The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 945: Selfish vanity female supporting role (41)

  Chapter 945 The selfish vanity female supporting role (41)

  The next day, Xu Yin took her parents to the Third County Hospital for a physical examination that had been scheduled in advance.

   She can know several items of the physical examination results on the spot. She looks okay, and some indicators are a little bit high, but they can be adjusted through diet. The doctor also said that it is okay to exceed the standard when you are older.

   What she is most concerned about is Father Xu's coronary heart disease. Fortunately, there were no obvious lesions after the echocardiography. Xu Yin guessed that the treatment some time ago had worked.

So much the better!

   She breathed a sigh of relief.

   Otherwise, I always worry that it is a ticking time bomb, and it will explode someday.

  When she came back from the hospital, she sent the bill to Wang Cuihua.

  Wang Cuihua saw the payment amount and was furious: "Why is it so expensive? Why don't we just have an inspection?"

   "It's an inspection!" Xu Yin blinked.

   "You're ripping off!" Wang Cuihua yelled angrily, "Who the **** cost more than 1,000 for a physical examination? It cost 2,600 for two people? Is this an examination? Is this trying to **** my mother's blood?"

  Xu Yin took out her mobile phone slowly: "If you think so, you should hand it over to the police."

"Stop! Stop! Don't call the police!" Seeing that she really dialed 110, Wang Cuihua's face turned pale with fright. Her son's marriage and daughter's work quickly flashed through her mind, and her arrogance froze. "I didn't say no." You, I just say a few words, a physical examination is so expensive, can't you just say a few words?"

   "Then have you finished?" Xu Yin said blankly, "I will be reimbursed when I finish. Then I will go to the village committee to make today's apology."


  Is this man a devil?

  Wang Cuihua felt bitter.

   Didn't she just mutter a few words behind her back, and she lost more than 2,600 yuan, which was more painful than pulling her with a knife.

  Xu Yin just ignored her.

  For some people, there is no way for her to correct them by beating and scolding, and she can only have a long memory by paying money.

  Wang Cuihua saw that Xu Yin left in a cool manner after getting the money, she was so angry that she gave a "bah" sound, put her hips on her hips and wanted to curse.

  Xu Yin turned her head quietly: "Aunt Tang, do you think the family has too much money?"


  Xu Yin turned her head and left, went straight to the village committee, and handed over the money to the village chief:

"Grandpa of the village chief, this is my aunt's compensation for my parents' physical examination fees. In fact, as long as my parents are healthy, I really don't care if I have money or not. But if you make a mistake, you have to pay for your own mistakes, otherwise From now on, everyone will talk bad things about others behind their backs, and the good atmosphere will be ruined. So I will accept the money when she gives it to me, and I will donate it to the village for road construction in our village.”

  The village head was very pleased: "Yinyin, you are a good boy. Mingfu's daughter-in-law can't figure it out. You are right, the state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. If you make a mistake, you should take responsibility!"

  Wang Cuihua was so angry that she covered her chest and rolled her eyes when she heard about it.

   It doesn't matter, you don't accept it! Take it and talk cheap!

  What do you mean you just take it when my old lady gives it to you? Is it what my wife willingly gave it to you? It's not that you forced my wife to call the police!

  That night, the neighbors living near Wang Cuihua's house all said they heard the sound of dishes breaking in her house.

  After fighting this day, Wang Cuihua calmed down.

  Before you want to speak ill of others, think about the two thousand six lost, and then think about the humiliating three-day public apology letter.

   But externally it stopped, and internally it became more irritable. When the tenth of every month came, I would call Xu Shan:

   "Has the salary been paid? How much will be paid to the family this month? Why is it so small? At this rate, when will our family be able to build a building?"

  Xu Shan avoided her colleagues and went to the bathroom at the end of the corridor to answer in a low voice: "Mom, I'm only working for the first year, and my salary is just that."

"This salary is not as much as Liqin's third shift in the electronics factory next door. Then why did you work so hard to get a civil servant!" Wang Cuihua looked annoyed, "I don't care! The family finally paid for you to go to college, and the salary for the first five years It must be handed over to the family. You didn’t secretly save it, did you?”

   "No!" Xu Shan felt that her patience was reaching its limit.

  Both are mothers, why is Xu Yin's mother staring at the money in her daughter's pocket all day long, even though Xu Yin's mother would shamelessly fight with outsiders for her daughter.

  Wang Cuihua didn't know her daughter's change of mind, and muttered unrelentingly: "This is too little! You are the most promising junior in our village, don't even compare to the dead girl of Xu Mingkang's family..."

   "Ah Choo—"

  Xu Yin sneezed.

   It took her two months and ten days to graft all the fruit trees at home.

  The small cherries are grafted with the best quality cherries and large domestic cherries, and they are all dwarf varieties. They are not as tall as arbor species, and those who pick high places have to climb ladders.

Dwarf varieties will not grow up when they grow to a certain height. In this way, there will be plenty of light, and a lot of space can be freed up. There can be a lot of variety per mu, and the yield of high-density plants can reach two to three thousand catties per mu. .

  But Xu Yin doesn't plan to plant such a high density, she plans to cultivate few but fine supreme-level cherries. And in the first year of this year, there is no plan to increase any of them.

  The fruit trees in the side yard of the villa are also grafted with the best tasting varieties.

  Pear trees are grafted with sweet, juicy, crisp and residue-free Cuiguan pears, apricot trees are grafted with sweet and juicy red apricots, and peach trees are grafted with nectar and jade dew peaches that can burst into juice when the skin is torn off.

   These are the best varieties she has sifted through so many small worlds.

  She can foresee how popular the fruits in her yard will be in June next year.

  The villagers heard that she was engaged in grafting, and they couldn't help but sweat for Xu Mingkang and his wife: "You just let her do it like this? What if the grafting doesn't work?"

   These two couples are so courageous! A total of three hundred cherry trees, just let their daughter fumble around like this.

  Father Xu scratched his head: "She said she was ninety-nine percent sure."

  Ninety-nine percent is the same as ten percent?


  The villagers were speechless.

  Your daughter said ninety-nine percent, but you think it is ninety-nine percent? What if you are talking big?

   "Yinyin has been learning how to watching videos and looking for information, she said it should be fine." Mother Xu also answered.


have to! It doesn't make sense with these two.

  If the grafted ones don’t survive next year, please don’t cry.

  When Wang Cuihua heard about it, she gloated and waited for Xu Mingkang and his wife to cry and faint in the cherry orchard next spring.

  Although the village chief saw Xu Yin reading and studying several times, he was still worried about Mingkang and his wife. He happened to go to the next town that day and invited an old man who knew grafting over there to come and see the fruit trees grafted by Xu Yin.

  The so-called layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way.

  The old man saw it, and said in admiration: "This level of grafting makes even the old man feel ashamed."


"real or fake?"

   "Master, take a good look at it carefully. With such grafting, will it really be possible to sprout new cherries next spring?"

   "It's possible, it's possible, I've seen it, and they all survive."


  The villagers were dumbfounded.

  So, Mingkang's daughter really has this level? Are you bragging?

  (end of this chapter)

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