The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 933: Selfish vanity female supporting role (29)

  The Qi family and Wang Cuihua's family are also regretful.

The reason why the others didn’t pick up tourists is because the orchards are not big. I was worried that they wouldn’t be able to sell them, so I already ordered a batch, and the rest have already been registered with Xu’s father. Pulled to Anshi, that's why I didn't pick up the group.

  But the Qi family and Wang Cuihua's family were not involved in either.

  Qi's family is because Qi's mother doesn't want her son to have too much contact with Xu Yin, so she tries to avoid Xu Yin as much as possible, thinking of showing her son a date once the busy season is over;

  Wang Cuihua disdained to praise Xu Yin, the next-door niece, and always felt in her heart: Xu Mingkang and his wife would definitely be hindered by the lazy daughter. She waited until it was too late to see the joke, so how could she contribute to Xu Yin's career?

  The result was good, and it was not up to the two of them to make money.

  After Qi Mu and Wang Cuihua met on the road, both of them looked very ugly.

  Compared to Qi Mu, Wang Cuihua's face is a little uglier, but who cares?

  Other families, especially the cherry orchard contractors, are all rejoicing that the cherries have sold for a good price this year.

  In addition to the good sales of cherries, the mothers-in-law and mothers of each family earn money by sewing sachets in the village committee, and the young daughters-in-law and older girls of each family help each other cook for extra money when they receive the group. There are many ways to make money.

  Whether Wang Cuihua looks good or not doesn't affect the good mood of other people at all.

  Xu Yin's family is the best seller, because her little cherry is very popular in Anshi.

Knowing that her cherry orchard has also cooperated with Jiajia Travel Agency to launch a one-day picking tour, and hearing that this quality of small cherries will be gone next year, the kindergarten parents and teachers who often visit Feng's fruit shop simply formed a group , I came to pick them in a tourist bus. I couldn’t eat enough while picking them, and I bought several baskets back.

   For this reason, Gu Chenyu rented two more buses and hired two schoolgirls from his alma mater as tour guides to take three buses of tourists to and from Qianjin Village in Xiangcheng every day.

   In this way, Xu Yin's family didn't have enough cherries to pick.

The ripe ones had just been picked, and the ones on the tree would have to wait for two days, so the travel agency called and asked: "Boss Xu, tourists have come to ask me several times, when can we organize a group to pick cherries at your house again? "

   This is the first time since the contracting of the cherry orchard that the supply is in short supply. When Xu's father and Xu's mother walked out of the house, their waists were quite strong.

"Dad, Mom, I don't have to pick up the group for these two days, and I won't go to Anshi to deliver the goods. I'll take you to the hospital for a physical examination. After the physical examination, go to my uncle's house to see grandpa. How about sending them some cherries? ?”

The couple felt that something was wrong: "Although we don't pick cherries these two days, there are still people watching in the garden. How can we leave for a long time at this time? Let's go after the busy season. The cherries are for your uncle. Send some home, your aunt likes to eat."

  The couple insisted on not leaving at this time, and Xu Yin had no choice.

   Fortunately, during this period of time, they often ate fruits and vegetables soaked in the spirit mist, and drank scented tea and herbal tea irrigated by the spirit spring. The complexion of the couple was much better than when she first came here.

While her parents were taking a nap on the recliner, she secretly took their pulse. Judging from the pulse, they were in good health, and there was no emergency that required going to the hospital immediately. She thought that the visitor would be in good spirits on happy occasions, and his body would recover accordingly. .

   "Then I'll go to my uncle's house, see grandpa, and send them some cherries by the way?"

   "Okay, okay, you go, go shopping after delivering the cherries, don't come back in a hurry, there are me and your dad at home."

  Xu's mother thought that her daughter would go home before, and wanted to go out for a walk within two days. It's been half a month since I came back this time, and I'm running around for the cherries at home every day, and I haven't seen her go shopping yet.

   "Is there enough money? Why don't mom go to the town and transfer some for you?"

   "No need, mom, I have enough."

  The money from selling cherries, including the money from the travel agency, Xu Yin transferred to her parents when she received it, so that they could feel at ease.

  She herself has the remaining 100,000 yuan from selling the formula, and there are dividends every quarter, so there is no shortage of money to spend.

  My daughter knew that if she had no money, she would definitely talk to her family, so Mother Xu didn't ask any more questions.

One day, Xu Yin got up early, went to the orchard to sift a basket of small cherries, about ten catties, and asked the village head to buy ten catties of big cherries, still driving the rented pickup truck, pulling two The basket of cherries went to my uncle's house.

  On the way, she thought about buying a car, but it was too expensive to ask the car dealer to rent it.

   Traveling without a car is too troublesome. Her family didn't live in the city, and the bus had to make at least three trips from the village to the town, and then from the town to the city.

  But she only has around 100,000 in cash on hand, and the first settlement of formula dividends will have to wait until mid-to-late August. A better car is temporarily unaffordable. Why don't you buy a van? When the family builds a house and has enough money, they will buy a recreational vehicle, two vehicles, one for delivery and one for travel.

   While thinking about it, I came to my uncle's house in the south of the city.

  Xu Xiaoshu’s name is Xu Mingrui. After graduating from high school, he joined the largest local water heater company. He started as the hardest and most tiring loading and unloading worker, and now he is the director of the assembly workshop. It is not only luck, but also inseparable from his own efforts.

  He is fifteen years younger than Xu's father, and only thirty-one this year, so he can be regarded as the old man of Xu's grandfather.

  When Uncle Xu got married, Yuan had just finished the college entrance examination. As the man's niece, on the wedding day, he and Xu Shan followed the groom's official to the bride's house to meet the bride.

  Uncle Xu married a colleague from the factory, and the other family, from the father-in-law, mother-in-law to brother-in-law and brother-in-law, are all employees of the water heater company.

A few years ago, the water heater company was profitable, and the employees could buy internal shares of the employees, and the housing prices in the county were not high at that time. His mother-in-law’s family bought several houses in the city, and each of the two sons had a medium-sized apartment for the married daughter. They married a small apartment, and they lived in a luxuriously decorated four-bedroom and two-living apartment.

   It was the first time that Yuanchen saw a toilet that could automatically discharge water to wash his **** after using the toilet. He was so frightened that he screamed, and was ridiculed by his aunt's cousin and niece, who even called her a "hillbilly" behind her back.

  After that, she didn't like to go to her uncle's house. It can be said that she would not go if she could not go. She had a sincere rejection of his mother-in-law's family.

In particular, I heard that before Xu Shan took the civil service exam, she visited her uncle's house with a gift, and wanted to ask his mother-in-law for help. I don't know if she helped in the end, but I heard Wang Cuihua show off several times, saying that my uncle's mother-in-law was very helpful. Her family, Xu Shan, praised her very much.

  Yuanxin hated my uncle's mother-in-law to the extreme.

  Xu Yin reviewed the plot carefully. The original text did not specifically describe the situation of the original uncle and his mother-in-law’s family. Presumably, they are characters that are automatically filled in by this small world and have little to do with the main plot.

   It doesn't matter, walk around more if you get along, and see each other less if you don't get along.

  Anyway, she is just my uncle's niece, not her own daughter.

  Xu Yin drove a pickup truck to the downstairs of my uncle's house without any psychological burden.

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