lead the child who has not yet reached school age, and move a bench to sit in front of the store, so that when the store opens, the first batch It was their turn.

  On the opening day of Wang Cuihua’s mutton restaurant, there was a long queue at the door of the store.

She sat in front of the cashier and waited to collect the money, and happily said to the father and son who were in charge of roasting lamb: "Listen to me, right? The business was so good on the first day of opening! Xu Mingkang just opened for a few days, but it's not like this." Good business. If you don’t want to come, you will miss the opportunity to make a fortune if you don’t come!”

  Xu Mingfu and his son glanced at each other. They didn't expect the roast mutton business to be so good. It seems that there are many rich people in the town.

  Xu Tianli said happily: "Mom, I didn't expect you to be so business-minded. If Tiantian has such a good business, our family will soon be able to build a three-story villa."

"That's not right!" Wang Cuihua ate melon seeds triumphantly, "When the time comes, your sister's gift and the profit from the mutton restaurant will not only build a three-story villa, but also decorate it as luxuriously as a villa in the city. What kind of wife do you want that you can't marry?"

  At this time, the customers in line couldn't help but urge: "Have you baked it yet? Don't over bake it."

   "Okay, okay! Don't rush everyone, come one by one." Wang Cuihua put down the melon seeds and stood up to collect the money.

  The father and son clamped the grilled lamb chops and lamb legs to the chopping board with long tongs.

   It is the customer's turn, some want one catty, some want two catties.

  Xu Mingfu cut it off with a knife and weighed his son.

  A family of three nestled in a small cramped frontage, sweating profusely from the heat.

   Unlike Xu Mingkang, who has a daughter reminding him to pay attention to hygiene, how could Xu Mingfu understand this? He neither wore a hat nor a mask. Sweat dripped down his hair, nose bridge, and chin, and fell on the roasted lamb.

   The customer frowned.

  (end of this chapter)

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