The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 935: Selfish vanity female supporting role (31)

  Grandma Junjun was speechless.

  Granny Jiang was so happy that she immediately picked up her grandson and led Xu Yin back to her son-in-law's house:

   "Let's go! Stay here for lunch and chat with your grandpa for a while. Grandpa Haohao bought an eel and a catty of wild river prawns in the morning. Eat more!"

  Xu Yin responded with a smile: "Thank you, Grandma Jiang!"

  Haohao bouncing all the way: "Sister Yinyin, can I really live at your house?"

   "Yes, but my sister's house hasn't built a new house yet. When it's finished, my sister will pick you up. At that time, my sister will take you to pick fruits, catch brook fish, and roast sweet potatoes."

   "Wow! I'm going, I'm going! When will your sister build a house?"

   “We will build it when the cherries of this season are sold out, and we can move in after the Chinese New Year.”

   "Too annoying!"

  It wasn't until they walked away that the old ladies present started talking about it:

   "I also said that Uncle Haohao's family is very poor, and I don't think they are poor. Such expensive cherries cost twenty or thirty catties for a gift, tsk!"

   "Is it expensive to build a house in the countryside?"

   "No matter how expensive it is, it is not as expensive as buying a commercial house in the city, and the land in the countryside is all my own. I want to build as many floors as I want. I didn't hear her say, do you want to save a room for Haohao's family? Maybe build a villa."

   "It seems that it is good to have a family in the country. If you want to eat local chicken and pork, ask your in-laws to buy them. You are not afraid to buy farmed products that are fake."

  Grandma Junjun heard the words of the old ladies next to her, and the sourness in her heart couldn't stop.

  I thought to myself why Mrs. Jiang is so lucky? It's okay to have both children and a house and a car, but the in-laws who thought they were the poorest have developed so well.


  Xu Yin's arrival put Grandpa Xu in a good mood.

   Later, I learned that the cherry orchard of the old family had a good harvest this year, and the unit price was sold for more than 12 yuan; they were also planning to sell out the cherries to build a house.

  The granddaughter did not say what kind of house to build, but it would be good to build three bungalows on the original foundation.

   As a result, the old man was not only in a good mood, but also had a big appetite.

  The old man still doesn’t know at this moment that what granddaughter said about building a house is not to build three bungalows on the original foundation, but to expand and deepen the foundation to build a grand villa with four rooms and two and a half floors.

  He is now eating the small cherries grown by the old family, and the price of the cherries has sold for more than ten yuan, which is enough to be happy.

  Xu Yin saw that the old man was in good spirits, but his legs and feet were inconvenient, and when it was severe, it hurt even to move.

   I heard from Xu’s father that when he was young, Grandpa Xu worked hard and didn’t care about details. In summer, he found it too hot. When he returned home from work, he showered himself with mountain stream water and rested on the floor in the main room after washing.

   Over time, the cold and dampness of the mud invaded the body, and people got rheumatism, which showed up when they got older.

Xu Yin used her backpack to bring out a one-jin bottle of bone-strengthening medicinal wine: "Grandpa, I brought this medicinal wine back from Anshi. If you keep drinking it, it can cure rheumatism. But don't drink too much at one time. Take one cup a day in a small wine cup." That's enough. Tell me after drinking, and I'll ask someone to buy it."

  Grandpa Xu was very pleasantly surprised: "Can it really cure rheumatism?"

  Xu Yin said seriously: "The person who prepared this medicinal wine is an old Chinese doctor, he said so."

right! She is this old Chinese doctor.

   "Medicinal wine that can cure rheumatism, isn't it cheap?"

  Old man Jiang, who came to his son-in-law's house for dinner at noon, never took his eyes off the wine bottle in Grandpa Xu's hand.

  He usually likes to drink a little wine. Although it is medicinal wine, it is still wine.

  Smell the smell of wine and feel itchy, why doesn't he have such a good granddaughter?

  The two sons were all boys. They were naughty and mischievous when they were young, but when they grew up, they turned into a dull gourd with a sawed mouth. Let alone buying him wine, they had nothing to say when they followed their parents to see the old couple.

   Compared with this, old man Xu is still lucky, his grandson is cute, and his granddaughter is filial.

  His envy was written on his face.

Mrs. Jiang slapped him angrily: "Put your **** away! You don't have rheumatism, don't be like a cat seeing fish, you are greedy even for your in-laws' medicinal wine, and you are not afraid of being laughed out of your mouth when you tell it. "

  Xu Yin smiled and said: "In fact, this wine can not only cure rheumatism, but also has the effect of dispelling cold, activating blood and strengthening bones. If Grandpa Jiang likes it, it's okay to have a cup with my grandfather at noon."

   "Okay, okay!" The old man Jiang agreed, "I will pay for the wine."

   Mrs. Jiang scolded him with a smile, "I'm so greedy for wine", but when Xu Yin was about to leave, she forced a red envelope into Xu Yin's arms, saying it was money for medicine and wine.

  Xu Yin insisted not to accept.

Grandpa Xu has lived in his uncle's house these years, and has been taken care of by the old couple of the Jiang family. The uncle and aunt go to work during the day, and Grandpa Xu has bad legs and feet. Sometimes he suffers from rheumatism and is so painful that he can't get out of bed. Mrs. Jiang cooks the meals , Jiang old man brought in for him to eat.

  The old lady was unhappy in her heart, but she always maintained a happy face, mainly because she was afraid that her daughter and son-in-law would make life difficult.

   This is hard to come by.

  Xu Yin really refused to accept it, and Mrs. Jiang couldn't give out the red envelope either.

  Standing on the balcony and watching Xu Yin drive away in a pickup truck, she felt emotional in her heart: She didn't believe that children from poor families were already in charge of the family. She didn't believe it before, but now it seems that this is still reasonable. Look at the granddaughter of the in-laws, and then look at the two grandsons of my own family. People compare each other to death, and goods compare to each other.

   But even if it is the granddaughter of the in-laws, if she can't hold the things she brought, the old couple will also be exposed.

  When the grandson woke up in the afternoon, when Mrs. Jiang took him downstairs to play, she brought some cherries down and shared a few with the old ladies who usually chatted.

   Seeing Grandma Junjun, Mrs. Jiang said with a smile:

   "Grandma Junjun, your youngest daughter-in-law earns a lot. There must be no shortage of cherries in the family, so I didn't keep them for you."

  Grandma Junjun, who was one step late with her grandson, was very aggrieved.

   Don’t look at her bragging about how high her daughter-in-law’s salary is, in fact, it’s all due to overtime. The nurses in the small county town have raised their salaries several times, but they still get less than 3,000. The rest is all based on performance awards and overtime pay.

   Besides, her youngest son’s unit has been laying off employees recently, and those who haven’t been laid off have also lowered their wages. It can be said that the family is supported by the daughter-in-law. In addition to living and raising children, she also has to pay off the house loan, and there is no money left in her hands.

  Cherries are such a precious seasonal fruit that they can only be eaten once in a while.

  It's not like Mrs. Jiang, the in-laws and nephews give away two big baskets.

   "I want cherries! I want cherries!"

  Junjun is only one year older than Haohao, what do five or six-year-old children know? Seeing so many cherries in Haohao's house, he clamored to eat them too.

   "When your mother comes back, let her buy it for you." Grandma Junjun said with a tiger's face.

   "No! I want to eat now."

  Granny Jiang twitched the corner of her mouth. If she had known, she would not have said that on purpose.

  I still have a lot of cherries at home, but they were sent by my granddaughter. The daughter and son-in-law may have other plans, such as giving gifts to leaders, colleagues, and friends.

  It’s okay for her to bring a few to the old lady who is close to her, but she doesn’t plan to give it away to Grandma Junjun, who always puts on airs to run on her.

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