The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 947: Selfish vanity female supporting role (43)

  Chapter 947 The selfish vanity female supporting role (43)

   "Why is this kiln divided into upper and lower layers?"

   The roasted whole lamb was still undercooked, so Xu Mingrui and his son simply squatted in a row and observed the roasting kiln.

  The bottom is the stove, which can be used to burn firewood or charcoal.

   Above the hearth is a kiln belly of about one cubic meter, with a retractable grill installed, and the top is the smoke exhaust port.

   But after careful observation, it was found that there was a small oven built on each side of the stove.

   "The lower layer can also be baked? It's just so small, what can you bake?"

  Xu Yin glanced at her uncle, then winked at Haohao, and said with a smile, "I can bake biscuits and bread. Today I bake egg tarts."

  Hao Hao cheered: "It's so easy to provoke!"

  Xu Yin took out her phone and checked the time, it was almost done.

  She put on heat-resistant gloves, pinched the iron ring on the outside of the small oven, and pulled it out. The drawer-style small oven was pulled out, and twelve egg tarts were neatly arranged inside.

   There are also twelve on the other side.

   Small ovens on both sides can bake twenty-four egg tarts at a time.

  As soon as the egg **** came out of the oven, the smell of milk made Hao Hao's mouth water: "Sister, the egg **** smells so good!"

   "I'll put it in a small plate for you, let it cool down and eat."

   "I'll get the plate and tongs."

  Xu Mingrui strode back into the house, and after a while, he came out with tongs and plates.

  Granny Jiang and Jiang Yanqun also came out together.

   "I heard that Yinyin also baked egg tarts? No wonder I said they are so delicious!"

   "Hey! This egg **** looks good! It looks delicious!"

  At this time, a few small heads poked in from the gate of the courtyard. They were left-behind children in the village.

  Xu Yin waved to them: "Come in and play!"

  When grafting fruit trees before, she dried the branches cut off from the head of the cherry tree and took them home to use as firewood. These children helped her push the cart.

  Xu Yin took them to wash their hands and gave each of them an egg tart.

   "Our family roasted a kid today. Go home and tell your adults to come over for lunch."

  The headed child shook his head: "You can't eat at Sister Yinyin's house."

  The elders in the family have taught them to go out to play and play, but they cannot stay in other people's homes for dinner.

   "Bring some meat skewers back later."

Xu Yin also marinated some mutton and beef. When the roasted whole lamb is cooked, put it on a skewer and put it on the grill. Use the residual heat of the charcoal fire to grill it, and turn it over several times. Sprinkle with homemade seasoning, it is kebabs and kebabs with excellent taste.

  The children licked their sweet lips after eating the egg tarts, smelled the overbearing fragrance in the air, and took a deep breath. It smells really good!

  Grandpa and grandma only said not to eat at other people's houses, but they didn't say that they couldn't bring meat skewers home, so it should be okay, right?

   "Yinyin, what are you baking? Why is it so fragrant?"

   Aunt Guo couldn't help but walked in next door.

  The houses at the foot of the mountain have large yards, and the distance between houses is quite far, at least forty or fifty meters apart. Even so, they still smell the domineering aroma of roasted whole lamb.

  After the east neighbor came, the west neighbor also came.

   Knowing that Xu Yin was roasting a whole sheep, she asked enviously, "Isn't it worth a lot of money for a whole sheep?"

  Xu Yin said: "I entrusted my friend who opened the shop to bring it as a piggyback when I bought it, so it is much cheaper than buying it on the market. This one is three hundred and sixty."

   "That's very cheap!" Jiang Yanqun said in surprise, "I remember that there is a mutton restaurant in Nancheng, and the roasted whole lamb costs 1,340, which I think is much smaller than this."

   "Mutton restaurants are highly profitable."

   "Yinyin, you have this connection, you can open a mutton restaurant in the town, and you will definitely earn a lot of money."

   Mrs. Guo, please tell me one sentence at a time.

  Xu Yin said with a smile: "When opening a store, there are many factors to consider, such as store rent, employee wages, and a reasonable profit."

   That's right!

  Opening a store is not so easy.

   "However, your family has a roasting kiln. If you want to eat and buy a sheep and roast it yourself, it is much more cost-effective than buying it outside."

  Three hundred and sixty-one lambs sound expensive, but they are so delicious when roasted, and you won’t be reluctant to eat them once in a while.

   "I bought a running pheasant a few days ago, and it cost more than three hundred!" Mrs. Jiang felt that she had lost a lot, and she couldn't help saying, "A chicken is only a few catties, so it's better to buy a whole sheep."

   "What kind of chicken is so expensive?" Aunt Guo asked in surprise, "Isn't it a medicinal chicken that grew up on ginseng?"

   "Where is it! It's just an ordinary hen, and it doesn't taste as fresh as the one raised by Yin Yin's family!"

  Granny Jiang complained.

"That's why you have to have connections to buy things. If you don't have connections, you will be slaughtered." Xu Mingrui concluded, and turned to discuss with his niece, "Yinyin, if you can still buy mutton, how about ordering one for my uncle a year ago? New Year's uncle treats you to a meal of roasted whole lamb."

  Xu Yin nodded: "Yes, yes, but I also ordered a suckling pig for the Chinese New Year, and I will roast a suckling pig for you to try."


  Roast suckling pig! !

   Xu Yin's family's roasting kiln is famous!

  I thought it was like an outdoor stove, which can cook sweet potatoes, roast chicken and duck, etc., but I didn’t expect to be able to cook roast whole lamb and roast suckling pig.

   There are still ten days before the Chinese New Year. They can't imagine the taste of roast suckling pig, but the aroma of roasted whole lamb can be smelled by the people living at the entrance of the village.

  The family conditions are good, so I couldn't help but come to ask Father Xu:

   "Uncle Mingkang, if I buy a lamb, can I ask sister Yinyin to cook a whole roast lamb for me during the Chinese New Year? I can pay for the processing fee."

"Mingkang, my son's unit sent a frozen leg of lamb and a box of steaks for the Chinese New Year. The lamb kebabs I tasted at your house that day were really good with wine, but my house doesn't have a kiln, so I can't make that taste. If Yinyin has time , can you grill it for us? Half a box of steaks will be paid for the processing fee, and we will also pay for the charcoal."

  Father Xu did not agree on the spot, but only asked his daughter.

   "Is Yinyin not at home?"

   "She followed her mother to dig bamboo shoots on the mountain."

  Qinjin Village is surrounded by mountains, some belong to Qianjin Village, some belong to the neighboring village, and some are shared by both villages.

  In the mountain closest to the village, fruit trees were planted in the name of the village collective in the early 1980s, and later contracted to individuals. There are still a few mountains on the outskirts that no one has contracted, and the vegetation on the mountains has always been wild.

  The months before and after the year are regarded as the idle season for fruit farmers. They have nothing to do, so they carry bamboo baskets, **** and sickle to dig bamboo shoots on several distant mountains.

   Years ago was the peak season for winter bamboo shoots. If I was lucky enough to dig out a bunch of bamboo shoots, I could dig out several big bamboo shoots one after another, filling the bamboo baskets in a short while.

  In addition to winter bamboo shoots, spring bamboo shoots can also be dug occasionally.

  The spring bamboo shoots at this moment are the tenderest and freshest, and they are much more delicious than the ones dug out after years.

  The price of spring bamboo shoots during the Chinese New Year also remains high.

   During the first month of the lunar year, when entertaining guests, there is a dish made of spring bamboo shoots, which is definitely the finale in the vegetable world.

  (end of this chapter)

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