The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 949: Selfish vanity female supporting role (45)

  Chapter 949 Selfish and vain female supporting role (45)

"This method is good!" Xu's mother's eyes lit up, "When the cherries are ripe next year, if there are tourist groups coming to our village, Lao Xu, you can still roast some mutton for sale. Such delicious roast mutton must be bought by someone. "

  Xu Yin responded with a smile: "Someone must buy it!"

That is to say, the area around Xiangcheng is mainly planted with fruit. Except for the occasional tour bus coming in during the picking season, there are very few tourists who come to play. For buyers, the few hotels in the town are enough to live in. B&Bs and farmhouses can hardly be seen. No, because there is no business after opening.

   Otherwise, with her spice recipe, it is safe to support the daily flow of a farmhouse.

   "Nongjiale? Are you talking about the kind run by your uncle's house? A small restaurant for tourists to rest and eat?"

  Xu Yin was taken aback: "My uncle? Has he opened a farmhouse?"

"Yeah, isn't there a long stream next to your grandma's house? There is also a waterfall when you climb up the stream. In recent years, more and more tourists like to drive into the mountains. The county government paid for the development. Last year I heard I commented on the 4A scenic spot, and there are more tourists who come to play. If you are far away, you can’t go back that day, so you spend money to live in the villager’s house. This is what you call a homestay, right? Your uncle’s house is small, and you can’t host a homestay For a few guests, discuss with your aunt to make some food and sell it at the door of the house, and then put a few tables, chairs and benches. The tourists will sit down and rest when they are tired from walking. My uncle said that tourists call this a farmhouse.”

Xu Yin did not expect that the Shanli Village where her grandmother’s house is located has now been developed into a tourist attraction. Although it is not a nationally-famous 5A scenic spot, it is better because of its beautiful scenery and abundant negative oxygen ions. .

   "Go back and ask my uncle and aunt. If they are willing, I will ask Sister Chen to buy some secret barbecue sprinkles. It will definitely be a good business to set up a barbecue stall by then."

   "Okay, okay." Xu's mother replied straight away, "Your uncle will definitely be willing."

   It is not clear whether uncle is willing or not, but the villagers learned that Father Xu learned how to roast a whole lamb, but someone really brought a lamb over and asked Father Xu to help roast it.

   It was Uncle Wang who came with the whole sheep.

  His son is twenty-seven years old this year, and he finally talked about a partner, and brought him to meet the parents today.

  Old Uncle Wang got up early, went to the city to buy a lamb, and wanted to ask Father Xu to serve his son with a roasted whole lamb.

Although Xu's father is not very proficient, he has memorized the basic steps. When he learned from his daughter, he also tried to grill lamb chops and steaks, and he didn't need to adjust the dry ingredients. Turn it over, be careful not to burn it, and sprinkle the seasoning evenly before taking it out of the oven, it's delicious no matter what.

  Old Uncle Wang, who came with the lamb and left with the roasted lamb, stuffed fifty yuan processing fee into Father Xu's pocket, and left in a hurry.

  It smells so good!

   Hurry up if you don’t walk, he is worried that he can’t help but tear a piece off and eat it on the way.

Smelling the aroma of roasted mutton, the neighbors who came to Xu Yin's house to watch the excitement saw him run away like a gust of wind, and raised their voices to tease: "Old Uncle Wang, why are you so stingy? We don't want to give us more meat, and we don't want to give us more aroma." Do you hear it?"

   "That's not right! You've heard all about it. What if the person my son finally brought home ran away?"


  The next day, someone met Old Uncle Wang and jokingly asked his son if his partner likes roasted whole lamb? Is the marriage on track?

  Old Uncle Wang smiled happily and narrowed his eyes: "It's right! Thanks to Mingkang for helping me cook the roasted whole lamb. Xiao Liu said that he has never eaten such delicious roasted lamb, and he wants to eat it again in the future."

  Willing to come again, it means that the marriage is on track!

  Everyone is happy for Old Uncle Wang.

  Xu's Roasted Lamb became an instant hit.

  Now that life is better, I will always buy some beef and mutton to eat during the Chinese New Year. Many people bring the lamb legs and lamb chops respected by their children to the door and ask Father Xu to roast them. When they wait, they will boast a few words:

   "Mingkang, you can open a shop with your skills."

   "Uncle Mingkang, if you need to hire someone to open a shop, remember to find me. It doesn't matter if you pay less, just roast a whole lamb once in a while and share it with me."

   "Old Xu, for my fiftieth birthday next year, I will order a roast whole lamb with you in advance."

  Father Xu was delighted to hear it: "No problem."

  In the past few days, I have earned six or seven hundred just for roasting lamb chops, lamb legs, roast chicken, and roast duck for the villagers.

   Earning money is second to none, mainly because his skills have been greatly improved after repeated practice, and he has also been recognized by the big guys.

  On the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, a 40-jin lamb was baked for the village chief's family. The village chief who had tasted Xu Yin's cooking before said that he couldn't taste any difference.

  Father Xu said happily: "Tomorrow's New Year's Eve, I will roast the suckling pig too!"

On New Year’s Eve, Uncle Xu’s family came very early. At 8:00 in the morning, the roasting kiln started, roasting chicken, roast duck, roast fish, roast whole lamb, roast suckling pig, and the small ovens on both sides took turns for biscuits, egg tarts, and small breads. ... until four o'clock in the afternoon, the charcoal fire will be extinguished.

  The yard of Xu Yin’s house is always warm, and the children in the village don’t want to leave when they come. In addition to being warm, there are endless snacks, baked goods, and endless freshly squeezed juices.

  The New Year’s Eve dinner was also very rich. Mother Xu and Jiang Yanqun worked in the kitchen for a long time, fried meatballs, smoked fish, stewed seafood stew, old duck soup, and made dumplings of several flavors.

  After the ancestor worship ceremony, the family gathered in a bright and warm new house, gathered around a table full of delicacies, and raised the crystal cup in their hands: "Happy New Year's Eve! Cheers!"


  Back to her natal home on the second day of the first lunar month, Mother Xu was more excited than ever on the second day of the first lunar month.

  My family has a car this year. Although it’s just a small van, it’s definitely more comfortable than catching a bus early in the morning. What’s more, the car is so big that you don’t have to cram it in. You can take whatever you want, and put it however you want.

  The most important thing is that the daughter is willing to go to grandma's house.

  It's more joyful than bringing any gift.

   Along the way, Mother Xu kept talking about the changes in her natal family over the past few years:

   "Although the bus can't reach Zhaizikou yet, the roads have been repaired. The entire Panshan Highway has been paved with asphalt. The car is easy to drive, so there are many tourists."

  Xu Yin looked at the scenery on both sides of the mountain road, approaching the hinterland of the forest, the air is really good, full of negative oxygen ions.

   "Dad, Mom, can we build a house over my grandmother's house? Build a vacation house, it's good to come here for vacation in your free time."

   "Come to build a house in the mountains? Isn't this a waste of money? Your uncle and the others want to move out if they have the conditions! Life in the mountains is so inconvenient!"


   Well, it’s like a siege—people outside want to get in, people inside want to get out.

  There was a heavy snowfall in the mountains a few years ago, but the sun was shining near New Year's Eve. After a few clear days, the snow on the mountain melted a lot, and the ground at the entrance of the village was shoveled clean by the diligent villagers.

  Zhang Li contacted the elder sister a few years ago to confirm that she would return to her natal home in the second year of junior high school. After breakfast, she took her son to Zhaizikou to wait.

  (end of this chapter)

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