The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 941: Selfish vanity female supporting role (37)

  Chapter 941 The selfish vanity female supporting role (37)

   No wonder Xu’s mother was so happy. After the new house was built, the family reserved two rooms for the brother-in-law’s family. The sister-in-law said on the spot that she would buy all the curtains for the house.

  There are more than a dozen rooms upstairs and downstairs, and some of them are equipped with sliding doors. The whole set costs a lot of money.

  Xu's mother originally planned to install a few sleeping rooms first, and then take the rest of the rooms slowly. She didn't expect such a large expense, and the sister-in-law gave it away as soon as she said it.

  So recently, as long as her brother-in-law’s family comes over, she is willing to spend money to cut meat, buy fish, kill chickens, and even buy Haohao fruits that are grown in the village that she doesn’t own.

   Toss it with a peach and repay it with Qiongyao.

  Jiang Yanqun also has the same mentality.

  The eldest brother and sister-in-law built a villa, and did not forget to reserve a room for her family, and even reserved a long-term guest room for her parents, inviting her parents to live there when they are free, and she is not a stingy person.

  In addition to curtains, I also bought several sets of bedding in one go.

   "This set of colors is the freshest and most beautiful, for you to use. This set of navy blue is for the old man, and this set of plaid is for your parents..."

  As soon as Xu Yin arrived, Jiang Yanqun took out the four-piece bed set she bought last weekend from the trunk to show her.

   "Like it?"

  Xu Yin nodded: "It's just costing my aunt."

   "What's the matter! New house housewarming is a gift, so I won't give cash. I will buy curtains, bedding, sofa towels, chair cushions, and pillows. Let's go! Put them in the new house!"

   "Let's go! Go see the new house!"

  Hao Hao is like a little motor that won’t get tired, bouncing ahead and leading the way.

   Having been here a few times, he is already familiar with this road.

  Wang Cuihua happened to come down from her orchard, and greeted Jiang Yanqun, staring at the big and small bags in her hand: "What good things did you buy?"

"It's not a good thing, it's just bedding. My elder brother and the others must have moved to a new house a few years ago. When they saw the mall holding an event, they bought a few more sets. When the weather is good, they can be washed and dried, and they can be used when they move. Oh, Tang Sister-in-law, you mean these bags, these are curtain accessories, and I will come to install the curtains in the afternoon."

  Wang Cuihua: "..."

  Why are there still people rushing to send money to Xu Mingkang's family? Why can't I meet such a generous sister-in-law?

  Father Xu has been tidying up the backyard of his new house recently.

  After the pigsty is built, the moisture is dissipating. Piggy will have to wait for the next spring to ask the big pig farmers to buy two pigs.

On the contrary, a lot of chickens have been raised this year. Two of them were killed on the day of Shangliang, and one would also be killed by the guests at home. Now there are still five old hens that laid eggs, six young hens that hatched in early spring, and two that were kept. A big rooster for ancestor worship during the Chinese New Year.

  A dozen or so chickens were originally raised in the backyard, but now a pigsty has been built and a vegetable field has been built in the backyard, and the chickens are stopped by the fence and pecked under the fruit trees in the side yard.

  The original chicken coop was dirty and smelly, and it didn't match the new house, so Xu's father used the bricks and wood left over from the house to build a new chicken coop on the west side of the pigsty.

  The chickens wander under the fruit trees during the day and sleep in the chicken shed at night.

  In the open space on the other side of the chicken shed, Xu Yin plans to build a grape trellis and bring out two old vine vines. After planting, they will survive the winter. If they are well maintained, there will be grapes to eat next year.

  The grape trellis is set up larger, and it can also shade the chickens in summer.

  Father Xu heard her plan, went to Zhushan, cut a few bamboo trees and came back, borrowed a saw from the carpenter in the village, and has been sawing bamboo to build grape trellises these days.

  After setting up the grape trellis, there were still plenty of bamboo left, so they split it into strips and built a fence between the chicken coop and the pigsty to prevent the chickens from running to the backyard to peck vegetables.

  The newly opened vegetable field is divided into two by a stone walkway leading directly to the backyard door.

  Facing the back door is the foot of the mountain. On the mountain is an orchard contracted by others, but there is nothing planted at the foot of the mountain. It looks bare, and it is easy to fly sand and rocks when the wind blows.

  Xu Yin consulted the village head's opinion, and contracted the open space between the backyard and the foot of the mountain, and interplanted watermelon and corn in the coming spring.

The newly opened vegetable field in the backyard is also full of things. The east side is a shelf of vegetables. In this season, it is too late to plant cucumbers and loofahs, so some tomatoes, peas, and cowpeas are planted; the west side is leafy vegetables that do not need a shelf. In September, you can also grow some spinach, mustard greens, and small rapeseed.

  Wake up every day, seeing the new home that is changing with each passing day, Xu's father is very motivated to work.

   "Ooo Chicken!"

   "Ooo Chicken!"

  As soon as Hao Hao stepped into the courtyard gate, he saw the roosters and hens leisurely pacing and pecking under the fruit trees, imitating the roosters and hens, chasing them with open hands.

   "Haohao, don't go chasing the cock, beware of the big **** pecking your ass." Jiang Yanqun hastily stopped him.

  Haohao immediately stopped the car, covering his little **** with his hands: "No! You can't peck Haohao's butt! The big **** is so bad!"

   "Is it bad or are you bad? You won't chase them? Will it peck you?"

  Hao Hao pouted and backed away.

  Xu Yin smiled without saying a word.

  In fact, the fence separating the side yard and the front yard is relatively high, and Haohao can't get over it, at most he can scare the chickens through the fence.

"Your yard is big, you can raise more chickens." Jiang Yanqun looked around and said to Xu Yin, "Nowadays, you can't buy authentic free-range chickens from farmers on the market. In farming, the feed is still feed, and the breeding density is also very high. Just like this, the price is ridiculously expensive. My mother bought a two-year-old laying hen last week, and it cost more than 300 yuan. It is far from eating. Not as fresh as yours."

  Xu Yin nodded secretly, of course!

  Her chickens eat grass seeds and insects that fall from the ground and trees. They are worried that they will not have enough to eat, so they are also fed whole grains for extra meals.

   During the day, they were allowed to move outdoors, pacing back and forth, basking in the sun, and occasionally flew to the fruit trees.

  Although it is not like the bamboo forest chicken raised in a small world - the taste is so delicious that people will drop their tongues, but it must taste much better than those farmed chickens sold in the market.

   What's more, she also threw a few **** of spiritual mist in her yard. Although the purpose is to ensure the healthy survival of the transplanted fruit trees, the chickens that have been wandering under the fruit trees for a long time must also benefit.

  She also sprinkled some chicken grass seeds soaked in the spiritual mist in the side yard. Now that the weather is still warm, the chicken grass grows rapidly and will soon be green and colorful. Before winter, put a layer of autumn fat on the chickens. It will taste better than before when it is slaughtered and eaten during the Chinese New Year.

   "It's too late this year. Next spring, I will ask my mother to catch more chicks. When you want to eat them, come to my house to catch them."

  Jiang Yanqun laughed happily: "That's a good relationship! I'll buy it at the price of free-range chickens outside. If there are too many eggs, tell my sister-in-law to save some for me."

   In the past, because the elders were not well-off, even though the family had chickens, she was embarrassed to talk to her elder brother and sister-in-law. What if you refuse to collect money? Didn't they lose money for nothing?

  It's different now, she can see that the eldest brother and sister-in-law should have some money in their hands, and the food is much more relaxed than before. They refused to take her money, and it was the same if she just bought something else to repay the favor.

  (end of this chapter)

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