The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 923: Selfish vanity female supporting role (19)

Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "You have taken care of my family a lot, but at the moment I have limited ability and can't help much. Otherwise, when will your big cherries be picked? I'll bring a few catties of samples over there. If my friend's If you want, your family can also have more sales outlets."

  The village chief was really pleasantly surprised. He was so old that he almost jumped up like a child, and his voice trembled with excitement: "Is it convenient?"

   "Drop a few catties along the way to ask if it's inconvenient, but I can't guarantee whether I will take it or not."

   "Okay, okay, when are you going to leave? I will prepare it for you in advance. Regardless of whether this can be done or not, I will thank you."

  Xu Yin wants to make a trip tomorrow.

  The closer to June, the faster the cherries will ripen.

  Don’t look at the ripeness on each tree when picking today, it takes a long time to collect enough to send to classmates, but let’s see tomorrow, each tree can ripen at least a catty or two.

  Even if only one or two catties are cooked, it is no problem to gather five hundred catties from three hundred trees.

  So she rented the truck today, and planned to set off tomorrow after picking it up. She was not afraid of going out at night, and at most, she would arrive in Anshi in the middle of the night, and it would be convenient for the fruit supermarket to stock up the next morning.

  The village head went home with the good news and promised to deliver it tomorrow.

  Although the big cherries in his family are not yet fully ripe, a few catties of samples can be collected no matter what.

Xu's father waited for the village head to leave and said to his daughter: "If you are in trouble, don't be brave. Although the village head uncle helps us a lot on weekdays, business is business. Cherries are not like other fruits. They are not easy to put. If you This side promised to help them sell it, but it failed to sell it later, and it was harming them instead.”

  Father Xu was really afraid that his daughter would swell her face and pretend to be a fat man, so she insisted on wrapping her upper body when she was clearly incompetent.

Xu Yin smiled and said, "Dad, am I that stupid? I agreed to sell them for them without finding a good market. I just brought some samples to show to Boss Chen's friends. It doesn't matter if they are willing to accept it or not. , I will definitely give the village head grandpa an answer before tomorrow night."

   "That's fine, do what you can, don't try to show off."

  Xu Yin nodded to show that she knew.

  The next day, the family of three got up early because they had to deliver goods to Anshi and had to pick five hundred catties.

  Of course, this early morning is for Xu Yin.

   During the cherry-picking season, the couple of the Xu family would wake up every day before the rooster crowed and went up the mountain at dawn. Xu's father was responsible for climbing the ladder to pick the high places, and Xu's mother picked the low places.

  The couple were originally good at doing farm work, and after so many years, their efficiency has been developed.

  Lunch is sometimes the dry food brought in the morning, and sometimes Xu’s mother trots home and makes it up the mountain to eat with Xu’s father. Don't rest after eating, continue to pick without stopping.

   During the busiest period, I had to pick all the stars every day before calling it a day.

  After a day, there are about fifteen or six hours on the mountain, otherwise how can the two of them pick eight or nine thousand catties?

  In order to save a sum of hired wages, the couple worked desperately.

   Today there is an extra daughter, the couple's spiritual attributes are full, and their work is like a fast-paced robotic arm.

   "Yinyin, take your time picking, your mother and I are used to picking, isn't it only five hundred catties, and we must finish picking today."

   "Dad, Mom, don't worry, it's okay to pick it up tomorrow if you can't finish it. Boss Chen didn't rush me, just send it when you finish picking it."

  Besides, she is not slow in her hands and feet, but because some of them are still very raw, she needs to wait a few more days, which reduces the efficiency.

  The picked cherries are placed in a bamboo basket, and the bottom of the basket is covered with cherry leaves that have been soaked in the spiritual mist. Pick a batch and put a layer, which should lock in the freshness of the cherries.

   Just as Xu Yin's family was picking up and getting involved, the village chief brought his son and daughters-in-law up to help.

  Five hundred catties is not a small amount, and it is also a small cherry. It depends on the family of three to pick it by itself, and when will it be picked.

   "This can't be done, it's too hard for you."

   "Mingkang, you are too far-fetched. Both of us have the surname Xu. We may be relatives for several generations. What's more, our cherries are not yet ready for picking, so we don't have much work for the time being. What's wrong with coming here to help?"

   "That's right, Brother Mingkang, you can pick it with peace of mind. We will take care of this piece. Don't worry, make sure to pick it gently and never damage a single piece."

  With the joining of the village chief's family, the efficiency has been increasing.

   Originally planned to get five hundred catties before dark, but now it was picked out before noon.

   This is the power of many people.

  A group of people carried the cherry baskets down the mountain and put them on the cart.

  Xu Yin said that since she picked it up, she will set off now.

  The head of the village sent his youngest son home to bring over a sample of the five catties of big cherries he had picked.

  Xu Laowu ran fast.

   "Fifth, what are you doing? Look at you sweating profusely. Aren't your cherries not yet ready for picking?"

   "Nothing nothing."

  Xu Laowu is also a shrewd person. The matter entrusted to Xu Yin has not yet been completed, so naturally he will not speak out.

  But when Xu Yin’s family carried so many baskets of cherries down the mountain, someone in the village would always see them, and they would inevitably come forward and ask a few questions.

  Father Xu didn't hide it anymore. Anyway, the five hundred catties had already been sold, and he was proud of the way his daughter found it.

   In this way, everyone in the village will soon know:

   "Xu Mingkang's family's cherries were sold to An City by his daughter!"

   "Mingkang's daughter has some skills!"

   "I just said that college students are more or less capable. They read a lot of books and are smart."

  Wang Cuihua: "..."

   What a college student! The **** can read!

  That girl Xu Yin, who is not a student, has been vain and loves to dress up since she was a child. The family conditions are obviously very average, and she always wears famous brands.

  According to Shanshan, she also asked her former classmates to borrow money, and this time, she may also be slapping her face to pretend to be fat.

   Just wait and see, Mingkang and his wife will be tricked to death by their daughter sooner or later.


  Xu Yin didn't care what the villagers thought of her, took a shower at home, and changed into a set of clean clothes.

  Mother Xu took advantage of this time to cook her a bowl of vegetable and egg noodles.

  Wen County is 300 to 400 kilometers from Anshi. Even though the expressway is used for the whole journey, it will take more than three hours to drive. How can I do it if I don’t have enough food?

  When Xu Laowu came to deliver cherry samples, he had to be ordered by his wife to bring over a small piece of beef tendon meat that had just been marinated in the morning, saying that it was for Xu Yin to eat.

  Mother Xu thought about her daughter's hard work, so she didn't refuse: "Old Wu, this is a snack that Yinyin brought from Anshi, you take it back and give it to the children at home."

  She sent back a box of Anshi specialties, then sliced ​​the beef and spread it on the boiled noodles.

   There are meat and eggs, as well as home-grown vegetables, Xu Yin is very satisfied.

   Without delay after eating, I started the pickup truck, loaded five hundred catties of small cherries, and a sample of big cherries from the village head's house, and set off for Anshi.

  Of course, the moment the carriage door closed, she put the cherries into the system warehouse, and drove the empty car at high speed, saving worry and fuel.

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